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VIRGO ♍️ October 2024
(August 22 – September 21)

The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra puts the focus on finances.
October 2024 also shows a month of relationships, career, collaboration, friendships and family.
Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces form the perfect trio to guarantee success in love and in your career in October 2024!

Love and Relationships
On September 18, 2024 there was a partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (House of Relationships).
In October 2024 there can already be surprising and drastic emotional changes in the personal relationship with a good friend, lover or business partner.
The transit of Mars in Cancer makes you want to push your boundaries and take steps in the area of ​​​​love and social network. Mercury in Scorpio from October 14, 2024 makes the difference who you can count on and who you can’t.
The Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024 is a great time to resolve old financial pain, but also what is bothering you emotionally in the area of ​​intimacy and trust.
Asteroid Ceres will remain in Capricorn until December 7, 2024 to smooth everything out.
A special meeting at the end of October 2024 can be the start of a long-term relationship.

Family and Home
In the first half of October 2024, due to the influence of Venus in Scorpio, there may be disagreements at home that have to do with high expenses. The shorter days also dampen the mood at home. There may be a generational conflict and children who do not want to listen to good advice.
Children can be injured by recklessness.
It is important that you remain calm and avoid confrontation, because Virgo is very sensitive to stress and arguments. If there is disagreement, you cannot perform well at work.
In the second half of October 2024, Venus is in Sagittarius and this energy strengthens the feeling of connection with family members and relatives and settles differences of opinion with elderly relatives. A joint leisure activity helps to get everyone on the same page again.
The intuitive power of Mars in Cancer is of great value in this.

Pluto retrograde back in Capricorn gives Virgo the opportunity to step into your creative power.
A creative project that has not yet been fully realized can still start!
Due to Uranus retrograde in the earth sign Taurus, October 2024 is a great month to take up a business-oriented study or to creatively push or explore your boundaries.
The fall of 2024 starts well for Virgo. October 2024 is favorable for applying for jobs, meetings, a good conversation or talking something out with colleagues at work. Taking your time, knocking on the right doors and asking the right questions is the key to success. In everything you do, take the time to think about the possible consequences of decisions.
Be patient to give yourself the best chance of success.

Libra represents the House of Finances. The first half of October 2024 is financially favorable for financial matters such as strategic planning, budgeting and reviewing financial goals with your planet Mercury in Libra.
On October 2, 2024, there is an Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra. This cosmic event will have a profound impact on Virgo’s financial situation over the next six months. This Solar Eclipse in the 2nd House brings good financial news, but also asks you to reassess your financial strategies and let go of limiting beliefs.
With the Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024, financial problems are solved by cutting costs. To prevent problems in the future, you must ensure a financial buffer.

You may experience autumn melancholy, fatigue and despondency at the beginning of October 2024.
In order not to give space to sad thoughts, it is good to open your creative heart. Drawing or painting helps to improve your mood.
In the second half of October 2024, you will feel like doing sports, dancing or doing other physical activities.
However, you must take into account that it is autumn. Nature is going into rest to blossom again soon. Take it easy with everything you do and listen to your body. Be careful with the consumption of fast food and sweets. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Instead, take herbal tea.

Take time to think about every decision.
Not every opportunity is a good opportunity. Listen to your intuition and that is further strengthened by Mars in Cancer. Wearing silver jewelry with lapis lazuli helps to strengthen the connection with the subconscious.
Pisces represents the 7th House of Relationships.
Due to retrograde Saturn in Pisces, relationships disappear from your life such as colleagues who say goodbye, new colleagues come in their place. Friends come and go. This natural process contributes to your growth of mind and soul, so embrace that process.

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