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Mars retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022

For no less than seven months, red planet Mars will stay in Gemini for seven months, from August 21, 2022 to March 25, 2023

This long time has to do with Mars going retrograde during this period….. 

From September 4, 2022, Mars reduced speed at 8º Gemini, the beginning of the so-called shadow period.

From October 30, 2022, Mars comes to a standstill and “declines” from 25º Gemini back to 8º Gemini on January 11, 2023.

In general, Mars in Gemini is a busy period, however when in retrograde, this impulsive and volatile energy of ruler Aries turns inward, revealing the more secretive, tactical and intriguing Scorpio side of Mars.

With Mars retrograde there is less tolerance. Impulsiveness and also impatience increases.

Mars retrograde in Gemini falls in the middle of the US midterm elections of November 8, 2022.
In America, political and social polarization has continued to grow and this will only increase the division (Gemini!) between Republicans and Democrats.
With Mars retrograde, there will be heated debates and discussions about social relationships.

The last time Mars went retrograde from 29º to 24º Gemini was in early 2008 during the credit recession or debt and bank crisis, but also during World War II in 1943, war planet Mars was retrograde at 22º Gemini. During this period, the Holocaust took place and so did the Tehran Conference with US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin discussing the invasion of Europe in June 1944.

Retrograde March in Gemini (third House of Communications and Connections) is causing delays, shortages, strikes, interruptions and cancellations in all forms of transportation, commerce, commuting, media, internet, film, television, radio, telephone, computers, short travel, education, neighbors and living environment, but can also be the cause of global computer hacking.
Gemini is about respiratory organs and Mars is about inflammation, so there will be hotspots of infection, respiratory diseases and revival of COVID-19.

Keep account of strikes, delays and shortages in everything related to transport and supply such as aviation, the automotive industry, public transport and shipping, media, telephone traffic and the internet.
Between September 4 and March 15, 2023, obstacles and delays with passports or ID documents must be taken into account during foreign travel.

By the way, with Mars retrograde it makes no sense to start a war, only fighting for a good cause does! Don’t compete with neighbors as it will be a long battle with no winners.
Always have a Plan B at the ready, especially with transport and communication equipment and that you are covered for spare parts or insurance!
Make a back up of all your data and important files.
With Mars retrograde, it’s always two steps forward, three steps back.

Mars retrograde is beneficial for dress rehearsals, practice, try outs and adjustment.
The best preparation for the most favorable result in March 2023.

This retrograde journey brings Mars back to several fixed stars in, among others, the Hyades and the volatile belt of Orion. When and what can we expect:

From October 15 to 20, November 7, 2022 and March 13, 2023, Mars will be at 25º conjunct Al Hecka. During this period, relationships can become tense.
From October 11 to 14, November 15 and March 11, 2023, Mars will be conjunct Alnilam in Orion at 23º. There will be disharmony in relationships, legal conflicts and health problems.
From October 7 to 10, November 18 and March 8, 2023, Mars will be at 22º conjunct El Nath.
These are favorable days for debate and consultation.
From October 4 to 6, November 21 and March 6, 2023, Mars will be conjunct Capella at 21º.
There will be endless talk without a concrete solution being reached.
From September 28 to 30, November 24 and March 1, 2023, Mars will be 19º conjunct Bellatrix in Orion and those are days to be on your guard, there could be war or accidents.
From September 20 to 22, December 5, and February 21, 2023, Mars will be at 16º conjunct Rigel in Orion and may be the source of military activity, war rhetoric, and show of force.
From September 8 to 9, December 26 to January 31 to February 3, 2023, Mars is conjunct Aldebaran in Taurus and that means military intervention, danger, media violence, risk of accidents and infections.

When Mars goes direct into Gemini from January 12, 2023, there may be a revelation about something that has been kept secret. You may expect news to be made public about issues such as sexual abuse or financial malpractice.

Influence of Mars retrograde on all zodiac signs (ascendant)

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Aries in the 3rd House of Communications and Connections. Mars is astrologically connected to Aries and therefore of great significance.
You have so many plans and there’s so much to do, but because you are so distracted, not all goals can be achieved. It is advisable to focus on one thing at a time. Two or more projects at the same time will not work. During this Mars retrograde, there may be conflicts with siblings or other close relatives, including school, neighbors or acquaintances. Be sensible, keep calm and keep your distance, because a quarrel can degenerate and last a long time. The truth will come out when Mars goes direct again in March 2023. During this Mars retrograde, Aries can also experience problems with commuting such as delays, strikes, damage and traffic fines. Take precautions and be careful what you say and write, as that can have a major impact.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Taurus in the 2nd House of Finance and Value System.
With regard to money, luxury, safety, lifestyle and everything you value, retrograde Mars can make you face the facts. For example, negotiations can get stuck about a mortgage, business agreement, pension scheme or investment plan.
It is important to read everything carefully and to put agreements in writing.
Don’t spend too much money either, but stick to a budget to avoid getting into financial trouble. Spend money on what you really need. Don’t push or rush anything.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Gemini in the 1st House of Personality, your body, your image, the way you are from head to toe, how you present yourself to the world. Mars is about attack or defense. Mars retrograde can put you on the defensive when it comes to your appearance, style, role, name or public profile on Social Media or if something or someone poses a threat to how you are perceived.
With Mars retrograde in Gemini, you will experience more tantrums and emotional and mental exhaustion. You just don’t have the energy, will or strength to argue and turn inward.
That’s not good for Gemini because bottling up emotions makes you sick. Get plenty of exercise and relaxation during Mars retrograde.
The first House also deals with cosmetic surgery and dentistry. In terms of body care, with Mars retrograde you have to take into account postponement or delays.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Cancer in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go. The theme is indecision. During this Mars retrograde, Cancer has difficulty making choices. What now? What do I want and what is best for me? Cancer goes into retreat and talks with itself, with God, the Universe, during a spiritual journey or with whatever connects you to your soul, your psyche, your inner being. In March 2023 Mars will go direct again and then you will know exactly what you want, Cancer.
There’s not much you can do with Mars retrograde in the 12th House other than take a look at yourself and plan a new strategy during this time of delays. Even if you see and think that nothing is happening, know that the wheel of life is a perpetual process of movement.
Take it easy, your time will come.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Leo in the 11th House of Social Involvement, the Collective, Societies, Charities, Friendships and Group Processes. Everything you want to get done in this area is slower than usual. Leo has little patience and wants to see results, but the big lesson of Mars retrograde now is not trying to do things on your own, but to work together. Projects can progress if you are open to ideas from your team or social circle. Make good agreements, be flexible and embrace the collective thought.
It is possible that there is competition within your social group or that you ask yourself: are you on my side? Are you with me? With Jupiter in Gemini, everything in your social network will turn for the better from May 2024. The foundation is being laid by retrograde in Gemini by Mars!

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Virgo in the 10th House of Career, Ambition, Social Status and Destiny. With Mars in the 10th House, you want to be in control, but now that Mars is retrograde, it seems like you’re not ready or you’re doing your very best which means envy. Mars retrograde rethinks, rearranges, rehearses. The key is to meet the needs of others you work with such as business partners, colleagues, customers, as well as your partner, friends and family. With Mars retrograde, others don’t want you in the role of leader, but want you to provide guidance and support. December 2022 and January 2023 can be months of mergers, promotions and departures. If you want to make progress on a professional or business level, be flexible and consider other people’s feelings and situations. You may feel like you’re not making any progress, but you’ll be fine from March 2023.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Libra in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Spirituality and Travel. This is a period of spiritual development by getting peace of mind. Stand back to see the bigger picture. This Mars retrograde cycle affects travel abroad, higher education, studying or teaching, publishing, exporting, religion, moving abroad or connecting with someone from another country or culture. Be aware of disappointment, cancellations, delays and cancellations in these areas.
Mars retrograde from October to March 2023 is to reschedule, repeat, brainstorm, rehearse, rewrite. Three steps forward, two steps back. Progress will be made from March 2023.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Scorpio in the 8th House of Shared Power, Trust and Intimacy. In addition to joint financial matters, it covers savings accounts, real estate, inheritance, income tax, lawsuits, insurance, credit cards, accountants, banks, assets and debts, as well as intimate affairs and trust issues. During Mars retrograde, Scorpio has to deal with complications, delays or postponement in this area. Due to Mars retrograde, rescheduling debts or applying for a mortgage or other loan can be a lengthy process. Nevertheless, it can be worthwhile to talk to a financial adviser or to obtain objective advice. Processes will be restarted from March 2023.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Sagittarius in the 7th House of Relationships both business and private, marriage, close contacts, professional partnership, as well as broken relationships and open enemies.
Due to the surfacing of pent up emotions, Mars retrograde is not an easy time for relationships, Sagittarius. From the end of October to March 2023, a lot can change in the current situation.
If you want to get married, cohabit, divorce or enter into a business partnership during Mars retrograde, always make sure to have a Plan B. You will have to deal with waiting, delay, postponement or cancellation. At best, this is a good time for a dress rehearsal. Mars will be out of the shadow period of retrograde as of mid-March 2023.
It is now important to stay calm, avoid difficult situations and choose your words carefully to avoid further drama. This is especially true for Sagittarius with the Sun or ascendant or opposition of Mars from 8 to 25º Sagittarius in the natal chart.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Capricorn in the 6th House of Daily Routine, Work and Health and Well-being.
With Mars retrograde, your energy level becomes lower, as is your patience and tolerance. During this retrograde of Mars, it is advisable to take a step back in your daily routine so that you you’re not so busy. From October to March 2023, Capricorn may experience work stoppages, work pressure, layoffs and resignations, mergers, acquisitions and cancellations, especially in health care, education, media, academia, the internet, publishing, public transport, communications, commuting and domestic travel. Mars retrograde complicates and slows down all of these processes, but it does give you the chance to think about measures you could take to avoid jeopardizing your sense of well-being. By tackling less elaborate projects and putting things on the back burner as much as possible, you get more time for yourself. Inner peace!

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Aquarius in the 5th House of Creativity, Self-expression, Children, Love and Romance.
During Mars retrograde, your creative flow is interrupted. It goes on and on.
One minute you have a great idea, the next you think it probably won’t work after all. With Mars retrograde, you can’t force anything, just write down all your ideas and thoughts and save them until mid-March 2023, when Mars is out of the shadow period.
You may be dealing with drama or disappointment when it comes to love or you may feel misunderstood or rushed in your creative expression. Growing children or the children of others, demanding people or emotional friends, pregnancy and anything related to it can be a source of concern. What you need is time, space, tolerance and tact. Don’t get angry and be patient. Don’t expect too much. From 2024, everything will be better with Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini falls for Pisces in the 4th House of Family and Home, your origin, hometown, homeland, heritage, culture and family relationships.
Retrograde Mars in Gemini can lead to problems with your partner, roommates, loved one, parents, elderly, brother(s), sister(s) and other close relatives (deceased or alive), also with neighbors or (co-)tenants. Mars retrograde tensions arise in the longer term.
During the purchase or sale of real estate, renovation or conversion, there can be delays or tension can arise with, for example, the broker, contractor, repairer or architect. Read the fine print and always have Plan B at the ready. Mars retrograde is a favorable time to go back to the drawing board and recalculate architectural plans or to strategize. Don’t hire people without proper preparation. To distance yourself from unnecessary negativity, it is advisable to set boundaries and surround yourself with optimism and positive vibes to lay a healthy foundation for yourself.

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