The New Moon in Libra of September 25, 2022
The New Moon is a recurring magical moment when Sun and Moon merge and Mother Moon’s Light is imperceptible in the sky.
This New Moon in Libra of September 25, 2022 falls just after the Autumn Equinox of September 23, the energetically powerful turning point that prepares us for Winter.
The Sun and Moon merge at 2º49 in Cardinal Libra which is ruled by Venus.
Libra embodies connection, equality, harmony, cooperation, social justice and the choices we make, both on individual and collective scale.
This New Moon of September 25, 2022 conjunct the auspicious Fixed Star Zaniah forms auspicious aspects with ruler Venus in Virgo and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn.
This strengthens the desire for peace, togetherness, understanding and social justice.
In itself, a New Moon full of possibilities….
But as always, there is a downside, for this New Moon can be complicated and contradictory in many ways. With Mercury, Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto retrograde, this will be a New Moon of reflection on relationships, both private and in business, friends and foes.
There may be miscommunication and misunderstandings. What is said is misinterpreted…
The New Moon in Libra forms an opposition to retrograde Jupiter in Aries….
Because of this opposition, the need for justice is great, but the overwhelming energy of six retrograde planets is reflective and judgmental. There may be a restless feeling of unease, dissatisfaction or disadvantage in social or personal situations.
Happiness is often taken for granted and ultimately ends in loss…
Libra wants justice so if something is wrong in the relationship, then a choice has to be made to allow collective, personal and spiritual growth.
The final stretch of the still current planetary showdown between Uranus conjunct the North Node in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius shows that the last mile is the longest.….
All decisions made now are of enormous impact and irreversible.
Change is inevitable. We still have great problems and challenges ahead of us. In this world in which we have lost our way in many ways, we are collectively becoming more and more aware of the fact that everything and everyone on Earth is interconnected and that we depend on each other for balance and harmony.
Think carefully and plant the seeds of change. Make a step-by-step plan, but don’t rush anything. In the next six months until the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, things are going to manifest.
The influence of this New Moon on all zodiac signs (Ascendant and Sun)
This New Moon in Libra falls for Aries in the 7th House of Relationships. From this moment and in the months to come, a new relationship dynamics will arise whether it is your lover, business partner, adversary or new love! You could even join forces with a rival. For Aries, this is a New Moon of making choices, as if you were at a crossroads. Ruler Venus in Virgo wants to restore the balance. With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Aries will see the results.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Taurus in the 6th House of Everyday Things, Work and Health. This New Moon is a great time to start a new project, as well as a good time for a medical check-up. This New Moon requires a fresh start, balance and a healthy lifestyle, a better daily routine, better working conditions. Ruling planet Venus in Virgo emphasizes the importance of de-stressing and more relaxation to stay fit and healthy, thus more energy to be productive. Therefore, solve problems in the workplace. It’s about your well-being!
With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Taurus will see the results.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Gemini in the 5th House of Self-expression, Love, Passion and Creativity. With this New Moon, the focus is on everything you love. Even if you think you don’t have the time and struggle to focus on creativity, desires and love life, there is a clear desire to integrate your busy lifestyle into what your heart desires. Ruler Venus in Virgo wants to draw attention to family patterns, parenthood, a move or emotional breakthrough! With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Gemini will see the results.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Cancer in the 4th House of Family and Home. Family is an integral part of finding your destiny in this life. The house where you live corresponds to the level of stability in yourself. A house is not always a “home” and there can be tensions when personal space and freedom are restricted. Ruler Venus in Virgo shows that improving relationships and reconnecting are beneficial for you. Enjoy the sense of security that you belong and that you can be honest in your social circle, local friends and your immediate environment.
The Full Moon in Libra of April 6, 2023 shows whether you have found solid ground or emotional stability.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Leo in the 3rd House of Communication, Connection and Education. This New Moon challenges you to connect with whatever stimulates your mind. Learning new things, reading, having conversations, paying attention, understanding and feeling. Choose your words carefully, because what you say is essential. Ruler Venus in Virgo shows that in addition to work, income, having a purpose and a sense of self-esteem, appreciation in the neighborhood where you live is very important to you.
With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Leo sees the results.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Virgo in the 2nd House of Finance and Value. Virgo is given information needed to make informed financial decisions. With Ruler Venus in Virgo, it is also about self-esteem, feeling valued self-confidence, a desire to prove yourself, money and material possessions, so a New Moon to set financial goals for the future, but also a New Moon to appreciate what you already have. Take no more than you can carry.
With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Virgo is seeing the results of all good intentions!
This New Moon in Libra falls for Libra in the 1st House of Personality. Your personal New Year! Congratulations, Libra. A New Moon of New Year’s resolutions, setting things right and getting your personal priorities clear. Ruler Venus in Virgo gives you the tools to improve your appearance, self-presentation and self-esteem. This is a New Moon of reflection, so keep everything safe in your heart, just for yourself. Allow feelings that teach you to be vulnerable.
You fulfill so many roles, but who are you really? When you can honestly answer “I am”, then you have a solid foundation from which to build your career or a relationship.
The Full Moon in Libra of April 6, 2023 shows the totally renewed new you!
This New Moon in Libra falls for Scorpio in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Letting Go.
It is possible that during this period of inner reflection you regret something from the past, something you have lost. Ruler Venus in Virgo shows that a time-out is necessary to take some distance to reflect on your place in your social circle. Who are your real friends, who do you trust? It is about developing your place in a group, an association, a good cause or collective interest, such as networking, social engagement or community spirit.
The Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023 shows the achieved spiritual balance.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Sagittarius in the 11th House of Hope and Social Processes. This New Moon has attracted Sagittarius to join a cause, charity or other cause by coming up with great ideas. Mercury retrograde in the 11th House allows it to be more supportive in preparation for future activities. Ruler Venus in Virgo shows support for connections that make you aware of your worth and help you climb higher up the social ladder. The Full Moon in Libra of April 6, 2023 shows what these new insights have brought.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Capricorn in the 10th House of Career and Destiny. A great moment for a business-oriented study or to apply for that dream job. This New Moon prompts Capricorn to focus on an incredible career move. Stay upright and keep faith! Ruler Venus in Virgo opens the door to career and along with this New Moon offers unique opportunities to further develop and share your wisdom and insights to the world by connecting through an education, internship or experience that is off the beaten track, probably abroad. Mercury is retrograde in Libra (House of Careers) so it is necessary to adjust your CV as a lot has changed in the last few months! With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, you can see what has changed.
This New Moon in Libra falls for Aquarius in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Travel, International Connections Expansion and Philosophy. Aquarius is stimulated to explore new spiritual paths by traveling or studying, launching a website or publishing a book about ‘things’ that are new, future-oriented and above all that appeal to the imagination. Mercury retrograde in Libra shows that you should not go too fast, rethink travel plans or work projects, plans that allow you to express yourself, share your wisdom or publish.
The Full Moon in Libra of April 6, 2023 shows if all your dreams have come true!
This New Moon in Libra falls for Pisces in the 8th House of Soul Processes, Intimacy, Shared Finances, Joint Responsibilities and Financial Obligations. The transformative energy of the New Moon requires both financially and emotionally to take stock. What is really important to you? It’s not easy for Pisces to have difficult conversations, but right now it’s good to connect yourself. Ruler Venus in Virgo gives Pisces the knowledge and wisdom you need to move forward or face fears; what you give, what you gain, what is worth your time and energy. Pisces may not have listened to his or her deepest desires, it is about intimacy, passion and sensuality. Do you dare to surrender emotionally and do you dare to trust, financially and relational?
With the Full Moon in Libra on April 6, 2023, Pisces has made strides!