Capricorn August 2019


August 2019 is a month of ups and downs. This month is focused on your social life, finances, career, career development, worldly ambitions and relationships.

The Eclipses of July 2019 can be confronting, because this month too you see the consequences of decisions made last year. The Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn of July 16, 2019, like the Solar Eclipse of January 6, 2019, fell into your home of Personality. You have embarked on a new cycle in your life that focuses on who you are and where you want to go in this life. A planetary shift is taking place in the Capricorn horoscope with the focus in the coming six months on personal strength and independence.

Love and Relationships

From August 12, 2019 until the beginning of January 2020, Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus. Taurus symbolizes your House of Love and Self-expression. A period of sudden and surprising developments in your love life, but also tension in your relationships. Your career or study requires a lot of time, so there is less time for love, romance and friends. It is good to make time for your friends and your relationship. It is a period to think about what you want and feel in a relationship in love or friendship. The single Capricorn finds love in the social network, on a journey or a spiritual or academic environment. Venus is conjunct Mars on August 25, 2019 and that is a perfect day for a date! On August 31, 2019, the New Moon in Virgo trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus and that’s the best day for a party!

Family and Home

August 2019 shows a somewhat complicated month for family and home.

The relationship with your partner can be under pressure and that has to do with developments in your career, which means there is less time for your private life. It is advisable to free up as much time as possible. After all, a stable home base is the essential pillar of a successful career! 

Try to nip small disagreements in the bud before something gets out of hand.


August 2019 shows good business relations with other countries, so also a favorable month for foreign trips and business trips. There is good news in the first half of August 2019. Saturn is the planet associated with Capricorn. Saturn is retrograde in Capricorn, so that slows down and creates uncertainty about the path to be followed. Success in the career is only possible with the help and support of your family.

The New Moon of August 30, 2019 shows that your career will take a new turn through a study, new interest, application of new skills, a trip abroad or a visit from abroad. With the energy of the New Moon you only want to deal with experienced and influential people who can help you further on your career path, because with the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo you have a goal in mind.


The New Moon of August 1, 2019 falls into your House of Shared Finances. This New Moon can indicate a favorable court ruling, payment or payment, bonuses and commissions. A legacy is possible or you can have a testament drawn up yourself so that everything is properly arranged. A favorable period to focus on drawing up a budget plan, savings plan or budget, conducting business negotiations or signing profitable contracts for a long-term project that has to do with sustainability and innovation.

The Full Moon in Virgo from August 15, 2019 falls into your House of Finance. This shows more money for the second half of August 2019 through a salary increase, a different job or more turnover in your company. In the own company there are still loose financial ends that need to be tied together. The time has come to make important financial decisions such as economizing or taking financial measures. The Full Moon also shows a financial achievement or that something needs to be completed.


The great Beneficiary Jupiter in Sagittarius is back in your House of Cosmic Consciousness from August 11, 2019.

The direct Jupiter in Sagittarius is a healing and intuitive phase for Capricorn in which you can free yourself from self-destructive tendencies, deep-rooted fears and feelings of guilt.

This month your health can be a little delicate. You have to take good care of yourself.

A night’s rest, a healthy and varied diet and enough exercise is what you need.

When a situation becomes too much for you, go for a walk in the woods and fill your lungs with the oxygen of Mother Earth. Sufficient rest and exercise is needed to strengthen your immune system.


The key to good health is for the most part in your own hands.

Try to reduce your stress level, to stay mentally and physically healthy.

On August 31, 2019, the New Moon in Virgo is trine retrograde Uranus in Taurus and that is the best day for a party or a date!

Solve problems in your private life and don’t let them get out of hand.

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