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LEO ♌️ September 2024
(July 22 – August 21)

Last month was like a new beginning for you with the New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024.
This wave of renewal continues in September 2024.
The beautiful trine between Venus and Libra and Jupiter in Gemini brings unique opportunities for creative expression and study.
The focus in September 2024 is on money, study, relationships, health and your daily routine.

Love and Relationships
Due to retrograde Saturn square Jupiter, issues with commitment, trust, control, money or sex are put to the test in the first half of September 2024. Within the relationship there may be a distance or it is difficult to be together with your partner.
The arrival of autumn brings warmth and strengthens a love bond.
Single Leo can meet a new love during a party with friends or at a club or while networking. On September 18, 2024, there is a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces (House of Soul Processes) and then there may be issues with mutual money matters and intimacy that require a solution.,
From September 24, 2024, tension can arise with your partner due to Venus in Scorpio.
To break the daily routine and boredom, sometimes it is good to chuck it down and do fun things together.

Family and Home
September 2024 generally shows a pleasant month for your family, private life and home. Mars in Cancer from September 5, 2024 can be the cause of confusion and jealousy in the family and relatives. By showing understanding and not arguing with each other, unnecessary quarrels can be avoided.
The partial lunar eclipse in Pisces of September 18, 2024 requires calmness and objectivity when making an important decision. The transit of Venus in Scorpio from September 24 to October 17, 2024 is a pleasant period to redecorate your home or to do something fun with your family or relatives. There is nothing like emotional stability, contentment and domestic harmony, Leo.

Mars in Gemini square retrograde Neptune in Pisces until September 4, 2024 makes you goal-oriented and brings opportunities for a promising encounter while networking or traveling. For example, you are offered a good deal or the chance to study or you are asked for a job. Seize that opportunity with both hands.
Capricorn represents the House of Work.
Pluto in Capricorn has brought about many changes in your daily life since 2009. From September 3 to November 19, 2024, Pluto is back in Capricorn for the last time. Evaluate whether certain directions in your business should be let go, Concentrate on a promising project and more efficient activities. Careful analysis and strategic decision-making lead to success. If you are not happy with the work you do, it will become unbearable and you will still have to make the decision. If you love your work, you will make great strides and achieve success.

On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Finance). Financial uncertainties are clarified with this New Moon and Leo receives all the information it needs to make good financial decisions.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 makes you aware of the need to adopt a different financial policy. Mercury in Virgo from September 10 to 26, 2024 is about details and figures, makes efficient and lets you approach things practically and rationally. Investments in shares and real estate can yield a good return in September 2024. Careful financial planning and thrift remain essential to ensure a stable financial position.
Creative opportunities can arise that allow you to earn more money to invest and do the things you want to do.

Mars in Gemini can make you a bit overconfident at the beginning of September 2024.
Take safety precautions and precautions when traveling and during daily activities, because an accident can easily happen or an infection can get worse.
Mars travels through Cancer from September 5 to November 4, 2024. With this power, you are more likely to be tired or exhausted by the energy of others. You gain more insight into the past and are stimulated to tackle unconscious problems and let go of emotional baggage.
Take good care of yourself, Leo. Make sure you have a varied diet and exercise.
Take regular rest breaks to avoid overload and stress.

In the first half of September 2024, Jupiter squares retrograde Saturn in Pisces, giving you the chance to make amends, such as a commitment you failed to fulfill or a promise you didn’t keep. Taking responsibility is the first step toward regaining the trust of your friends and colleagues.
Investing in stocks and real estate can yield good returns in September 2024.
However, it is advisable to listen carefully to expert advice.
Do something nice for yourself every day, even if it is only for half an hour.

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