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Most planets are also in September 2023 at the top of the Libra horoscope, an outgoing energy. The focus in September 2023 is on social progress, relationships, friendships, social network and health.
Asteroid Ceres will travel through Libra until September 15, 2023, and along with the power of Mars in Libra, you’ll get the support, appreciation and determination you need to move forward with relationships and completing projects.

Love and Relationships
Due to the influence of Jupiter retrograde in Taurus and Venus retrograde in Leo, an old flame can come your way through a reunion, recreational event or at a party with friends.
Due to Venus retrograde in Leo until September 3, 2023, contacts are difficult and there are doubts about yourself and your dreams. This influence will last throughout September 2023.
Right now it is good to reconnect with old friends, old groups, old goals and old dreams.
Retrograde Chiron in the 7th House of Relationships reveals imbalances in relationships, both business and personal. You may have pushed these imbalances away, but they need to be addressed to restore balance. The North Node in Aries shows that without doubting yourself, you will strengthen, develop or improve your relationship with yourself and the world. Take a break together to come to an agreement. It’s important to pay attention to your partner’s emotions before taking the next step.
The Full Harvest Moon in Aries of September 29, 2023 in your House of Relationships is about unity and connection with your life partner, but also about accepting your partner as it is.

Family and Home
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn in the House of Family and Private continues to challenge you…
September 2023 shows that there are conflicts in the family and the family. Interference or interference from outside leads to unrest and it is advisable to keep all this out, because children who go to school or study can suffer from this and have problems at school or with others.
There may be a major renovation to your house, a move or adjustments in the home situation. Also to clean up things from the house and to save the valuable for the new situation. During this period, Libra can face turmoil in the relational sphere. It is all or nothing to solve problems with a home, family or relatives. Retrograde Pluto in Capricorn sweeps away the last remnants of dust from the corners of your home, but also from your inner home, like a cosmic broom until the end of 2023.

The Full Moon in Pisces of August 31, 2023 fell into the sixth House of Work, affecting the first half of September 2023. A project has blossomed at work or in your daily life and may be celebrated with a timeout.
September 2023 is not a favorable month for study and examinations are also delayed, no matter how hard you try.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces (6th House of Work) teaches Libra the importance of having a job that you feel connected to, otherwise you will have to deal with a grind.
Now that Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, you can come into contact with people who show you the way, these contacts can be karmic in nature. September 2023 is favorable for business travel!

Due to the influence of retrograde Jupiter in Taurus (8th House of Shared Finances and possessions, both personal and business), a shift is underway towards your core values.
What does money and property mean to you? Is it outer appearances or inner wealth?
Don’t be too lenient with others and with yourself.
Due to the influence of Uranus retrograde in Taurus in the House of the Soul, Transformation and Shared Finance, there are developments for Libra that make you give up the illusion of control. Sometimes you can get emotionally overwhelmed when things go wrong and Libra may overspend to compensate for an inner sense of emptiness.
This retrograde is a good time to release through meditation what no longer serves you. Trust the process of life and be thankful for all the abundance life has to offer. Spending too much will cost you dearly. Know what you have. You can only lose what you think you own. Give and receive proportionately.

Due to the influence of retrograde Mercury in Virgo, Libra wants silence around it.
This influence will continue throughout September 2023. Libra will be more sensitive to subtle vibrations and may feel exhausted and overwhelmed. That’s because you need to work on or process something that you’ve been avoiding.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces in the House of Health makes Libra more sensitive to stress, infection, colds and the influence of medications. Avoid stress and ensure a varied diet and sufficient exercise.
The New Moon in Virgo of September 15, 2023 falls for Libra in the 12th House of the Unconscious and Letting Go. It is possible that during this period of inner reflection you regret something from the past, something you have lost. Libra craves emotional calm. Libra may be making choices about something old or something new right now. To create something new in your life you still need that old piece and that is exactly the message of this New Moon in Virgo.

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces makes you feel like you need to try harder or work harder for less money. Retrograde Saturn is the cause of constant pressure to perform and more responsibility in terms of work, daily functions, habits and health, sometimes also feeling like you are bogged down in everyday life.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces, however, wants you to learn to be more structured and make productive use of your precious time.
From the Cosmos you receive exactly what you need to understand your inner motives and those of others. On this cosmic quest for new spiritual and emotional depth, Libra has the opportunity to find the truth within herself.

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