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The start of October 2023 is a bit slow. Due to the influence of your planetary ruler Uranus and retrograde Jupiter both retrograde in Taurus, you must have patience in everything you do.
After the second week of October 2023, there will be progress thanks to the Sun, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio.
Overall, the first half of October 2023 is favorable for your career and the second half is favorable for love and relationships.

Love and Relationships
October 2023 brings both challenges and opportunities in love and relationships. It is important that private matters must be resolved within the relationship itself. Outside interference can lead to major problems.
In the first half of October 2023, your career will be central and things can be a bit complicated in love. In the second half of October 2023, there is more room for love with Venus in Virgo.
Single Aquarius can meet true love in the second half of October 2023 with Mercury in Libra from October 6 to 22, 2023. This period is also favorable for going on holiday and making future plans, such as expanding the family, living together or getting married.

Family and Home
The Full Moon of September 29, 2023 shows in the first half of October 2023 that things need to be discussed with siblings, at school or neighbors. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius and Taurus is the Lord of the 4th House of Family and Home. Retrograde Uranus in Taurus (4th House of Family and House) is about making peace with the past or closing a period. A reconciliation or deepening of the relationship can bring you closer together. Jupiter in Taurus is also retrograde in the 4th House and that shows that peace comes after a busy period of moving and renovation. Financial stress can have a negative impact on the atmosphere at home, young children and their development.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 falls in the 4th House of Family and Private Life and directly affects your home and family. This Lunar Eclipse brings out unexpressed anger and negative aspects in the family sphere. Emotional reactions are inevitable, but they do help to find a solution to restore a protracted situation. A strong family bond keeps getting stronger, but when there are problems you need some personal space.

In the first half of October 2023, Mars in Libra will bring great opportunities for professional growth. You will then be more confident and driven to take on challenges and come up with innovative solutions in the workplace or in the community.
October 9 and 11, 2023 are especially favorable days to apply or to become interested.
Retrograde Chiron in Aries in the 3rd House of Communication and Connections gives you a voice, you now get the chance to say it like it is. October 2023 is also favorable for business travel at home and abroad.Especially Aquarius with a creative profession achieves great results.
The Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 14, 2023 falls in the House of Philosophy, Abroad and Study and this influence accelerates projects related to international travel, abroad, publications and higher studies in the next six months.
This Solar Eclipse is the cosmic gateway to six months of “continued growth” as a person, a journey, a sabbatical, retreat, study, plans to be realized and a new perception of life that can lead to a new career or other daytime activities. Your participation in a charity project is appreciated from above.

The New Moon in Virgo of September 15, 2023 fell in the 8th House of Soul Processes, Shared Finances and Intimacy. The transforming energy of the New Moon also requires you to take stock, both financially and emotionally, in October 2023. What is really important to you? You have to make choices about what you really want, even if it means saying goodbye to something or someone for a financial or profound reason. Even if you have to give up, what you get in return is so much more than you think you have.
With Venus in Virgo from October 10, 2023, you understand the value of wise financial choices. With the transit of Venus in the financial 8th House it is about dealing consciously with finances.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5, 2023 is still influential and shows that your income has changed due to developments in your career, which means that business plans you had at the beginning of 2023 now have to be adjusted.

October 2023 shows a high energy level in which you feel strong and powerful.
Your well-being is connected to your inner strength and sense of justice.
To maintain your inner balance, you need to make time for yourself and your mental well-being. Rest, relaxation, meditation and yoga help you release tension and dispel negative thoughts.
The influence of Mercury in Libra from October 6 to 22, 2023 can have a beneficial effect on your health. It gives you vitality and drive to quit bad habits like smoking or eating fast food. October 2023 is therefore the best month for a new lifestyle.
Pluto will go direct into Capricorn again from October 11, 2023. Capricorn is the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness for Aquarius. Pluto in Capricorn gives you more control and understanding of the past, allowing you to let go of old pain. Like a large cosmic broom, Pluto sweeps away all the emotional baggage that prevents you from following your own path in this life.

The Solar Eclipse in Libra of October 14, 2023 can be the cosmic gateway to a love abroad, a return to a place abroad or a spiritual place in the world that makes you happy or that you love until the first half of 2024 fantasized.
However, with a new love, a problem with money can arise.
Patience and maintaining good harmony will be crucial in October 2023, especially when dealing with different situations, especially in the workplace.

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