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Days October 2024

Daily Energy October 2024

Tuesday, October 1, 2024
On the first day of October 2024, the Waning Crescent Moon in Virgo forms a constructive trine with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
With this grounded planetary collaboration, progress can be made to the core.
With the intense input of retrograde Pluto and the influence of tomorrow’s Solar Eclipse, you can sense exactly how other people feel and feel your own feelings and emotions even more.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Today there is an annular or ring-shaped Solar Eclipse at 10º04 in Libra.
This Solar Eclipse in Libra is about relationships, partnerships, alliances, commitment, mediation and negotiation. This Solar Eclipse is a conclusion to what began with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 14, 2023, so think back to that moment. The conjunction with Mercury in Libra has an active influence, so there can be a breakthrough. Today, distances are bridged, there is something to learn and connections are made or let go.
Read more about this Solar Eclipse and the influence on your zodiac sign under NEWS on this website.

Thursday, October 3, 2024
The day after the Solar Eclipse shows a calm after the storm. The Waxing Crescent Moon in Libra forms a trine in Air with Jupiter in Gemini, creating emotional balance and connection. This connection wants peace and harmony, sharing and taking the other into account. The conflict that arises from this is making the choice for yourself or for the other.
A relationship is healthy when giving and taking are in balance and there is mutual respect for yourself and for the other. If you give yourself away (too much), you will eventually lose yourself, your dreams and desires.

Friday, October 4, 2024
Today there is a difficult, however instructive aspect between Mercury in Libra and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. This quincunx makes it difficult to have a positive opinion about realizing something you have in mind. It is as if things are not realizable or unachievable or that you just do not get the necessary information to achieve a goal.
This quincunx between Mercury and Saturn can therefore be an annoying disruptor today. Important information can escape us, there can be unpleasant news or a conversation can be interrupted.

Saturday, October 5, 2024
Today there is a beautiful trine between the Waxing Moon and Venus in Scorpio and retrograde Saturn in Pisces. This flowing energy in the element of Water can give a positive turn to this day. Progress can be made in love and creative pursuits. Beautiful day for making long-term plans, for cooperation, creativity, trade and financial matters. Venus in Scorpio is an inquisitive and intense energy that makes responsibilities and obligations more serious.
An older person can provide insights and help you today.

Sunday, October 6, 2024
Mercury in Libra squares Mars in Cancer today. This tense aspect makes us take things personally and be sensitive to criticism. Tensions can run high today with Mercury square Mars.
Be careful with your words, because impulsive comments can lead to misunderstandings or conflicts, especially in personal and family relationships. It is wise to take a moment before you respond. ‍
The Sun in Libra also forms a quincunx with retrograde Saturn in Pisces and that creates an imbalance between what you want to do and what you have to do.
Frustrations can run high with the Waxing Crescent Moon in Scorpio. A strong discussion can offer openness. Don’t expect too much today, but do what feels right for you.

Monday, October 7, 2024
The Waxing Crescent Moon in fiery Sagittarius feels like an innovative, adventurous and refreshing energy at the start of the new work week. Believe in yourself and your skills.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces slows down the vibrant Moon in Sagittarius with a square.
Not so fast! Take it easy, then you will get there too.
First find a good moment to organize things and let go of what is no longer necessary. Take a break every now and then to do something nice for yourself.
Look up tonight, because you might catch a shooting star!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Venus in Scorpio forms a beautiful trine in Water with Mars in Cancer today.
Through the sensual dance of Venus in Scorpio with Mars in Cancer, love is in full swing.
With this flowing and passionate connection, this is a great day to enjoy the beauty that life has to offer with your loved one and to be with friends.
Mercury in Libra forms a trine with Jupiter in Gemini and that encourages you to
think bigger. Beautiful ideas are born today! Great inspiring day for love, a creative project, study, a meeting, a job application or broadening your horizons by reading, traveling, studying or just a good conversation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
From today until February 3, 2025, Jupiter is retrograde in Gemini.
Retrograde Jupiter encourages us to review our beliefs, goals, ideas and communication.
Jupiter symbolizes growth and development and when this giant planet is retrograde, you may feel like there is not much happening in your life in terms of development or growth, when in fact it is. Life is always expanding and so do we! Retrograde Jupiter makes us aware of the hidden treasures that make us bigger.
Read more about retrograde Jupiter and all the signs under NEWS on this website.

Thursday, October 10, 2024
There are no important aspects today, so all in all a quiet day with the growing Moon in the earth sign Capricorn.
The Cresent Moon in Capricorn, almost in its First Quarter phase ,asks you to guard boundaries and put things in order in terms of responsibilities and how you deal with them.
Mercury grows towards an educational connection with retrograde Uranus in Taurus.
It is about setting healthy boundaries and living more consciously.

Friday, October 11, 2024
The Moon in Capricorn is in its First Quarter phase today. This grounded Moon in Capricorn forms a sextile with Venus in Scorpio and asks us to make adjustments in our long-term plans in the coming week.
Venus forms an educational inconjunct with Jupiter today. Overstepping boundaries, excessive optimism, responsibilities and obligations can break you down.
Mercury quincunx retrograde Uranus in Taurus emphasises that theme and challenges us to set healthy boundaries and live more consciously.

Saturday, October 12, 2024
Today, Pluto goes direct again at 29º Capricorn, the very last degree. Pluto will remain in Capricorn until November 19, 2024. A wave of personal and professional transformation is underway. Due to the influence of Mercury in Libra inconjunct retrograde Neptune in Pisces, logic and intuition are in conflict with each other. We want to reason everything out in a logical and rational way and that is reinforced by the Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aquarius. The Waxing Gibbous Moon in Aquarius is a no-nonsense Moon that makes you think ahead about which practical steps need to be taken.

Sunday, October 13, 2024
On the last degree of Libra, Mercury forms a tense square with direct Pluto in Capricorn.
Mercury is responsible for thought processes, among other things, and these are vigorously challenged by Pluto, the planet of transformation. Today, the truth will be revealed.
Positions are passionately defended and then it can be tough.
A tension field of drama, power struggle and dominance. You may feel attacked or that positions are questioned. Nothing good has ever come from arguing, so try to find the underlying problem and solve it first.

Monday, October 14, 2024
The Sun in Libra forms a favorable trine in Air with Jupiter in Gemini and that is an aspect of optimism and hope at the start of a new week.
However, the Sun is challenged by Mars in Cancer. The Sun and Mars both symbolize the masculine principle, which creates a dynamic tension between our desires for harmony and our need to assert ourselves. In the domestic sphere, there can be passive-aggressiveness.
We see the same principle on the world stage, so today there are demonstrations and expressions of violence and threats.
Mercury enters the intense waters of Scorpio today. Mercury in Scorpio is a period in which our thinking and perception will be sharp, penetrating, serious, deep and transformatively colored. This intensity will leave no stone unturned.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Today, Venus in Scorpio is directly opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus.
The strong desire for change and excitement is driving risks in both love and finances. The dark side of Venus in Scorpio opposite unpredictable Uranus in Taurus can suddenly change its mind when personal freedom is at stake.
Financial windfalls are possible, but you should be extra careful with money and taking ill-considered risks. What is important to you and what you are worth can be a challenge. In any case, it will be an unpredictable day with surprising developments.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024
The almost Full Moon in Aries sparkles in the sky and brings us renewed energy!
Take the initiative with something and start now. You can get excited once you start
Venus in Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces brings a flow of dreamy and creative energy. In summary, this is a favorable day for romance, spirituality, creativity, teamwork and goodwill. Truly a day to dream about, so take a day off if possible and enjoy!

Thursday, October 17, 2024
The Full Super Moon in Aries is the second of three super moons this year.
With this Full Hunter’s Moon in Aries there can be new revelations especially regarding
partnerships, our physical body, leadership skills, the ability to initiate and start new
things. On the last degree of Scorpio, Venus forms a sextile Pluto in Capricorn strengthens emotional bonds and brings more passion, harmony and depth to relationships.
Read more about this Full Moon and its influence on zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

Friday, October 18, 2024
Today Venus enters the fiery realm of Sagittarius, the House of Jupiter. Until November 2, 2024, Venus goes on an “adventure”, dares more and goes in search of the ultimate, the most beautiful and ideal in love and everything our heart desires. Venus in Sagittarius dares more
Venus in Sagittarius makes us see things more broadly, in a broader perspective.
Be careful with spending money, because Venus is impulsive in Sagittarius.
Great energy for dating, chance of spontaneous encounters.
Venus is Sagittarius is less inclined to commit to something or someone.
The still Full Moon in Taurus is sextile retrograde Saturn in Pisces is an aspect of focus to create clarity by talking about your feelings. A favorable day to get things done.

Saturday, October 19, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in Taurus trine Pluto in Capricorn is a calm energy in itself to immerse yourself in a beautiful book or a subject you want to know more about.
The Sun in Libra quincunx retrograde Uranus in Taurus can be a disruptive factor today. Unexpected developments or information can disrupt your day, for example due to an argument or event. In any case, this day will be different than you had imagined.

Sunday, October 20, 2024
The Waning Gibbous Moon in objective Gemini is focused on finishing ideas, plans and projects. The Moon in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in Pisces emphasizes structure in our lives and the extent to which this affects us. Sometimes it is good to make changes to allow growth and development in your unique self to take place. Due to the Sun quincunx retrograde Neptune in Pisces, the day can be different.
Just when everything is in order and you are ready to go for it, things can suddenly change or disappear or you simply no longer have the energy for it. Keep your eyes wide open, because with this aspect we are inclined to turn a blind eye to the shortcomings of others. It can be hard to focus, so take your time with everything you do.

Monday, October 21, 2024
With the Waning Gibbous Moon in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces, it is important to be clear in your words and intentions, because misunderstandings can occur today if you don’t.
This tension square can leave you daydreaming, but also feeling exhausted. Don’t take on too much today and take it easy. One thing at a time and make sure you plan well.
A favorable day to be creative though.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Mercury in Scorpio forms a smooth trine to retrograde Saturn in Pisces today and that is a productive energy to get things done today and focus on long-term plans, having serious discussions, decisions or focusing on tasks that require patience and precision. Trust your intuition! However, the Sun in Libra is square to Pluto in Capricorn today.
Today there can be opposition or a form of power struggle or manipulation, both with yourself and with others. Due to this strong planetary tension field, there can be an identity crisis and you are confronted with your shadow side, something that can be very confrontational and limiting on the one hand, but at the same time also offers the opportunity to allow transformation within yourself. You don’t always have to fight to get what you want.

Wednesday, October 23, 2024
From today the Sun travels through Scorpio, the magical realm of Pluto.
In the next four weeks, things are being worked out behind the scenes to be brought out into the open later. With the Sun in Scorpio, it is mostly about self-transformation and revelations, but also about our finances, investments, shared assets and long-term security. With the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, this is a period in which our thinking, special exchanges and perception will be penetrating, deep and transformatively colored until the end of October 2024. Venus in Sagittarius trine the North Node in Aries brings new relationships or creative ventures your way.
Follow your heart!

Thursday, October 24, 2024
The Moon in Leo is in its Last Quarter Phase. The Last Quarter Phase of the Moon asks you to analyze the past four weeks and see through your personal process in them, so the period from the Solar Eclipse of October 2, 2024.
Make time for creativity in the last week of October.
Make space within yourself and in your heart. Mars in Cancer is forming a rising sextile with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which calls for experimentation. Open your creative heart and let the energy flow.

Friday, October 25, 2024
Red Warrior Mars in Cancer is sextile retrograde Uranus in Taurus. Mars is calling “sleeping” Uranus to action! On Earth, this can lead to restlessness and an urge to break out of the daily grind. Mars sextile Uranus offers an opportunity for innovation and breakthroughs, especially in areas where you’ve felt stuck. It’s a great day to try something new and break free from old habits. ‍The Waning Crescent Moon in Leo sextile retrograde Jupiter in Gemini encourages you to take the initiative to try something new. Today, there could be breakthroughs and interesting connections made or new ideas born!
In any case, it’s a productive day with a surprising twist.

Saturday, October 26, 2024
The Waning Crescent Moon in the rational sign of Virgo shifts the focus to health, (self)criticism, judgment and honesty.
It is time for organizing, routine, tackling, tidying up and setting intentions, because on November 1, 2024 we have a New Moon in Scorpio!
Continue with what feels good for you and also let go of what no longer serves you.
With this Moon sextile the Sun in Scorpio, concentrate on one project at a time and focus on details. Concentrate on yourself, your own wishes and needs.

Sunday, October 27, 2024
Mercury forms a difficult, but educational quincunx with retrograde Jupiter in Gemini today. Exaggeration is also an art and more happens in your head than actually gets done. Things are presented as better or much worse than they really are.
It is better to rely on concrete facts and less on moral statements that are often colored by self-justification and avoidance.
The Waning Crescent Moon in Virgo opposes retrograde Saturn in Pisces.
Today conflicts can arise from criticism or a (karmic) feeling of not being appreciated. Delegate what you can and postpone what can wait.
It is advisable not to make any decisions today.

Monday, October 28, 2024
Mars in Cancer forms a trine with retrograde Neptune in Pisces today. This gentle connection stimulates, inspires and gives confidence. A great day for creative projects and for anyone working in the entertainment world, spiritual world or art world or with anything that connects you spiritually to others. This is a day for inspired action, where dreams can take shape. ‍
However, Venus in Sagittarius forms an exact square with retrograde Saturn in Pisces today can be a reality check and then it feels like everything you say is being questioned.
With the Balsamic Moon in Virgo opposite retrograde Neptune in Pisces you take everything more seriously, but it is not always meant personally.
Isolation, emotional distance in love and problems with finances or criticism can make you sad, lonely or depressed. But how much of this is due to your own fears or criticism?

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
The Balsamic or Vanishing Moon in Libra asks us to look at relationships and cooperation.
What place do you take in the relationship you have with your partner, your children, your parents, siblings, your friends …… and last but not least … the relationship you have with yourself.
Today is about balance and stability.
Mercury in Scorpio is almost opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus and with this increasing energy tension and distance can arise.
It is advisable to seek peace and be in the company of people who make you feel good.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Mercury in Scorpio is exactly opposite retrograde Uranus in Taurus today and that can create both tension and distance. Expect disruptions in communication, as Mercury forms opposition Uranus, which creates a clash between traditional thinking and innovative ideas. This transit can bring sudden revelations or unexpected news, so be prepared for surprises. Stay flexible and open-minded to navigate this unpredictable energy. ‍
Mercury in Scorpio is sharp and gets to the bottom of things and Uranus in Taurus is unyielding, so there will be difficult conversations or tricky situations today.
Today, the path of compromise is an impassable one.
It can be hard to focus and you may think a little too far away or not far enough.

Thursday, October 31, 2024
On the last day of October 2024, Mercury in Scorpio forms a beautiful trine to retrograde Neptune in Pisces. Mercury in the water sign Scorpio trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces shows a dreamy, creative, but also illustrious atmosphere.
A mystical cosmic connection to Halloween! Let your imagination lead the way. Few words are needed to find out what the other wants to say. For Mercury in Scorpio, still waters run deep, are mysterious, unclear and unfathomable. Sometimes, silence tells more than words can ever say.

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