The Total Lunar Eclipse at 23°57 Virgo, March 14th, 2025
The Total Lunar Eclipse at 23°57 Virgo, March 14th, 2025
A Lunar Eclipse is when the Sun, Earth, and Moon line up, with the Earth between the Sun and
the Moon.
The Full Blood Moon at 23°57 Virgo is completely obscured by the Earth’s shadow.
The first Lunar Eclipse of 2025 is visible from most of North America, South America, and the
Pacific Ocean.
A Total Lunar Eclipse is rare, as this is the first in three years…
This is the first Eclipse in a new eclipse cycle on the Virgo-Pisces axis. This started in September
2024 (Pisces Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024) and will last until February 20, 2027.
This total Lunar Eclipse is a huge shift of cosmic energy, an emotional earthquake, a cosmic reset
on a collective and personal level.
This total Lunar Eclipse in the third decan of Virgo is about vulnerability, illness, burnout, and
emotional and physical tension when personal boundaries of self-preservation are exceeded.
This total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, is about thought processes and anything that
needs restructuring, especially in the areas of health, education, food, daily routines, community
systems, communication systems, leadership structures, and spiritual awareness.
Just as a Full Moon symbolizes emotional release, a Lunar Eclipse is a total purification of an
emotional cycle. This Lunar Eclipse is a universal reference to major shifts and transformative
changes that will occur in the short term and will shape the worldview for years to come.
Thoughts and emotions (Pisces) shape our reality (Virgo). Negative thoughts and unhealthy habits
have a major impact on the body and also on the structures in our lives.
This Total Lunar Eclipse paves the way for the Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries on March 29, 2025.
The Total Lunar Eclipse is about letting go and surrendering and the upcoming Solar Eclipse is
about regaining power and taking action
Every Eclipse brings sudden shifts and revelations.
In summary, this total Lunar Eclipse offers a new perspective.
This total Lunar Eclipse is a turning point. A chapter is closing. Do not grieve for what is lost.
What is no more makes room for a new beginning.
This total Lunar Eclipse is most influential for anyone with the Sun, Moon, or ascendant at 18º-28º
in Virgo or Pisces, Sagittarius, and Gemini.
Impact of this Total Lunar Eclipse for all zodiac signs (read from ascendant and Sun)
ARIES ♈ March 21 – April 19
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo of March 14, 2025 falls in the 6th House of Daily Routine and
Health and can affect work and your daily routine in the coming months. A reorganization,
retraining, leaving your current job and a new job. This Total Lunar Eclipse is and offers favorable
circumstances for tangible change and positive developments regarding cooperation and
business partnerships.
TAURUS ♉ April 20 – May 20
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo of March 14, 2025 falls in the 5th House of Love, Self-Expression
and Creativity. This cosmic event brings a new love or friendship or an end to a love relationship
or friendship when it does not feel good emotionally (anymore). The Total Lunar Eclipse opens the
cosmic gate to a new love, friendship or deepening in the committed relationship. This spiritual
process has a natural course. Friends come and go naturally. Taurus increasingly focus on new
friendships and community goals with an emphasis on spiritual or creative groups.
GEMINI ♊ May 21 – June 21
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo of March 14, 2025 falls in the 4th House of Family and Private
Life. This Lunar Eclipse brings out unspoken anger and negative aspects in the family
atmosphere. Something that has remained hidden and that has to do with parents or even
previous generations, is now coming out. However, it is of the utmost importance that the balance
between private life and career is restored. This Total Lunar Eclipse shows a move or major
renovation, sale or purchase of a house or real estate in the coming six months.
CANCER ♋ June 22 – July 22
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in the 3rd House of Communication,
Education and Direct Living Environment and your relationship with the outside world, your way of
communicating, neighbors, acquaintances, transportation, education and school.
In the coming six months, there will be peace and quiet and disputes will be resolved about a
neighborhood project, school, transportation, neighbors, acquaintances or siblings. Let go of
negative thoughts and focus on what really matters.
LEO ♌ July 23 – August 22
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in your money sector, personal resources,
possessions and material attachments. This cosmic event leads to developments that will focus
on valuation and how you deal with money and possessions or with the fear of losing everything.
This Lunar Eclipse is a wake-up call to re-evaluate and re-examine your relationship with money
and possessions. Leo will appreciate things in the coming six months that you never thought
would be so important to you.
VIRGO ♍ August 23 – September 22
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in your House of Personality with the
focus on relationships and the relationship you have with yourself.
The focus is on self-esteem, your core and what you need to work on. This Lunar Eclipse is
especially applicable for Virgo born between September 11 and 21.
Let go of habits or routines that no longer serve you and focus on compassion, understanding
and emotional connection instead of perfectionism.
LIBRA ♎ September 23 – October 23
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in your House of Cosmic Consciousness
and Letting Go. Unconscious emotional pain and desires come to light. Although these feelings
can be painful for you, this cosmic passage is very much needed to let go of old pain and karma
in order to move on. With a logical approach, the emotional part comes second and you lose
contact with yourself. A time-out can lead to a creative or spiritual breakthrough.
SCORPIO ♏ October 24 – November 22
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in your House of Friendships, Group
Participation and Social Processes. In the coming six months, there will be changes in your social
network, but in addition to saying goodbye, your social circle will also be expanded with valuable
contacts. A group project that you are leading can be realized in the next six months.
Let go of high expectations around friendships and social groups.
SAGITTARIUS ♐ November 23 – December 21
On March 14, 2025, there is a total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (10th House of Career) and that is the
cosmic gateway to changes in your career. Deep career changes such as a reorganization or
change in company policy, different government regulations or management change are possible.
The Lunar Eclipse also indicates that the balance needs to be restored between career or public
life and the needs of your family and private life. It is also possible that you will take a completely
different course in the next six months. Spiritual growth within the family or a deep emotional
connection with your family and background is the key.
CAPRICORN ♑ December 22 – January 20
The total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in the 9th House of Higher
Consciousness, Abroad, Philosophy, Study and Travel. When you believe in something, you set
energy in motion and you attract it to you, which can be both positive and negative.
Having confidence in your own feelings and supporting this with your thoughts gives a feeling of
unprecedented power. Favorable moment to go on a trip, to complete a study or to fight for
something or someone. When you believe in something, you set energy in motion which can be
both positive and negative. This total Lunar Eclipse gives you insights about truth and justice.
AQUARIUS ♒ January 21 – February 18
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in the 8th House of Shared Finances and
leads to developments that focus on joint finances such as taxes, mortgages and inheritances.
This Total Lunar Eclipse also makes you aware of physical, financial, but also emotional
responsibilities towards others. Financial developments by and from third parties make it
necessary to implement a different financial policy. With this Lunar Eclipse, physical desires can
be very strong, such as the desire for a confidential tantric soul connection with your partner to
discover each other’s deeper layers.
PISCES ♓ February 19 – March 20
The Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14, 2025 falls in the 7th House of Relationships, both
private and business. This Total Lunar Eclipse is the gateway to a period of personal development
and change. Over the next six months, there may be major emotional changes in the personal
relationship with a close friend, lover or business partner. A relationship may end or a new
relationship may begin.
Emotionally, this is the best time for a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious
commitment, to make a partnership official or to end a deadlocked relationship.