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ARIES ♈️ September 2024
(March 21 – April 20)

With retrograde Pluto back in Capricorn for the very last time, the focus is on your career and your public image. Until mid-November 2024, it is a good time to evaluate ambitions and career goals for the long term. At the beginning of September 2024, your planet Mars square retrograde Neptune in Pisces can lead to confusion in communication.
In the first three weeks of September 2024 there will be growth opportunities in relationships and in your career with Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini.

Love and Relationships
Venus in Libra until September 23, 2024 is a favorable transit for love and your social life.
Single Aries is extra charming with Venus in Libra thing is promising for a wonderful time and a successful date! This is also a diplomatic transit to mediate and make up for something.
In both love and career, your creative input will open doors automatically.
However, it can be a good idea to listen to good advice when you have to make a decision in love.
From mid-September 2024, there may be some trouble in love and in your social life and it will not be easy to restore trust.

Family and Home
Cancer represents the 4th House of Family and Home. Your planet Mars travels through Cancer from September 5 to November 4, 2024. Mars does not feel at home in Cancer, but it is a favorable period for physical work at home. A renovation, move, odd jobs or spring cleaning, a joint creative project or trip. Mars in Cancer is also favorable if you are looking for a house, a renovation or move.
Mars in Cancer can be the cause of emotional outbursts and disagreements with family members in September 2024. To keep the family atmosphere good, Venus in Libra can be the diplomatic factor to get everyone on the same page again.
Make sure all family members feel heard and appreciated in crucial decisions.

On September 3, 2024, there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Work), giving Aries the opportunity to start a new project. Be clear in the first week of September 2024 with Mars square retrograde Neptune in Pisces.
Your planet Mars travels through Cancer from September 5, 2024 (until November 4, 2024).
Mars does not feel at home in Cancer. Mars in Cancer tempers your enthusiasm and ambition somewhat and can be discouraging. A business trip does not yield the desired result.
Due to Jupiter square Saturn in the first half of September 2024, you have to make concessions or adapt to situations that may not unfold as desired. Keep trusting yourself and keep your focus on the goal. September 2024 shows a favorable month for your career. Even if things sometimes go wrong, you have an inner confidence that things will turn out fine.

In the first week of September 2024, the collaboration of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini is favorable for projects that are connected to foreign countries, short trips, education, spirituality, start-ups, media, services or platforms. Money will come in through a bonus or windfall, but on the other hand there are unplanned expenses.
In September 2024 there are unplanned expenses for your health, recreation or repairs.
The transit of Venus in Libra until September 23, 2024 gives you that special charm that opens financial doors for you.
For the entire month of September 2024: do not spend money impulsively, be cautious about taking out or providing loans or paying afterwards.

Mercury in Virgo (House of Work) from September 10 to 26, 2024 is a favorable transit to work on body and mind. There may be challenges to your mental and physical health due to stress.
The partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 in the 12th House of Letting Go and Cosmic Consciousness shows how far you have come or makes you aware of everything you still need to work on. Aries needs to free itself from old karma. Although this can be painful for you, this cosmic gateway is very necessary to be able to move on. A form of therapy can help with letting go.
Jupiter square retrograde Saturn emphasizes this transformative energy of self-reflection and letting go. Spirituality or a form of therapy can help you process or accept.
The spiritual path to resignation brings healing and gives peace to your heart.

Capricorn is the House of Career for Aries. From September 3 to November 19, 2024, Pluto returns to Capricorn for the very last time. Pluto traveled through Capricorn from the end of November 2008, so Aries has gone through a number of transformations in their career during these years. Pluto in Capricorn can be seen as the completion of phases that have to do with goals, direction and destination in this life.
Keep in mind that everything that is happening now is clearing the way for the transit of Saturn in Aries from February 2026. Things are happening as they are meant to be. Have faith.

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