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Astrological Monthly Forecast October 2024

It’s autumn 2024…..
We are in the most complex, but most dynamic and transformative season of the year of the Dragon.

October 2024 opens on October 2, 2024 with the last eclipse of 2024, the annular Solar Eclipse at 10º04 in Libra.
Eclipses herald a new social, political or cultural phase.
The annular Solar Eclipse in Libra on October 2, 2024 is the penultimate
eclipse on the Aries/Libra axis.
The emphasis is on themes such as balance, justice and partnership.
With asteroid Juno and the Black Moon (Lilith) in Libra, this is about revealing, processing, balancing, settling accounts and letting go.
We will not experience an Eclipse in Libra for a very long time.
This powerful annular Solar Eclipse in Libra is visible in the Pacific Ocean, the coast of South America, southern Chile and Argentina.
Read more about this Solar Eclipse in Libra and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

The transit of Mars in Cancer can have a major impact on the worldview in October 2024, especially the days on October 5, 6, 14, 17 and 22, 2024 are days to take into account.

On October 6, 2024, Mercury in Libra is square Mars in Cancer, so the elements Air (Libra) and Water (Cancer) are ​​under pressure and that can be the cause of heated discussions and explosive reactions.

The annually recurring meteor shower Draconids in the constellation Draco shows an average of 10 shooting stars per hour on October 7, 2024.
The meteors originate from comet 21P Giacobini-Zinner, which was discovered in 1900.
The Draconids are visible in the early morning.

On October 9, 2024, Jupiter goes retrograde at 21º20’ in Gemini.
Jupiter retrograde in Gemini is a period of reflection and reconsideration and urges us to reflect on the overwhelming events since May 2024 and even 2008 u.
What have we learned so far? What needs to be revised?
During this mentally focused retrograde period until February 3rd, 2025, retrograde Jupiter ‘collides’ with retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which means we have to take into account a slowdown in economic growth, further dissolution of structures such as the process of secularization and an increase in religious extremism.
Read more about this Jupiter retrograde and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

Almost simultaneously with Jupiter going retrograde, Pluto goes direct in Capricorn on October 12, 2024.
The very last revolution of Pluto on the very last (anaretic) degree in Capricorn has a major impact on our world. The end of an era of restructuring.
With planetary wrecking ball Pluto direct in Capricorn, we are faced with a wave of transformative energy, aimed at breaking down outdated structures and the need to implement plans that have been planned since early May 2024.
Pluto direct in Capricorn is a now or never moment of personal and professional growth on an individual level, a powerful moment to reclaim your personal power, especially in areas where you have struggled with authority or control.

On October 13 and 14, 2024, the Sun in Libra is challenged by Mars in Cancer and Mercury is also at 29º in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn.
Power struggles, verbal conflicts, expressions of violence and military threats must then be taken into account.

The transit of our cosmic messenger Mercury through Scorpio from October 14, 2024, turns over every stone and hidden truths will be exposed.
Taboos and undiscussed issues will become discussable.

The Full Super Hunter’s Moon in Aries on October 17, 2024 is the second of three supermoons this year.
This Full Hunter’s Moon or Blood Moon in Aries sets a transformative energy in motion!
On the last degree of Scorpio, Venus forms a sextile with Pluto in Capricorn and that paves the way for the intense and transformative energies of the Scorpio season, which begins from October 23, 2024.
Read more about this Full Hunter’s Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

On the night of October 21 to 22, 2024, we can look forward to the annual Orionid meteor shower in the constellation Orion.
It is expected that 19 to 28 meteors “shooting stars” can be seen!
The ‘shooting stars’ are dust particles that originate from Halley’s comet.

On October 22, 2024, the Sun will be at the very last degree in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn and Mars in Cancer, and that volatile T-Square is a planetary recipe for violence, opposition, upheaval, power struggles or manipulation. This aspect challenges us to face issues of control, authority, and personal power. On a personal level, this tension square can cause an identity crisis and not knowing where you stand in your relationships, friendships or career.

From October 23, 2024, the Sun travels through Scorpio, the magical realm of Pluto.
With the Sun and Mercury in Scorpio, this is a period in which our thinking, special exchanges, and perception will be penetrating, deep, and transformatively colored.

October 24, 2024 is United Nations Day, which was founded in 1945.
On that day, Mars in Cancer forms a cooperative sextile with Uranus in Taurus, which offers an opportunity for breakthroughs and stalled peace negotiations in this polarized political climate.
Mars sextile Uranus encourages bold, unconventional actions that can lead to positive change.

October 2024 ends with All Saints Day or Halloween, also known as All Hallow’s Eve or Samhain. Samhain marks both the end and the beginning of the Celtic new year.
That day, Mercury in Scorpio then opposes retrograde Uranus in Taurus on October 30, 2024, and that can bring sudden revelations or sensational news about security, finances or personal values. Expect the unexpected.

We are heading towards November 5, 2024, the day of the American election.
Mars in Cancer will be at 29° Cancer opposite wrecking ball Pluto at 29° Capricorn on November 4, 2024… The last planetary collision of Mars (in Libra) with Pluto in Capricorn was exactly one year ago on October 7, 2023, when Hamas attacked Israel…

Given the 2024 Eclipses on the Cardinal Aries/Libra axis and the heavy charged USA Pluto Return in Capricorn, it is inevitable that America is preparing for a major political reboot, collapse or landslide.

In the coming months, Mars in Leo remains opposite Pluto in Aquarius.
Mars opposite Pluto is breaking open areas that need to be reformed or regenerated, but the coming months can be very challenging on a personal and collective level.
We must expect military intervention, violence, coups and extreme weather conditions.

More about these politically turbulent times in the November 2024 monthly forecast!

Marlies Goovers

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