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LEO ♌️ October 2024
(July 22 – August 21)

October 2024 is all about communication, education and social interactions.
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 encourages you to let go of old communication patterns in home and family dynamics.
With Mercury in Scorpio from October 14, 2024, hidden truths will be revealed.

Love and Relationships
Due to the influence of the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024 (House of Soul Processes), there are issues this month about mutual money matters and intimacy. Venus in Scorpio can be the cause of tension with your partner in the first half of October 2024.
To break the daily grind and boredom, it is good to let things go every now and then and do fun things together. Focus on your loved ones and meaningful connections and don’t be tempted into a fleeting affair. Instead, invest in building a deeper connection. In the second half of October 2024, there will be more relaxation and room for passion and romance.
In recent months, you have had to deal with challenges and doubts in relationships, peer pressure, deceit, opposition and conflicts due to retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.
Because of what happened in the summer months, you are cautious and critical about making new connections. Until mid-November 2024, you will clean house with relationships. For your inner peace and well-being, it is good to cut ties with those who create drama in your life.

Family and Home
October 2024 can be a complicated month for family and home.
The transit of Venus in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer can cause confusion, tension and jealousy in your home with family members in the first half of October 2024, and this is amplified by the Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024.
Not listening to other opinions can lead to conflict situations. By showing understanding and not arguing with each other, unnecessary quarrels can be avoided and balance can be restored.
At the end of October 2024, there may be surprising developments in the family.

On October 2, 2024, the Solar Eclipse in Libra can bring new ideas and new plans that make a breakthrough possible.
Pluto in Capricorn has brought about many changes in your daily life since 2009. Pluto is back in Capricorn for the last time until November 19, 2024. Consider changes at work and in your daily life regarding responsibilities, ergonomics, control and safety.
If you are not happy with the work you do or with your daily life, it will become unbearable and you will still make the decision. If you love your work, you will make great strides and achieve success.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus also emphasizes the need to evaluate whether you are on the right track and whether your career suits you. A great time for Leo for career growth and to make grounded decisions and implement changes for now and in the future.
Stay true to yourself and do not let anything or anyone distract you.

Due to the influence of the partial lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, you will take financial steps this month. Although investments do not show immediate results, the financial situation does stabilize. Retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in the 8th House of Shared Wealth shows a favorable period to pay off any debts, make payment arrangements or make agreements to resolve a financial matter quickly and efficiently.
Mid-October 2024 is a favorable time for an investment. It is important that you keep a cool head!
Leo can be lucky with a purchase such as a windfall, getting a discount or advertising or you receive a sustainable or romantic gift.
October 2024 can therefore provide unexpected surprises!

Mars travels through Cancer until November 4, 2024. With this influence, you are more likely to be tired or exhausted by the energy of others this month. Take good care of yourself, Leo.
Ensure a varied diet and exercise. Regular rest breaks and yoga are necessary to prevent overload and stress.
Until October 11, 2024, Pluto is retrograde in the House of Work, Lifestyle, Daily Routine and Health. Pluto retrograde in Capricorn is a period of renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration.
This period is meant to improve your well-being and reduce stress and anxiety. Pluto for the very last time in Capricorn is a cosmic cleansing until mid-November 2024. For your inner peace and well-being, it is good to cut ties with those who create drama in your life.
Any form of addiction or health problems still need to be addressed.

On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries. The Full Moon is like a cosmic spotlight that shows you what is or is not true and who or what you can or cannot trust. Take some distance so that you can make a decision in peace.
The Full Moon in Aries of October 17, 2024 is a great time to go on a journey, in thought or really on a journey in search of yourself and love. The path becomes a little clearer, the horizon opens up to manifest something. In any case, the truth, even if it is not what you want to hear, it is better than to be kept in the dark.

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