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SAGITTARIUS ♐️ September 2024
(November 22 – December 20)

September 2024 can be a difficult month, everything goes slowly but steadily.
Not everything goes the way you hope, but with a positive attitude and effective planning, good results can be achieved in September 2024.
The focus in September 2024 is on career, home, family and family, health, finances and relationships.

Love and Relationships
Supported by the benevolent influence of Jupiter in Gemini in the House of Relationships, there is much to achieve in the area of ​​relationships. Jupiter forms a harmonious connection with Venus in Libra in the first half of September 2024. Connections that are made are generally favorable and offer opportunities for a serious and stable relationship. Mars travels through Cancer (House of Soul Processes and Intimacy) from September 5 to November 4, 2024. Time to join forces with a partner, both physically, emotionally and financially. Favorable period to go to the notary together to record financial agreements.
However, it can also be a breaking point such as ending the relationship, saying goodbye or breaking off a business partnership. During this period, you desire depth and intensity in your relationships above all.

Family and Home
Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces can be the cause of financial confusion about a house or household expenses at the beginning of September 2024.
Retrograde Saturn square Jupiter in Gemini is a moment to break family karma and create stability and security at home and within yourself.
On September 18, 2024, there is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces and this directly relates to your home and family. This partial lunar eclipse brings out unspoken anger and negative aspects in the family atmosphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help to find a solution to restore a lingering issue. Something that has been hidden and that has to do with parents, elders or family members, even from previous generations, is now coming out.
It is of the utmost importance that the balance between private life and career is restored.

During the month of September 2024, there are many challenges in the area of ​​your career. Sagittarius with his own business can count on steady growth. It is important to be vigilant, avoid unnecessary distractions and delegate as much as possible.
On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Career) and that is a great time for a business-oriented study or to apply for another job. Stay upright and keep faith, even if you face headwinds and delays. A hobby can be an outlet this month and can also be the start of a new lucrative project. Mars in Cancer is great for doing research, but can be the cause of confusion and doubt from September 5, 2024. A good relationship with colleagues and managers is a prerequisite for success this month. Mercury in Virgo from September 10 to 26, 2024 helps to focus better on the small details.

Due to the transit of Mars through Cancer (8th House of Shared Wealth) from September 5, 2024, you may miss an opportunity to go abroad and that can be financially disadvantageous.
However, it is a favorable period to pay off existing debts, negotiate or agree on a payment plan.
The return of retrograde Pluto to Capricorn from September 3, 2024 is a cosmic encouragement to reassess your approach to money.
Due to the influence of retrograde Saturn in Pisces, there may be financial problems in the family or there may be a delay in paying off credits.
Your planet Jupiter in Gemini (House of Relationships) is still square to retrograde Saturn in Pisces in the first half of September 2024, which can cause friction over household expenses. Budgeting, financial restraint, cutting unnecessary expenses, taking responsibility and transparency are the conditions for building a solid professional and financial future for yourself.

Sagittarius’ health is generally good in September 2024.
September 2024 is slow but steady. Sagittarius gets more chance to rest, but it is not easy to get into your usual rhythm afterwards. Out of boredom, you will waste energy without doing anything useful. It is important to work according to a daily schedule or set goals in September 2024.
It is also important to maintain your vitality by walking and swimming regularly.
Alternate between activity and relaxation and ensure a healthy work-life balance.

Sagittarius is gaining more insight into the how and why things happen in this life, giving you the opportunity to free yourself from limiting generational patterns and find your way back to yourself.
It is important to be open to the changes that are happening in the world around you.

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