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AQUARIUS ♒️ October 2024
(January 19 – February 17)

October 2024 is a fascinating month of challenges and beautiful opportunities.
A true journey of discovery for Aquarius!
The focus is on travel, study, emotional growth and spiritual connection.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 asks you to let go of old beliefs that no longer serve your intellectual growth and to focus on internal wisdom.
The return of retrograde Pluto to Capricorn urges you to transform subconscious patterns through introspection and to balance your desires and expectations.

Love and Relationships
Gemini represents the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini from October 9, 2024 asks you to connect with your inner child. Jupiter retrograde until early February 2025 is a wonderful time to do creative things that you haven’t taken the time for or allowed yourself and to do the things you want to do. People will come your way who still owe you something.
Jupiter retrograde is a period of creative development and enjoying everything that feeds the soul. Mercury and Venus in Scorpio give you that special attraction this month. It is an intense desire for love and a romantic, intimate and passionate time to date or do something exciting with your partner such as spontaneously booking a trip!
Aquarius will increasingly realize through retrograde Jupiter that relationships are not only physical connections, but also deep spiritual bonds that contribute to their personal growth.

Family and Home
Taurus represents the House of Family, Home and Private Life, parents and (family) karma.
Uranus retrograde in Taurus in the House of Family and Private Life shows that choices have to be made for home, family and living environment in the coming months. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius, so it has a great influence on Aquarius. Unexpected changes can disrupt your plans.
With Mercury in Scorpio from October 14, 2024, a housing problem can be solved. On October 17, 2024, there is a Full Moon in Aries and with this mental strength, this is the best time to talk things out in your immediate environment or to resolve a misunderstanding in the family.
This Full Moon is also the best time to finalize plans or ideas in the coming two weeks or to let go of ideas that have turned out not to be so useful in retrospect.
Sometimes a conflict is unavoidable, but this is simply necessary. The truth sets you free! Say what you think and feel.

On October 2, 2024, there is a Solar Eclipse in Libra. Libra represents the House of Higher Consciousness, Study, Travel and Philosophy. Aquarius makes great leaps forward in the coming six months in terms of inner growth through travel, higher education or teaching, presentation or publishing a book. A cosmic gateway to a “growth” as a person through recognition, a journey, study or new perception of Life and life philosophy that can lead to career changes or job opportunities. A foreign project, a return to a place you once visited or study or research, can now become a reality.
October 2024 is most successful for Aquarius who works in marketing, higher education, literary world, IT or media. October 2024 is favorable for teamwork, business travel, for negotiations and networking. With Mercury and Venus in Scorpio, profitable offers will not be long in coming.

On September 18, 2024 there was a Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (House of Finance).
This cosmic event will lead to developments in October 2024 and the coming months that will focus on valuation and how you deal with money and possessions.
Retrograde Uranus in Taurus is a period of creative inspiration. A hobby that you had before can turn into a lucrative project during this period!
Thanks to your persuasiveness, you can even get foreign investors excited!
Mars in Cancer can be the disruptive factor this month, causing you to doubt yourself and that can have a delaying effect. The financial situation will stabilize at the end of October 2024.

Capricorn represents your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go.
Pluto is retrograde for the very last time back in Capricorn. Pluto retrograde challenges you for the last time until mid-November 2024 to go back to basics to find your way back to your true self. Old remnants of emotional baggage are still coming up, such as bad memories and unhealed emotional wounds. The 12th House also symbolizes the end and farewell, so come clean for now and always. From November 20, 2024 with Pluto in Aquarius, nothing stands in the way of the new you and your new way of being.
Mars in Cancer can be the cause of pessimism in October 2024 and make you feel as if the ground is sinking under your feet every now and then. The scent of lavender, chamomile and jasmine is healing and calming.

On October 2, 2024, there is a Solar Eclipse in Libra in the spiritual 9th ​​House of Philosophy of Life, Abroad and Study.
This transformative Solar Eclipse is about your relationship with the world.
A cosmic gateway to a “growth” as a human being through a journey, study or new perception of Life and philosophy of life. A foreign love, a return to a place you once visited or study or research, can now become reality.
The pursuit of an ideal image or an unrealistic representation of relationships can lead to obsession, conflict and emotional turmoil. Nothing in the world is perfect or ideal, let go of that thought.

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