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CANCER ♋️ October 2024
(June 21 – July 21)

October 2024 generally shows a positive month of professional advancement, short trips, nice conversations and interesting encounters with the chance of love and romance.
Due to the eclipse season, Cancer is currently experiencing a major emotional shift in the areas of family, love and career.
Pluto in Capricorn urges Cancer to make changes for now and forever that bring stability and transformation to your home life and relationships.

Love & Relationships
The transit of Venus in Scorpio fills shy Cancer with fiery passion.
However, you should be careful until October 17, 2024. An office romance is just as fun, but not so beneficial for the course of your career. Mars in Cancer is a strong, romantic and sensual energy with a desire to protect and defend loved ones. Fighting for love, but also the tendency to act hastily, reactively or defensively which can lead to potential conflicts in personal relationships. There may be mood swings and hesitations in October 2024 and these will influence the choices that are made.
Cancer is going through a major transformation process in which you get the chance to approach relationships with a new perspective. Not all friendships and loves are forever.
Since 2018 and especially in 2024, a lot has changed in your social circle. New friends resonate with the personal growth that you are going through. Friends who do not grow with you will disappear.

Family and Home
The Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of Family and Home on October 2, 2024 has a great influence on the house, private life, emotional bond, roots, place of residence, parents and children.
The profound effect of this Eclipse will cause you to say goodbye to a place that causes you heartache or distance yourself from an unhealthy family dynamic.
October 2024 is the month of reconciliation and spending more time with your loved ones, family visits and friends with Mars in Cancer.
With Mars in Cancer, think about where you need to protect your energy, because there are tensions at home. Focus your attention on creating a safe base for yourself, a place where you feel at home. Cancer goes in search of the origins. A journey to the past, delving into family history, back to your roots. October 2024 is a great month for a makeover, renovation or move.
In summary, it is about emotional connection and rebalancing your private life with your public life.

The wind of change is clearly palpable. Everything that happens now feels like a new beginning.
Cancer may be busy with an important project or with the transition to a higher position.
Despite challenges and long hours, you can show yourself from your best side.
Red Mars travels through Cancer until November 4, 2024. October 2024 therefore adds a large dose of energy and entrepreneurial spirit to bring forward a new initiative that will reveal itself in the next 1 to 2 years. Due to the transit of Mars in Cancer, opportunities can come on the path of Cancer that are not fully utilized. It is important that you ensure balance, because overestimating yourself and unrealistic goals lead to challenges. On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries (House of Career and Destiny). This Full Moon energy encourages you to come out of the shadows professionally and let go of the fear you had of being the center of attention.

At the beginning of October 2024, Cancer awaits a pleasant financial surprise due to the influence of Mars in Cancer. However, it is advisable not to spend money recklessly and to postpone expenses. Make sure you have a nest egg.
Take a critical look at your spending pattern, budget and financial decisions.
Be frugal and ensure good financial management.
Follow the advice of experts and consultants to ensure financial return and stability.

Due to the influence of the partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces on September 18, 2024, Cancer is determined to no longer allow negative thoughts to enter.
It is possible that you will be surprised by a negative mood, self-criticism, dissatisfaction and less self-confidence. Perseverance leads to the goal and negativity drives to despair.
Mercury in Scorpio from October 14, 2024 provides more stability, freedom and enlightenment.
Retrograde Jupiter in Gemini in the House of Cosmic Consciousness asks you who you are.
What are your spiritual values?
Learn to trust. Cancer gets the chance to free itself from self-destructive tendencies, deep-rooted fears and feelings of guilt.

The key to business success lies in objectivity, moderation and being realistic about possibilities and achievable goals.
October 2024 is a wonderfully romantic month for Cancer. A positive month of travel, including business travel, short trips, excursions and pleasant encounters.
During a trip or excursion there can be a heartwarming romantic encounter.
The only obstacle this month is envy and jealousy by third parties.
It is advisable to keep romantic plans to yourself.

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