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GEMINI ♊️ September 2024
(May 21 – June 20)

September 2024 makes you feel like you are at a turning point and that is true.
It is a period that requires a lot of patience, vigilance and focus in the areas of work and love.
The focus in September 2024 is on career, abroad, home and finances.

Love and Relationships
Gemini can feel somewhat misunderstood, insecure and lonely due to the retrograde Chiron in Aries in the 11th house of Friendships, social circle and Group processes.
You may not feel the connection.
In love, things can be a bit complicated due to a lack of mutual trust, mood swings and disappointment. The transit of Venus in Libra until September 23, 2024 can be the peacemaker.
A candid conversation provides clarity.
Single Gemini has a better chance of a successful date with Venus in Libra. From September 23, 2024, the Sun travels through Libra and that is a favorable period to get married, make a commitment or make a promise. When you radiate love, you receive love and then everything in life becomes a lot easier.

Family and Home
The house you live in is the foundation of your life and corresponds to the degree of stability within yourself. A house is not always a “home” and there can be tensions because personal space and freedom are restricted. Virgo represents the 4th House of Family and Home.
The New Moon in Virgo of September 3, 2024 awakens an urge to find your true self and brings you back to the basics, to your own spiritual place where you can be yourself.
With the New Moon you are busy with your home such as a new interior or moving. You will also spend more time with your family, relatives or those you consider family and with whom you feel emotionally at home. September 2024 is a favorable month for house hunting, buying or selling real estate, a house or apartment.

The dynamics of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are the planetary drive behind your career at the beginning of September 2024. A favorable time for a job application or if you are going to start a new job or project.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 in your House of Career and Destiny is the cosmic gateway to changes in your career. This Lunar Eclipse shows that projects are coming to completion or are being restarted. Deep career changes such as a reorganization or change in company policy, different government regulations or management change are possible.
This cosmic event has a major impact on the rest of 2024.
This Lunar Eclipse coincides with the transit of Mars through Cancer in the House of Finance and that can lead to great results. Finding emotional peace and building a stable home front are the pillars of your success.

Red planet Mars travels through Cancer (House of Finance) from September 5 to November 4, 2024 and that is a great transit to earn more money. More money gives confidence for the future. However, at the beginning of September 2024, financial problems can arise, which can be the result of an incorrect estimate. It is possible that you have not taken into account sufficient cash flow, a large expense or that an investment turns out not to be so smart afterwards.
Gemini then sees the importance of sufficient savings that you can fall back on. Everything will be fine, but expectations may have to be adjusted downward. Fortunately, there is Venus in Libra. With this energy, resourceful financial solutions come. Business projects can be profitable with the support of friends or business partners, making financial progress possible.

The influence of Mars in Gemini can cause tension, restlessness, anxiety, stress and irritation at the beginning of September 2024. Gemini can become overstimulated. Watch out for accidents.
To stay calm and quiet, the use of essential oils such as mint and lavender is advisable.
Mars travels through Cancer from September 5, 2024, but Gemini should try to avoid stressful activities and situations as much as possible.
Uranus in Taurus (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) remains busy in the background to free you from fears and limiting beliefs by surrendering to loving connection, unity and spirituality.

The beginning of autumn marks a new phase in life.
September 2024 calls on your patience. Taking a step back is good to see the big picture, but also to look at the small details that are otherwise overlooked.
Every decision must be carefully weighed. Focus your attention on one project at a time.
Conflict situations are resolved with the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces.
A new hobby is a good investment and can become a lucrative project.

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