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PISCES ♓️ September 2024
(February 18 – March 19)

September 2024 is a month of transformative shifts in consciousness, relationships and work.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 is especially significant this month for Pisces born on March 10 and later.
In the coming months, you can shed the past and there can be some kind of closure, something you have been working on for a while or clearing or letting go of something that has been weighing you down emotionally, such as old projects, broken relationships, and paying off financial or emotional debt.

Love & Relationships
On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Relationships) and this is the perfect time to take a new step in your committed relationship or establish new commitments.
A new business partnership, burying the hatchet with an opponent, business or private, is a possibility.
The power of the New Moon can be the start of a romance or taking a new step with your loved one such as entering into a commitment or partnership.
Mars travels through Cancer (House of Love) from September 5 to November 4, 2024 and that is a passionate period for dating or fighting for love.
Tension can arise in the permanent relationship or collaboration with colleagues or in your circle of friends.

Family and Home
Gemini stands for the 4th House of Family and House for Pisces.
Mars in Gemini until September 4, 2024 is favorable for buying, selling or building a house, a renovation, moving or projects on and around the house.
In the first half of September 2024, Jupiter in Gemini square retrograde Saturn in your sign Pisces can be the cause of frustrations and friction with older family members.
However, September 2024 can provide an opening for resolving family conflicts.
The partial lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 will have a major impact on your home, family, and family life in the coming months.
It is therefore important that you pay attention to what you want to create, rather than being held back by limiting thoughts.

September 2024 is about teamwork, creativity, and social involvement.
Embrace growth and harmony in your financial and creative pursuits during the Venus-Jupiter trine.
By using your creativity with Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini in the execution of projects, progress can be made this month. Teamwork is the key to brilliant results with the influence of Mars in Cancer from September 5, 2024.
A good relationship with managers, colleagues, or clients is important for making progress in your career. Take the time to listen to their opinions and show that you are genuinely interested. September 2024 is a favorable month for business travel.
At the end of September 2024, the workload may increase and you will have to solve several things at once. A project with great responsibility requires your attention.

The influence of the Lunar Nodes on the Aries-Libra polarity gives Pisces clarity about material goals in order to take the steps necessary to achieve them.
By changing your perspective on money, you can better deal with challenges.
You should not be indifferent with money. Carelessness will cost you dearly.
Developments in your career will result in favorable financial results, but it is and remains important not to make impulsive expenditures. Also be careful with gambling, speculative activities and risky ventures. Transparency and caution must prevail when other people’s money is at stake. Also be cautious about taking out loans or granting loans. Openness and honesty in financial transactions prevents possible complications in the long term.
You tend to worry unnecessarily and this makes it difficult to maintain emotional balance. You are more likely to suffer from stress and anxiety because of all these worries.
Due to the influence of Mercury in Leo (6th House of Work) until September 9, 2024, you want to do everything perfectly and you set the bar higher for yourself.
Physical exercise and sports activities, recreation, going to the wellness center, walking in the gardens of Mother Nature, swimming or yoga helps to keep your body and mind in shape, to relax and to strengthen your mind.
Fresh vegetables, fruit, healthy proteins and useful fats help to maintain your immunity and overall vitality.
A form of therapy and meditation are the way to inner peace and harmony.

September 2024 brings financial opportunities for Pisces, but also challenges in personal relationships.
During the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, the Moon is opposite the Sun in the seventh House and feelings in relationships can be intense.
This Lunar Eclipse triggers what you have been hiding from yourself.
Instead of letting yourself go and making a hasty decision, it is good to take a moment to reflect on your feelings. Why do you feel this way and what does it do to you?
By approaching this intense Lunar Eclipse in Pisces calmly and strategically, growth and trust arise.

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