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PISCES ♓️ October 2024
(February 18 – March 19)

The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra heralds an extraordinary period of personal transformation and renewal for Pisces, a month of professional advancement and physical well-being.
October 2024 is imbued with the transformative energy of autumn.
In the coming months, you can shake off the past and there can be some kind of ending, something you have been working on for a while or clearing or letting go of something that has been weighing you down emotionally, such as old projects, broken relationships and paying off a financial or emotional debt.

Love and Relationships
Red warrior Mars travels through Cancer (House of Love) until November 4, 2024.
October 2024 is therefore a passionate period for dating or fighting for love.
However, tension can arise in your relationship or collaboration with colleagues or social network. On October 2, 2024 there is a Solar Eclipse in Libra (8th House of Soul Processes)
A Solar Eclipse in the 8th House makes you aware of responsibilities to others: both financially and emotionally. An Eclipse in the eighth House is intense. This Solar Eclipse can bring a revelation or forces Pisces to face the truth of something that has long been denied.
It brings you emotionally and physically closer to your partner and there are teachable moments about attachment and detachment. Pisces no longer looks at physical attraction, but longs for emotional depth, warmth, loving empathy and the sincere willingness to listen.

Family and Home
The influence of the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces of September 18, 2024 will have a great influence on your home, family and family life in October 2024 and the coming months.
It is therefore important that you pay attention to what you want to create, instead of being held back by limiting thoughts. Gemini stands for the 4th House of Family and Home
Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini from October 9, 2024 is a good period to move, for a new interior, but also to restore a disturbed family relationship or to search for your origins.
However, Jupiter retrograde can mean tension on the home front.
Take the time to think before you speak about serious topics.
Silence is golden, Pisces.

The influence of Mars in Cancer makes Pisces strong-willed and decisive.
October 2024 is a favorable month for professional progress such as starting a new project, taking the lead or taking substantial steps in your career.
This is the best time to apply for a job or have a good conversation with a manager, colleagues, clients or with management.
October 2024 is therefore all about your professional progress, but that also means that you have to set priorities. You also have a private life! A good relationship with supervisors, colleagues or clients is very important this month in advancing your career. Take the time to listen to them and show your interest.

On October 2, 2024, there is a Solar Eclipse in Libra (8th House of Soul Processes and Trust, Community Finances, Resources, Insurance, Taxes etc.).
This is a time of evaluation and adjustment which is essential to ensure that you are doing the right things, with the right people, for the right reasons. This Solar Eclipse may bring a revelation or force Pisces to face the truth of something long denied.
Pisces may also have to deal with an inheritance or the completion of an estate.
On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries (House of Finances) and is a perfect time for financial planning and strategy formation. This Full Moon shows the financial completion or improvement of an important project or moment in your life, something to celebrate or regret.
This influence can be the cause of a temporary financial crisis, which will ultimately turn out well. This Full Moon shows the result of smart financial choices and plans made with the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024.

Your level of success depends on your mental and physical well-being.
Pisces tends to worry unnecessarily. Therefore it is difficult to maintain emotional balance. Instead of worrying unnecessarily, it is better to seek relaxation with friends with whom you can be yourself. Make sure that you do not get overwhelmed by emotions, because that feeds stress and insecurity.
A healthy lifestyle makes you stronger. A healthy diet, more relaxation, less sugar and salt, no snacks, fresh vegetables, fruit, healthy proteins and useful fats help to maintain your immunity and overall vitality.
At the end of October 2024, Pisces may experience inner turmoil.
Then take a day off to go to the wellness center to come to yourself.
Aromatherapy and yoga can also help to achieve inner peace.

Trust your intuition in everything you do, Pisces.
Due to the influence of the Lunar Nodes on the polarity Aries-Libra, Pisces gains clarity about financial and material goals in order to take the steps necessary to achieve them. Financial negligence will cost you dearly.
Openness and honesty in transactions prevents possible complications in the long run.
Neptune and Saturn retrograde in Pisces calls for reflection.
What is reality? Which is an illusion?

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