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VIRGO ♍️ September 2024
(August 22 – September 21)

On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo in the 1st House of Personality.
A New Moon of good intentions, to set things right and get your personal priorities clear. This New Moon in Virgo is a powerful and spiritual new beginning for every facet of your life. Find yourself, find out who you are!
This New Moon mainly concerns Virgo born between August 31 and September 5.
The focus in September 2024 is on personal development, relationships, money, career, health and social network.

Love and Relationships
Pisces represents the 7th House of Relationships. Due to the influence of Jupiter in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in Pisces, Virgo can experience a distance in relationships in the first half of September 2024. Due to retrograde Saturn, you will face the truth about relationships, both private and business. Disappointments due to indiscretion, deception and betrayal in relationships both business and private are learning moments, but also about the role you take in the relationship.
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (House of Relationships).
This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is the gateway to a period of personal development and change. In the coming six months, there can be surprising and drastic emotional changes in the personal relationship with a good friend, lover or business partner. A relationship can (still) end or a new relationship can begin. Whoever or whatever comes or goes in the coming months, it will be permanent. Emotionally, this is the best period for a new relationship, marriage, business contract or serious commitment, to make a partnership official or to end a deadlocked relationship.

Family and Home
From September 1, 2024, Uranus in Taurus is retrograde and then a favorable period begins to look for, buy or invest in a house. All preparations will take shape once Uranus goes direct in Taurus from January 30, 2025, so you can already anticipate that. Responsibilities at home and at work, parents who demand attention, raising your children or arranging your living situation. Virgo wants to do it all down to the last detail, but that takes a lot of energy. Fortunately, Mercury is in Virgo. From September 10 to 26, 2024, Mercury is in Virgo and that is the best time to do chores at home or to move. Organizing, tidying up. Mercury in Virgo makes you super-organized.
However, at the end of September 2024, conflicts may arise with your partner or family members. By approaching these conflicts with integrity and clarity, a solution can be found. The intuitive power of Mars in Cancer is of great value in this.

Mars travels through Gemini until September 4, 2024 and this ambitious transit gives you the motivation, drive, energy, focus at the beginning of September 2024 to put your shoulder to the wheel, apply for a job or start a new project.
It is important to take advantage of all opportunities that arise with an eye to the future and not to wait too long. This is especially true for Virgo with their own business.
The influence of the Sun and Mercury in Virgo and Mars in Cancer guarantee career growth and the right decision-making. Cooperation, dedication and hard work are the path to success.

Venus is your planet of Finances. Venus in Libra travels through your House of Finances until September 23.
Your planet Mercury takes over from Venus on September 27, 2024. With Venus and Mercury in Libra you can count on a successful and financially fruitful month! Family members, friends and social contacts will be financially supportive of Virgo in September 2024. An investment in a course or creative training is a good financial choice. However, in the first half of September 2024, with Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces, you should be cautious about making major financial decisions. Collaboration, an offer or investment also supports financial progress in business ventures in September 2024. Investment projects are favorable and will contribute to overall financial growth and stability.

September 2024 asks you to open your creative heart. A hobby is soothing, offers distraction and new perspectives.
A lot is asked of you and as a Virgo you want to help everyone and do everything perfectly.
All those responsibilities and setting the bar too high leads to stress.
In September 2024 you can suffer from back pain, skin problems, your eyes, ears and your stomach.
Relaxation, regular exercise and a varied diet are important.
To pamper yourself, it is good to visit the beautician or take a relaxing body massage.

In September 2024 you have to be confident to see progress in business.
Perfectionism is not strange to you and this month that is really an issue. You do your best, but that can be off-putting. Giving less to others is giving to yourself.
Try delegating tasks so that you have time for yourself. Partly due to the karmic influence of retrograde Saturn in Pisces (House of Relationships) you will notice that relationships disappear from your life like colleagues who say goodbye, new colleagues come in their place. Friends come and go. This natural process contributes to your growth of mind and soul, so embrace that process.

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