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TAURUS ♉️ October 2024
April 21 – May 20

The autumn month of October 2024 focuses on career, partnerships, health, daily routines and personal growth.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 asks you to let go of bad habits and limiting thoughts. Jupiter retrograde in Gemini from October 9, 2024 underlines this energy and asks you to hold on to what you have and let go of what you don’t need.

Love and Relationships
Due to the influence of the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, there may be changes in your social network this month. Friends go, friends come. In addition to saying goodbye, your social circle is also expanded with valuable contacts.
October 2024 warms your heart with love. Love blossoms and becomes more intense with renewed passion and desire. Single Taurus can have a romantic encounter while networking, at a trade fair, event or meeting or at a party with friends. Due to the influence of Venus in Scorpio, the first half of October 2024 is the best time for dating. With your dazzling charm and self-confidence, success is assured! October 2024 invites you to romantic candlelit moments, walks and excursions! However, the influence of Mars in Cancer can be the cause of confusion and jealousy in the immediate environment, but that only strengthens you.
Nothing is as strong as the power of love.

Family and Home
October 2024 can be a complicated month for family and home.
There may be stress and that can be intertwined with your work and financial matters. Perhaps money has been spent by family members that has not been discussed.
It is important to be open and honest and transparent. It is good to keep a finger on the pulse in terms of family finances. Money is not the most important thing. Peace and harmony at home all the more.
Pluto retrograde for the last time in Capricorn makes you aware of how much unconscious negative influences have influenced and limited you as a person all this time in your life.
What you are clearing now creates space for what will come with Pluto in Aquarius.

The key to success in October 2024 is networking and creativity! At the beginning of October 2024, Taurus can make the best business connections. Taurus receives valuable professional information during networking that will help you move forward.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 (House of Work) brings clarity about the workplace and in your relationship with colleagues, a new job or a new position or career direction in the coming six months. Look at what is best for you, for now and in the long term.
Taurus in creative professions such as copywriters and journalists and presenters are most successful in October 2024. October 2024 offers a platform to make a lasting impression,
The second half of October 2024 is favorable for participating in corporate training and meetings with Mercury in Scorpio.
At the end of October 2024, Taurus can get projects off the ground with the right connections.

The Sun in Libra is always financially favorable, but remain vigilant.
From October 9, 2024, Jupiter is retrograde in your House of Finances.
Jupiter retrograde asks you: are your finances in order? What does ownership mean to you? What is valuable to you? Sometimes “you just have to have something”, but what is the added value of ownership? Learn to hold on to what you have, let go of what you don’t need.
Jupiter retrograde is a favorable period for debt restructuring and sensible investment decisions. With Jupiter retrograde, expect financial delays during this period until early February 2025.
Pay attention to your spending pattern.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 (House of Health) has a profound impact on your lifestyle, daily life, work and health.
In the coming six months, events will take place that will cause changes in your daily routine, such as work and working hours. Much has to do with the level of satisfaction with your daily life.
On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment). Taurus can then suffer from negative emotions and a feeling of stagnation and less motivation. You need rest, relaxation, a retreat and meditation to get and stay in balance.
Time to catch up on sleep or take a short vacation.
Regular breaks, a fixed daily schedule and time for relaxation help to prevent stress and
fatigue. Go for regular walks in nature to clear your head.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 (House of Work) will bring clarity to your situation at work and in your relationship with colleagues, a new job or a new position or career direction in the coming six months. This month and in the coming six months, events will take place that will cause changes in your daily routine, such as work and working hours. Much has to do with the level of satisfaction with your daily life. Look at what is best for you, now and in the long term.
Due to retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you will automatically see who will stay or who will fall away. Only the valuable and dedicated contacts will remain.
Have faith in this cosmic process.

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