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Libra ♎️ September 2024
(September 22 – October 22)

September 2024 is a month of transformation, revelation and reality.
Opportunities come when you least expect them, so keep your eyes and ears wide open.
With the Sun in Libra from September 23, 2024, pieces come together and you go for a new chapter in your life, such as a move, a new job or a new relationship.
The focus in September 2024 is on work, abroad, money and health,

Love and Relationships
In the first week of September 2024, Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces can cause confusion in relationships. It is important that there is clear communication. Single Libra has the best chance of finding love in the second half of September 2024. The course of a love is unpredictable, because you will be dealing with a person who is difficult to read or to conquer.
It is a time for determination and action. Your courage, initiative and determination are noticed and admired by your loved one. In the fixed relationship, the path of compromise must be followed.

Family and Home
Capricorn represents the House of Family and Home and Family.
Pluto retrograde is in Capricorn from September 3, 2024 in the House of Family and Private challenges you to tackle urgent matters at home and in the family. Pluto retrograde can indicate a major renovation, a move or adjustments in the home situation.
During this period, Libra can be confronted with unrest due to external influences. Elder relatives and children require your attention. Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn for the very last time wants you to take action to make profound changes in your personal life.
With retrograde Pluto in Capricorn until November 19, 2024, it is all or nothing to resolve issues with a housing problem, real estate, a house or family members.

Mars travels through Cancer (House of Career and Destiny) from September 5 to November 3, 2024. Mars in Cancer brings success and helps to make progress in the workplace, a transfer or job application, meetings, a project, starting a new business or expanding the company. Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini is the great cosmic supporting force. Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces asks that you do not ignore or deny your talents. On September 18, 2024, there is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces (House of Work Daily Routine and Health) and that can be the reason for major changes at work in the next six months. A reorganization, retraining, leaving your current job and starting a new job. Projects that you started earlier in the year can be completed. If you still feel like you are not in the right place, this can be a breaking point.

September 2024 calls for decisiveness, because life does not wait for you.
If you act decisively and do not procrastinate unnecessarily, your financial situation will improve. September 2024 is a favorable financial month with a stable income.
From September 24 to October 17, 2024, Venus travels through Scorpio, the House of Finance.
This is a favorable transit for financial negotiations, investments and great deals. Money is coming in, but keep in mind that you also want to spend more money on things that bring joy and pleasure. Money is mainly spent on travel and recreation this month.

On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go). On that day, Venus is also conjunct the North Node. Go deep with this magic to search for yourself. Embrace transformation and purification. Take a time-out to achieve a creative or spiritual breakthrough.
Mars in Cancer can be the cause of mood swings and pessimism from September 5, 2024. Retrograde Neptune in Pisces (House of Health) makes you extra sensitive to stress and medication.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse of September 18, 2024 brings changes to your daily routine or lifestyle. The focus is on your physical and spiritual health, through healthy nutrition, sufficient exercise and less stress. Rest and relaxation are necessary to bring mind and body back into balance.

With the South Node (karmic past) in Libra, you are busy paying off karma. You may be preoccupied with the past and the limitations you have experienced.
Your planet Venus joins the South Node in Libra on September 3, 2024 and with this special powerful magic you get a unique opportunity to let go of old behavior patterns that no longer support your evolution and growth.
By shredding or burning letters or photos, you create space in your head and in your heart.
More structure and a healthy lifestyle are needed to cope with the workload or daily worries.

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