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Saturn square Uranus 2021

Saturn square Uranus 2021

The catalytic square that is being formed between the planetary giants Saturn in Aquarius with Uranus in Taurus presents the world in 2021 with an accomplished fact that the old world is over and that room must be provided for lasting social, cultural and global progress.

Uranus in Taurus insists on the preservation of individual freedom and Saturn in Aquarius is the proverbial social limiter.
We are presented with the choice by the square, triggering change: choose individual freedom and individuality (Uranus in Taurus), or for collective security and safety (Saturn in Aquarius).
Freedom or slavery?

Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus could lead to 2021 being the year of social fragmentation, island formation and an unprecedented increase in divorce. 

Until three times this year, Saturn in Aquarius will form a dynamic field of tension with Uranus in Taurus, in mid-February, mid-June and the end of December 2021, so this will be the common thread of 2021.

Saturn and Uranus are in Fixed, unyielding Signs, so it will be a true uncompromising battle between the Utopian ideal versus preservation of values.
The new world versus the creaking old world.

A period of fear and inner stress, but also a process of “actual and concrete realization” of something Saturn and Uranus are ripping at the seams!

The cycle of Saturn and Uranus is every 45 years.
In 1988 was the conjunction between Saturn and Uranus in Sagittarius.
The waxing square of Saturn in Taurus and Uranus in Aquarius occurred in 1999-2000, followed by an opposition of Saturn in Virgo with Uranus in Pisces in 2008.
So in 2021 there is a waning square between Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus.
The new cycle will take place in July 2032 with the alignment of Saturn and Uranus in Gemini.

The cycles of Saturn and Uranus (oppositions, squares and conjunctions) lead to unprecedented social and technological progress, changes in the global political and financial systems, innovative inventions that have changed the world at a rapid pace, such as the invention of the computer, color television, calculators, microwaves, video games, Facebook, Netflix, Instagram, smart phones, developments in the aerospace industry. Also the internet that makes it possible to work together even faster, the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Black Monday, the rise of the environmental movement, women and gay emancipation and transgender people are all intertwined with Saturn and Uranus.
However, the global financial crisis (GFC), the deepest recession since the Great Depression of 1929, must be attributed to the Saturn/Uranus square of 2008.

The Saturn/Uranus square of 2021-2022 will be the trigger for the 2020 global recession, which began on January 30, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the Corona virus a global public health emergency.
Saturn in Aquarius and Uranus in Taurus will be fighting each other until the end of 2022.

Lines are drawn in the sand, but inevitabilities will have to be released in order to make progress. Hard to hard.

Conservative ideas and protectionism (Saturn) will constantly oppose progressive ideas (Uranus). Saturn wants to keep things as they were, while Uranus stresses us to make changes.
This can lead to social tensions and further divisions in society.

We must conclude that Saturn square Uranus outlines a bleak scenario for the world economy until early 2023. During 2021-2022 we will face high unemployment rates and heavy economic weather, unprecedented inflation, upheaval, threats and an adverse view of health and personal freedom.
We have to deal with extreme weather events, multiple earthquakes (Saturn/Uranus), mudslides, aviation and spacecraft incidents.

There will be social resistance against the establishment.
The cry for personal freedom and justice will only get louder.
At the beginning of July 2021, Mars in Leo will also make its volatile contribution to our hard-fated society.

The establishment will resist by imposing more and more ideas and rules without regard to the fundamental rights of the individual.

Uranus square Saturn forces us to choose to act, to rebuild on the ruins of the past.

To start again, both on an individual level and on a collective scale.

Our collective energy field must be cleared and healed, so that we can embrace the future together in the new reality.

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