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The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2022 falls into your House of Personality. Anyone with the ascendant or Sun in Scorpio is strongly influenced by this lunar force. This Scorpio Lunar Eclipse can be a real game-changer in terms of relationships and goals you’ve set for yourself.
The Lunar Eclipse shows Scorpio the results of efforts and choices made in the past year.
This Lunar Eclipse can affect your physical and emotional body.
Due to the influence of the North Node in Taurus (House of Relationships), personal relationships remain a fundamental element to Scorpio’s evolution and life mission.
Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023 show clear changes in your relationships.
The message of the Cosmos is clear: cooperation is the key to success.

Love and Relationships
Mercury retrograde in Taurus (the House of Relationships) can be the cause of misunderstandings and dissatisfaction in relationships, such as business and private, until May 14, 2023. Relationship issues not resolved during Mars retrograde in January 2023 will return. During this period it is not easy to keep the peace or to compromise.
Inner problems such as unprocessed feelings, emotions or mistrust can be taken out on others, without Scorpio being aware of the cause of projection. Mercury and Jupiter in Taurus may cause confusion in relationships in May 2023,
Give and take can be an issue. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 can make or break a relationship depending on the quality of that relationship. Make a clean sweep!
You have to accept changes in love relationships, even if you find it difficult.
With Mars in Leo from May 21, 2023, the single Scorpio has a better chance of seeing a love blossom.
The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 in The House of Relationships clears the air that originated with Mercury retrograde and, with Jupiter in Taurus, is the perfect time for a new step in the steady relationship or to start a new relationship. A new business partnership or burying the hatchet with a business or private relationship is one of the possibilities.

Family and Home
Your planetary ruler Pluto is in Aquarius is temporarily the House of Family and Home.
It is possible that there are plans to emigrate or move to another place of residence. Pluto in Aquarius in the fourth House of Family and House is already paving the way for the future.
So preparations for a period of enormous profound and personal changes in your own psyche, home, family and immediate environment, such as moving and changes in the composition of your family.
The transit of Mars in Cancer (9th House of Higher Consciousness, Travel and Study) until May 20, 2023 is a favorable period for spirituality, study or to travel with your family.
May 2023 does show a restless picture for your private life. There may be financial concerns and disagreements with older relatives. Scorpio should do everything to keep the atmosphere calm. Children in your family can also experience this unrest and that has an impact on their school performance.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 fell in the sixth House of Work and will bring clarity in May 2023 and the coming six months about your situation at the workplace and your relationship with colleagues, a new job or a new position or career direction. In the next six months, this Solar Eclipse will have a profound impact on daily life through changes in daily routine such as new activities and working hours. There may be a reorganization at your workplace. A lot has to do with the level of satisfaction with the work you do. If you feel ‘stuck’, it’s time to choose a different path.
The Scorpio who works in the creative sector can count on success in May 2023.
Mars (co-ruler of Pluto) travels through Leo from May 21 to July 10, 2023, the House of Career and Destiny for Scorpio. This fiery transit increases your ambition and drive to perform, make connections, gain recognition and accelerate your way to the top.
Collaboration remains the key to professional success for the time being.

Until May 7, 2023, Venus travels through your 8th House of Shared Wealth. Scorpio can then count on a tax refund, allowance, compensation, dividend payment, money from insurance or inheritance or money will be released through your partner, business or private. With Venus in Gemini until May 7, 2023, you’re more likely to avoid or want to smooth over issues in a partnership about wealth sharing, power sharing, trust, finances, and other emotionally charged topics.
Thanks to the great benefactor Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023, the income stream remains constant Scorpio. Be aware of high costs, especially in the field of health care.
Speculative ventures and stock transactions may not produce the expected returns. So be careful when speculating, gambling or starting a new venture. The great Benefactor Jupiter in Taurus is well-disposed towards Scorpio, but financial success only comes through smart and strategic financial decisions.
In May 2023 there may be problems with customers, colleagues or business contacts and that could be detrimental to the profit in your company.

The Total Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 fell in the sixth House of Health and will have a profound impact on daily life, work and health in May 2023 and the next six months. Scorpio can face such things as burnout, feeling burned out or exhausted or simply unable or unwilling to move on.
Body, soul and spirit are one. If one part fails, the rest will follow.
The connection between mind and body is thus put to the test with this Solar Eclipse. The spiritual and the everyday are intertwined.
Mars in Cancer until May 20, 2023 helps Scorpio to restore the precious mental and physical balance by establishing a harmonious integrated rhythm of life.
Sensible nutrition, exercise and also relaxation methods such as yoga and meditation are necessary to bring body, soul and mind back into balance.

Saturn in Pisces (the 5th House of Love) gives Scorpio valuable lessons in love. Old pain and trauma must be processed and unhealthy relationships must be broken in order to free your heart. Saturn in Pisces makes you serious and committed to everyone you hold dear. Discuss sensitive topics.
However, Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023 may be the cause of relationship problems that have not been resolved during the period of Mars retrograde (October 2022 to January 2023). Conflicts intended to constructively change what is stagnant.
This Mercury retrograde in Taurus is meant to make a clean sweep of the past.
Try to see things in a different perspective, keep your patience and be understanding.

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