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CAPRICORN ♑️ September 2024
(December 21 – January 18)

September 2024 is a positive month of awareness and self-expression.
It is autumn …. This season makes you aware of the transience of life and that every moment matters. In September 2024 you do not want to wait and you go for gold.
Retrograde Pluto has been back in Capricorn since September 3, 2024 and that return is accompanied by a deep personal transformation.
The focus in September 2024 is on work, health, relationships, travel and spirituality.

Love and Relationships
Taurus symbolizes your House of Love and Self-Expression. Uranus retrograde in Taurus from September 1, 2024 makes you think about what you want and feel in a relationship in love or friendship. The single Capricorn finds love at work or during a meeting or networking.
Cancer represents the House of Relationships. With Mars in Cancer from September 5 to November 4, 2024, you have the drive and energy to invest in relationships, such as making new commitments and taking further steps in fruitful relationships.
With Mars in Cancer, there can also be some turbulence in the area of ​​personal relationships.
You are then willing to fight for a relationship or you have more courage to acknowledge the reality of a situation. September 2024 is the month par excellence to address problems in the relationship and resolve conflicts with Mars in Cancer.
Open and honest communication with your partner is the key to love and harmony.

Family and Home
With Mars in Gemini, you are busy with domestic chores until September 4, 2024.
Aries represents the 4th House of Family and Home. With the Lunar Nodes on the polarity Aries-Libra, your focus is on your home, the foundation for being socially successful. Capricorn is busy strengthening the home base such as renovating and strengthening your castle. Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces gives you the chance to make things right with close family, neighbors, at school or at work in the first half of September 2024.
With the power of the Wounded Healer Chiron in Aries, the first month of fall is a favorable time to address domestic conflicts. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 is a favorable time to repair a disturbed relationship with siblings or neighbors. Keep in mind that there are also profound changes taking place in their personal lives.

Gemini represents the 6th House of Work and daily activities.
Mars travels through Gemini until September 4, 2024 and during this proactive period Capricorn gives energy and motivation to take initiatives in your daily life, find new work or you take initiatives at work that can help you make important steps forward. To be successful, learning and maintaining skills is essential.
Due to the influence of Mars, there may be work pressure and conflicts with colleagues. Embrace opportunities for growth in relationships, study, and personal goals with Venus trine Jupiter in Gemini in the first half of September 2024.
The partial lunar eclipse of September 18, 2024, asks you to act, not wait. It is better to solve everything at once now than to let problems pile up until they are too much to handle. Changes are coming in the coming six months, with the focus on abroad and you may have to relocate for work.

In September 2024, Capricorn can expect financial benefits.
Despite significant expenses, there is enough income to meet your payment obligations without loans.
In the first half of September 2024, you can expect a bonus, reward, or other form of recognition. The transit of Mercury in Virgo from September 20 to 26, 2024 shows that you are spending money on clothes or vacation. You can afford a bit of luxury, Capricorn. A legal matter is resolved. In order to maintain your good financial position, it is advisable to maintain a good relationship with business partners and colleagues in September 2024 and to be cautious with speculative activities.

On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo and that is a good time to go on a trip or a return to a spiritual place that you have visited before.
Jupiter in Gemini through the 6th House of Health gives Capricorn insight into toxic daily situations that undermine your health.
With Venus in Libra until September 23, 2024, Capricorn is sensitive to the beautiful things in life. A short trip, a visit to a museum or theater, shopping for a new fall outfit, to the beautician or the hairdresser.
With retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you are unconsciously busy letting go of emotional baggage. On September 18, 2024, there is a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. A form of therapy or alternative medicine can help you in the coming months to let go of fears and ingrained patterns.

Mars is not feeling well in Cancer and that is why there will be friction in the area of ​​relationships in September 2024. It is up to you to transform this energy into a workable situation.
It is a challenge to let go of fixed ideas about who you are and how life should be. In fact, you have to reinvent yourself and that can only happen if you let go of the old. Sometimes things happen that you have no control over.
Capricorn is in the middle of a transformation period that is focused on nurturing and deepening strong connections in personal and professional life.
The most important relationship you have is with yourself.

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