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Mercury retrograde in Aries ♈️ from April 1 to April 24, 2024

The year 2024 started with Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, so this Mercury in Aries is the second Mercury retrograde of this year.

Mercury does not actually go backwards during retrograde, but orbits the Sun more slowly than Earth does. From Earth we see an optical illusion that makes it appear as if our cosmic messenger is moving backwards.

The pre-shadow phase was already in effect from March 18, 2024, so we are already in the land of confusion.
Mercury goes retrograde at 27º10.0 in Aries and descends to 16º4.8 in Aries.
The post-shadow period lasts until May 13, 2024.

During this retrograde from April 1 to April 24, 2024, Mercury is conjunct Chiron and the North Node in the fire sign Aries.
The cardinal fire sign Aries is a dynamic and primal energy.
Mars-ruled dynamic fire sign Aries is action and reaction. Aries is the first spark, the impulse.
Aries wants to move forward. Aries is: first doing, then thinking.

Mercury retrograde in Aries is an energetic reevaluation and introspection.
Think of it like driving a car with the brakes on.

Mercury in Aries is direct and frank, but with Mercury retrograde an innocent joke or offhand comment can quickly go wrong. It is crucial that we are aware of our communications and the consequences that words and actions can cause.

In addition to communication and information, Mercury also represents trade, education, transport and technology. In these areas we have to take into account delays or misunderstandings, often things that you have no control over or that have not been properly estimated.
So take frustration, misunderstandings and confrontations into account. Please note that during this period there is a chance that sports competitions will be canceled or postponed, appointments will be canceled or there will be technological problems or traffic delays.

Mercury retrograde in Aries is not a good period for treatment with permanent make-up or cosmetic surgery on the face, head and hair, because there is a good chance that it may go wrong. Better wait until after the post-shadow period from May 14, 2024.

Mercury retrograde forms an exact conjunction with Wounded Healer Chiron on April 20, 2024. Negative thoughts cause a lot of unnecessary pain and damage to yourself and others.
During this period of reevaluation, this conjunction invites you to let go of old thinking and communication patterns. Forgiveness of yourself and others opens the door to new beginnings.

This Mercury retrograde falls in the middle of Eclipse Season, the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 and the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024, making this retrograde period even more powerful. Painful memories or confrontations with past events, anything is possible. Perhaps you regret a past opportunity and are now offered a second chance, such as a rectification, opening your heart again to a love, a friendship, a partnership or business cooperation.

This cosmic time-out from Mercury is favorable for putting things right, reconsidering, apologizing for something, settling an argument or reconnecting with someone.
Back to the drawing board to review or explore plans regarding your career, move, relationship or lifestyle.

Aries represents personal goals and individual identity.
Are our ambitions aligned with our authentic self, or are we influenced by external pressures?

The influence of Mercury in Aries for all zodiac signs (read from ascendant)

ARIES ♈️ (March 20 – April 19)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the first House of Personality.
It makes you restless internally and in order to get your way, you are inclined to make yourself heard. Stay calm, Aries. You can’t force anything now. Pay attention to what you say and especially how you say something.
Retrograde Mercury conjunct Chiron in Aries and the Eclipses give you insight into how and why things in your life may not go the way you would like. You get the chance to set new boundaries and redo what doesn’t work.
From May 26, 2024, Jupiter travels through Gemini, everything becomes lighter, Aries. So, hang on. Be patient Aries, and especially with yourself.

TAURUS ♉️ (April 20 – May 20)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness.
This Mercury retrograde requires a period of introspection regarding your inner world, but it causes major mood swings. It makes you irritated, angry and even vengeful at the least, or euphoric and over-enthusiastic from one moment to the next. Avoid impulsive reactions. When Mercury turns direct, you regain clarity. On April 21, 2024 there is the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus and that offers you a unique opportunity to see yourself in a different light.
Focus on yourself and the relationship you have with yourself.
Even if you are not satisfied with yourself, know that perfection does not exist.
You may already be where you want to be and what you want to be without even knowing it.
This cosmic time-out of Mercury in Aries gives you that special insight.

GEMINI ♊️ (May 21 – June 20)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the eleventh House of Group Processes, Networks and Hope. Mercury rules Gemini. This can cause social misunderstandings within groups and friendships. It is important that you know what you say and especially how you say something. Avoid impulsive reactions that can lead to conflict. You’re always worrying and thinking, but this Mercury retrograde in Aries can make you feel stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. You think about ex-boyfriends or ex-partners and question everything about how things could have gone wrong.
You can’t turn back time to make something right, but you can improve the present.
When Jupiter travels through Gemini from May 26, 2024, a new period of unprecedented enlightenment begins! You then enter into softening and gain more and more understanding of yourself and the how and why. When demons from the past invade during this retrograde, send them back, forgive them and forgive yourself. Hang in there, Gemini.

CANCER ♋ (June 21 – July 21)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the tenth House of Career and Social Purpose. Career plans can encounter obstacles. Consider whether your professional ambitions align with your true calling. It is possible that you have been avoiding conflict recently due to the atmosphere at work or ambitious considerations. Mercury retrograde in Aries and the influence of the Eclipses challenges Cancer to speak out.
When Mercury goes direct again, there will be clarity in your career. Insights you gain during the retrograde period will help you make informed decisions. Your intuitive approach and clear communication pave the way for professional success.
It is important that you read all contracts or binding agreements carefully and that you communicate attentively. Put your feelers out Cancer, because doors will open for you!
Do everything at your own pace and don’t listen to others.
The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 21, 2024 is your moment to step into the spotlight.

LEO ♌️ (July 22 – August 21)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 9th House of Cosmic Consciousness, Belief, Study, Travel and Culture.
Mercury retrograde falls exactly between the Eclipses. Even though you like to do things on your own, with this retrograde you really need help. Personal goals can feel unclear. It may be that everything around you becomes too much and you feel that you cannot handle it alone.
Leo gains the insight that the King of the zodiac can’t carry everything alone. Leo may ask for help and delegate.
It’s best not to force things. Look at what you have achieved. This Mercury retrograde is favorable for a business-oriented education or connecting with people from other sectors and cultures to learn from. When Mercury retrograde is over and Jupiter will travel through Gemini from the end of May 2024, you will notice that you have gathered auxiliary forces around you who will help you with whatever it is to realize your plans.

VIRGO ♍️ (August 22 – September 21)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 8th House of Shared Power and Soul Processes.
This Mercury retrograde is about power dynamics in relationships and the importance of setting boundaries. It is possible that you have lost financial or emotional control or that you have demanded too much from a situation. Financial misunderstandings can arise. Retrograde Mercury emphasizes trust and intimacy, both emotionally and financially. An event shifts the focus to these areas that you thought were over. During this Mercury retrograde, Virgo still gets the chance to bring something to an end. Don’t make a decision, but wait until mid-May 2024, then there will be financial clarity. Use the insights you gained during this retrograde to make informed decisions. Your targeted approach leads to better financial management.
The Eclipses during this Mercury retrograde let you set boundaries and say no when it’s no. You choose for yourself. Only when you choose yourself, you can be there for others.

LIBRA ♎️ (September 22 – October 22)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 7th House of Relationships.
Miscommunication can occur in relationships. Friends can become enemies during this period and enemies can be your allies during this retrograde. Be careful what you say and how you say something. Listen and think before you speak. Negative thoughts can cause conflict.
With Mercury retrograde you are even more inclined to avoid conflict or come on too strong. During this period, ex-partners and relationships, both in love and business, can come your way again. Take some time to reconsider how you conduct yourself in relationships. When Mercury goes direct again, any misunderstandings can be corrected.
You will gain insights about these relationships that will make you look differently at the problems that have arisen. Libra can close a chapter due to this Mercury retrograde and the Eclipses.

SCORPIO ♏️ (October 23 – November 21)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 6th House of Work, Daily Routine and Health.
April 2024 will be a chaotic and stagnant month with this Mercury retrograde and the Eclipses. Plans go wrong, there is frustration at work and there are duplicate appointments, so your planning gets messed up. What goes wrong in your daily life is also a cosmic message. There are harmful habits that affect your daily life.
Evaluate your daily routine and work-life balance. Avoid impulsive decisions about work and well-being. With Mercury in Aries direct again (mid-May 2024), clarity and balance will return. Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus open the door for transformation, but from the end of May 2024, Jupiter in Gemini will give you the opportunity to set up a daily routine that provides structure and allows you to create time for yourself.

SAGITTARIUS ♐️ (November 22 – December 20)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression.
This Mercury retrograde may cause an ex to cross your path again or a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. In addition to love, this period of imperfect past tense also makes you long for a creative project that is not yet finished.
Creative projects can face setbacks. Be careful with impulsive decisions. When Mercury threatens again, your creative inspiration returns.
Creative projects gain momentum. Due to the influence of the Eclipses and the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction, you have the urge to follow your feelings by creating, without anyone criticizing or standing in your way. That includes yourself, Sagittarius. Mercury retrograde will give you the strength to regain your freedom. With Jupiter in Gemini from May 25, 2024, you will express your true feelings without putting them aside for anyone or anything.

CAPRICORN ♑️ (December 21 – January 18)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the 4th House of family life, family, security and House.
For example, due to this Mercury retrograde, keys and important documents may be lost. Patience is key in resolving domestic misunderstandings.
The Eclipses during Mercury retrograde cause chaos, forcing you to make changes so that there is room for a fulfilling life, free from the limitations you have imposed on yourself so far.
When Mercury goes direct again, clarity returns. Your practical approach and clear communication promotes a harmonious living environment.
You want to create a life that feels good for yourself, but the boundaries that you have defined in your world are the limitations that hold you back.
Break through your boundaries, Capricorn.

AQUARIUS ♒️ January 19 – February 17)
Mercury retrograde in Aries falls in the third House of Communication, Transport, School and your Living Environment.
Mercury retrograde in Aries can be the cause of misunderstandings and misinterpretations in your family and immediate living environment. Mercury retrograde is a period of reconsideration and discovering the truth. Don’t listen to gossip or spread rumors yourself, because a lot of what you hear and think doesn’t match what’s really going on. Through the influence of the Eclipses you see the need to resolve unresolved issues surrounding friendships, interactions with neighbors, classmates, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins. The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is a cumulative time to let go of experiences or beliefs that have made life more difficult than it needs to be. Actually you are outgrowing things and to grow you need space.
Mercury retrograde in Aries is a cathartic moment for major cleaning!

PISCES ♓️ (February 18 – March 19)
Retrograde Mercury in Aries puts the focus on financial decisions and values.
Mercury retrograde in Aries (2nd House of Finance) from April 1 to 24, 2024 shows that you can expect money back this month, such as money borrowed or money owed to you by the tax authorities or government, overdue wages or outstanding invoices in your company.
You may regret impulsive spending during Mercury retrograde in Aries, so be careful about spending money in April 2024. The Eclipses during this Mercury retrograde ‘force’ you to look at what money means to you. Does money and the things you identify with give you a sense of stability, support, or a sense of compensation? When Mercury goes direct again and after the shadow period from May 14, 2024, you will regain financial overview, insight and clarity.

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