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Neptune retrograde in Pisces, July 2 to December 6, 2024

On July 2, 2024, soft blue planet Neptune, the planet of the collective unconscious, goes retrograde at 29º55 in Pisces.
Neptune in Pisces is subtle enchantment, but it is also illusion, wishful thinking and unrealistic expectations.
Idealism gives way to realism with Neptune retrograde. With Neptune retrograde on the last degree of Pisces, there is a growing awareness of why certain structures and illusions must disappear to make room for a completely new world.
For Pisces, Sagittarius, Virgo and Gemini, reality can be sobering, but it brings out the truth about certain people or situations to see what is really going on.

Neptune goes retrograde at 29º55 and that is the very last degree of Pisces, the so-called anaretic or critical degree. This critical degree is often associated with culmination and karmic conclusion, the end of an important spiritual or emotional cycle.
This Neptune retrograde is a ‘cosmic reflection’ on idealism, empathy and a sense of reality.

Have we been too idealistic, have we been apathetic or dull or have we allowed our judgment to be clouded or are we trying to escape from reality through some form of addiction, fantasy, illusion, sacrifice, wishful thinking, (self) deception), (self) denial or avoidance behavior?

Neptune retrograde takes away the illusion, appearances and the pink elephants and, encouraged by retrograde Saturn in Pisces, allows us to face the harsh and painful reality.
Retrograde Neptune in Pisces is sobering, but brings focus and clarity and Light into the darkness, facilitating the setting and maintenance of healthy boundaries.

This Neptune retrograde is of great influence for anyone with the natal Sun, Moon, ascendant and planets at approximately 27 to 29º in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius.

Neptune has been in the pre-retrograde shadow since March 11, 2024 and will not leave the post-retrograde shadow until March 28, 2025.

Neptune retrograde asks us to distinguish reality from illusion and face the truth. Awaken from the illusion to find the deeper meaning of life.
This retrograde period is a heavenly invitation to heal, grow and reconnect with your deepest self on the path to your spiritual evolution.

Important dates during Neptune retrograde:
From July 11 to July 21: Sun in Cancer trine retrograde Neptune trine Mars in Taurus:
Favorable days for dating, romantic getaways and creativity.

On August 19, 2024: Jupiter square Neptune retrograde:
Boundless optimism can result in disillusionment and escapism.

August 22, 2024: Day of disillusionment, the Sun square retrograde Mercury quincunxes retrograde Neptune. This day you are confronted with the truth.

From August 28 to September 25, 2024: The Sun, Venus and Mercury opposition, retrograde Neptune promotes creativity, but can also fall into illusion. Stay realistic.

On October 20, 2024: Sun in Libra conjunct retrograde Neptune in Pisces:
Hidden information comes to light as a result of which relationships are (still) ended.

On October 28, 2024: Mars in Cancer trines retrograde Neptune in Pisces:
This is a powerful aspect that inspires us to pursue our creative dreams.

On November 10, 2024: Venus in Sagittarius squares retrograde Neptune in Pisces:
Not a good day for relationships, no making decisions today about relationships or money.
Don’t listen to gossip and watch your money.

Influence of Neptune retrograde on all zodiac signs (read ascendant)

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
Retrograde Neptune in your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Psyche is a period of spiritual self-reflection. This period is favorable for a form of therapy, but also for meditation and yoga, esoteric knowledge, mysticism and spirituality. Stay away from mind altering drugs and alcohol. Be honest and clear with yourself for the sake of your personal development. The spiritual path to resignation brings healing and peace in your heart.

TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
Retrograde Neptune in 11th your House of Friendships, Group Dynamics and Social Involvement brings revelations about your social circle and whether or not you are aligned with your friends or social group. There are things going on behind the scenes in your social circle. Are they friends or enemies? Sincerity or pretense? Neptune retrograde teaches you to recognize red flags and worry less about peer pressure and group mentality.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
Retrograde Neptune in your 10th House of Career and Purpose brings a timeout in your career to find your true purpose. Neptune retrograde provides clarity regarding your professional path. You may be following a path that no longer works for you or aligns with your passions and purpose in life. Aligning with your authentic Self can pave the way for greater satisfaction and success.

CANCER ♋ (June 21 – July 21)
Retrograde Neptune in your 9th House of Philosophy, Study and Travel is a spiritual awakening. Neptune retrograde can be a restless quest.
There is a desire to study, to make a long journey or pilgrimage on the Path of Enlightenment, in search of the true truth. Retrograde Neptune in Pisces shows that the path to Enlightenment is not paved with gold. Follow your own path.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
Retrograde Neptune in your 8th House of the Soul, Shared Resources and Intimacy is a journey of transformation and rebirth. Retrograde Neptune encourages you to delve into what has been going wrong for a while in the relationship with a loved one, both intimately and with shared assets. Setting boundaries is key to finding confidence and self-respect. Sometimes you have to let go of something to find something or yourself. Neptune retrograde in Pisces supports this inner process.

VIRGO ♍️ (August 22 – September 21)
Retrograde Neptune in your 7th House of Relationships reveals who your true friends are and who aren’t. It’s time to face the truth about relationships, both personal and business.
Despite your earthly discernment, Neptune weaves a web of confusion and fantasy. Disappointments due to indiscretion, deception and betrayal in relationships, both business and private, are learning moments that tell more about the role you take within a relationship.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
Retrograde Neptune in your 6th House of Daily Routine and Health makes you more sensitive to stress and medications and more prone to getting sick.
You have set the bar too high in recent months and that has been to the detriment of your health. It’s time to take care of yourself and say no when something becomes too much.
Retrograde Neptune in Pisces puts everything into perspective to find healthy balance.

SCORPIO ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
Retrograde Neptune in your 5th House of Self-Expression, Children and Love asks you to make life a little lighter and happier. Perhaps you have denied yourself love or pleasure.
During this period your creativity flows, so a creative dream could come true. Let go of relationships and hobbies that don’t fulfill you and look for a new passion or a partner who can match your emotional depth.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
Family karma or conditioning can influence your love life to this day.
Retrograde Neptune gives you insight into how and why things happen in this life.
The gap between expectation and reality is deep, but it can be bridged by love and tolerance. Neptune retrograde is the ultimate opportunity to free yourself from limiting generational patterns and find your way back to yourself.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
Retrograde Neptune in Pisces in your 3rd House of Communication, the Mind and Thought Processes makes you intuitive, provides inspiration and enriches your imagination and fantasy life, but there may also be inner confusion. Obfuscation makes way for clarity.
During this retrograde, be alert when dealing with details, practical matters, facts and figures, because things can be overlooked.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17)
Retrograde Neptune in your 2nd House of Finances and Assets asks you to pay close attention to your money. You may have invested time and energy in financial strategies that do not align with your value pattern. Be honest with yourself. Beware of thoughtless spending during this period. Money is and remains one of the greatest illusions in this life and that is the great lesson of retrograde Neptune in Pisces.

PISCES ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
Retrograde Neptune in your 1st House of Personality shows you who you really are and how you have presented yourself in the world. The outside world may not completely agree with how you think about yourself. Loneliness, self-deception, hypersensitivity and self-sabotage puts you in a negative spiral. Neptune retrograde teaches that you are good just the way you are and is an opportunity to find a deeper alignment with your true identity.

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