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GEMINI ♊️ October 2024
(May 21 – June 20)

October 2024 is all about creativity, love and self-expression.
The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra encourages you to explore new artistic and creative avenues. With Jupiter retrograde in Gemini from October 9, 2024, the focus shifts to yourself, your personal growth and direction.
As long as you are willing to grow and work on yourself, the universe will find ways to reward you.

Love and Relationships
The October 2, 2024 Solar Eclipse in Libra falls in your 5th House of Love and Romance.
Over the next six months, this cosmic gateway means the beginning or end of a love relationship, but also for a new form of creativity and self-expression. The Sun in Libra until October 22, 2024 is a favorable period for Gemini to get married, enter into a commitment or make a promise.
When you radiate love, you receive love and then everything in life becomes a lot easier.
In mid-October 2024, someone from the past May cross your path.
Every Full Moon reflects everything that is hidden, unknown to you or reflects a situation from the past. The Full Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024 in the eleventh House of Social Involvement, friendships and communities brings something to light that will make you say goodbye to a friend, network or group. In addition to saying goodbye, your social circle will also be expanded with valuable contacts.

Family and Home
October 2024 is a favorable month to give your home a makeover!
Painting, new furniture or different furnishings, new dining area, different lighting or buy nice decorative things to make your home more beautiful. No matter what you do, no matter how big or small, it will help create a harmonious living space.
In mid-October 2024, there will be room for a short trip or cozy getaways.
Not only will the interior be overhauled, but work will also be done on the mutual understanding with your family and family members. Previous misunderstandings and conflicts will disappear, paving the way for a harmonious and fulfilling family dynamic. By embracing these transformative energies, Geminis can really make the most of this beautiful autumn month.

The powerful influence of the September 18, 2024 Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in your House of Career and Destiny already shows clear changes in your career in October 2024. Projects are being completed or are being pulled off smoothly. Deep career changes such as a reorganization or change in company policy are possible. Geminis in the creative sector are most successful in October 2024. The first days of October 2024 can be surprising, so stay alert.
The first half of October 2024 is all about meetings and presentations with Venus in Scorpio.
Stay calm and provide convincing arguments, key points and filler sentences to emphasize your words. Ingenuity and visualization are the keys to professional success in October 2024.

Red planet Mars travels through Cancer (House of Finance) until November 4, 2024.
This influence makes October 2024 a financially favorable month. More money comes in through more turnover, a bonus, salary increase or dividend income.
After 14 long years of Pluto through Capricorn (8th House), you can look back on intense years in which you may have lost a lot, money, possessions, loves and you have experienced the relativity of life. Pluto is back in Capricorn for the last time until November 19, 2024 to clean up once and for all and restore trust. At the end of October 2024, Gemini can look forward to a strong financial situation. However, you must remain vigilant and efforts are needed on your part.
Stay frugal and do not spend money recklessly.

October 2024 is a month of transformation and renewal for Gemini.
Mars travels through Cancer until November 4, 2024, which means that Gemini must try to avoid stressful activities and situations as much as possible.
Uranus in Taurus (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) continues to work in the background to free you from fears and limiting beliefs by surrendering to loving connection, unity and spirituality.
October 2024 is a favorable month for a makeover, also of yourself!
A different haircut, a new outfit. With Mercury in Scorpio from October 14, 2024, it’s all about details, so that’s favorable for a possible cosmetic treatment.

Autumn is the beginning of a new phase in life.
You may have suffered a loss.
Apart from sadness, it also gives you the strength to take a new path.
You are on the right track!

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