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Uranus in Taurus is the planetary force that will create favorable conditions to realize personal goals and adapt to all those changes. Uranus will receive support from the Great Benefactor Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023 and then you have the best of both worlds, Virgo.
Saturn in Pisces strengthens self-confidence, perseverance and dedication, but also gives you the feeling of doubt, gloom and discouragement every now and then, but that is not necessary.
Trust the cosmic powers of Uranus and Jupiter!
With most planets at the top of the Virgo horoscope, the focus this month is on career, networking, work and health.

Love and Relationships
Due to the transit of Jupiter in Aries, physical and mental intimacy is an important part of the relationship and helps you to open yourself completely to the one you love.
Thanks to the lessons of Saturn in Pisces, there is more commitment in healthy relationships, but relationships that are not solid and beyond redemption are broken.
Your social life is flourishing and that’s because of the cosmic dance of Venus and Mars in Cancer in the first half of May 2023. Venus will stay in Cancer until June 5, 2023, you can count on parties, invitations, events and networking. The single Virgo gets great opportunities with online dating or can meet someone within the social circle. Throughout the month of May 2023 you can count on support from your social group when you want to achieve goals.

Family and Home
Your planet Mercury will remain retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023. There may be difficulties that make you less optimistic. Good time to go on vacation to adjust your plans.
Ceres in Virgo is retrograde until early May 2023, and this makes Virgo feel overwhelmed, less supported, or set the bar too high. This month a conflict may arise in the family about money or the spending pattern in the family or family.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 falls in the 3rd House of Communication, Education and Immediate Residential Environment. This Lunar Eclipse indicates a choice of school, study or making an important proposal about family, school, transportation or a neighborhood project or topics that you feel emotionally connected to. A disturbed relationship with siblings, acquaintances or neighbors can be restored.
The transit of Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023 can lead to confusion and misunderstandings in the family and immediate living environment. If you think you know it all or believe you’ve said it all about a situation, think again, because there’s something you’ve overlooked that has to do with a neighborhood project, transportation, education or siblings.

Gemini is the 10th House of Career and Destiny for Virgo. Due to the influence of Venus in Gemini until May 7, 2023, you can count on more opportunities in your career, such as a new job. A good workplace relationship with colleagues, customers and management enables you to deliver good work.
Retrograde Mercury in Taurus gives Virgo until May 14, 2023, the chance to revise, resume a postponed project, or return to a previous employer.
From May 17, 2023, Jupiter in Taurus offers you study opportunities and the chance to explore the world through travels or to develop yourself spiritually.
The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 in the House of Study and Travel stimulates Virgo to explore new ways by traveling or studying, launching a website or publishing a book about things that are new and future-oriented and above all appeal to the imagination. Listen to your intuition and create a new strategy for the future. A favorable period for Virgo who works in the free sector, media, travel industry or literary world.
This fresh cosmic wind in Taurus brings out your adventurous side, so what’s stopping you from broadening your horizons and making constructive changes.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 fell into your 8th House of Shared Finances, Insurance, Taxes, Business Partners, Banking Institution, etc.
There will be news this month about a stalled financial issue that will allow you to build reserves, new sources of income, make an investment to make your dream come true and strengthen your financial position in the second half of 2023.
This Solar Eclipse in the 8th House makes you aware of responsibilities towards others: both physical and emotional. What is really yours and what belongs to your partner?
Jupiter in Aries (8th House of Shared Resources) remains a favorable period in the first half of May 2023 to take out a mortgage for a house or a loan for a household investment, even though you have to take into account that your planet Mercury until May 14 is retrograde. So there may be a delay. It is advisable to be sparing and not to speculate. Good financial planning is therefore advisable.

Due to the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023, you decide to let go of negative thoughts as much as possible and to focus on what really matters. Your happiness, your physical and emotional well-being. Asteroid Ceres will stay in Virgo until June 21, 2023, and this will give you the chance to work on yourself, feel better, and get what you’ve been missing.
Mars travels from May 21 to July 10, 2023 in Leo (The House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go). Don’t set the bar too high for yourself. The transit of Mars in the 12th House can cause chronic ailments to resurface or other health problems.
The influence of Pluto in Aquarius in the 6th House of Health can make Virgo feel that it can and should do better. Raising the bar can lead to health problems.
Mars in Leo is favorable for mental and physical recovery, a rehabilitation process or retreat. Virgo may experience insomnia during this phase or have more active dreams (also daydreaming). In addition to regular exercise, you should ensure a varied and balanced diet. It is essential to pay attention to the events that took place in your life before this significant transit. Behavioral patterns, karma and emotional baggage from the past that are still present in your subconscious come into play. With Jupiter in Taurus, Virgo naturally finds the balance.

Pisces is opposite Virgo. Saturn in Pisces thus forms an opposition to Virgo from the House of Relationships.
Saturn in Pisces enhances commitment and a sense of duty in relationships and that can also lead to stress.
The influence of Saturn in Pisces may make you more critical, cynical and less optimistic, but you can count on the support of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, so don’t worry.
Now is the best time to plan for the future, so don’t wait too long to make a decision.
Extreme events force you to reevaluate financial responsibilities, including issues related to intimacy, sex, passion, and power. A period of evaluation and adjustment is essential to ensure you are doing the right things, with the right people, for the right reasons.

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