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The planetary presence at the bottom of the Pisces horoscope, the Night, shows that the month of May 2023 is also about inner processing, evaluation, recovery and preparation. Career goals and personal desires are on the back burner for now.
The focus this month is on rediscovery, love, finances, family, private life and emotional well-being.
From May 17, 2023, Jupiter travels through Taurus and that is very favorable for Pisces.
Pisces rediscovers meaning and what really matters in life, everything that is worth living for.

Love and Relationships
The transit of red Warrior Mars in Cancer until May 20, 2023 through Cancer (5th House of Love) can bring an old love back into your life. The influence of Mars in Cancer makes you stand up for your friends, children, family and your home, safety and security, but you can now also be defensive and demanding and that can work against you. The first three weeks of May 2023 are favorable for dating and putting yourself on the map. However, until May 7, 2023, Venus in Gemini can cause confusion in relationships. Mercury retrograde in Taurus helps to discuss and solve complex problems in the first half of May 2023.
Asteroid Ceres in Virgo will travel through the 7th House of Relationships until June 21, 2023.
May 2023 is therefore all about whether or not you have confidence and support. You not only want to support and nurture relationships, but that good feeling must also be there for you.

Family and Home
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 falls in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness, Abroad, Philosophy, Study and Travel.
This cosmic event asks you to distance yourself from too much emotional stimulation through TV, Social Media and following current affairs and makes you think about the bigger picture of life and gives insights from your higher consciousness about what truth and justice is. Trusting your own feeling and supporting this with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented power. The transit of Venus in Gemini until May 7, 2023 is the best time for Pisces to fix up your house or make improvements at home. Due to the influence of Mercury retrograde in Taurus, you can expect some news about your neighbors, friends or siblings in the first half of May 2023. May 2023 shows a harmonious atmosphere in the family and relatives. The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 falls into the 3rd House of Communication and Education. This mentally focused New Moon challenges you to connect with whatever tickles your mind. Learning new things, reading, having conversations, really listening, understanding and feeling. Choose your words carefully, because what you say is essential. It is also about communicating clearly, expressing feelings and offering solutions. It will clear the air!

Mercury retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023 can take away the focus, so that Pisces suffers from a loss of concentration, is less motivated to get started with ideas. Pisces then feels more closed and misunderstood. Mars in Leo travels through the 6th House of Work from May 21 to July 10, 2023, which makes Pisces enthusiastic, productive and extra motivated to work. Favorable period for creative professions and creative studies. This commitment can also lead to overload and stress, because Pisces then raises the bar for itself. Pisces may decide to change jobs if your current job doesn’t work for you. Pisces can therefore also make changes in the workplace.
Saturn in Pisces makes you calmer. This attitude improves the relationship with colleagues and management. Saturn in Pisces makes Pisces realize there’s no point in getting impatient. You will get there with patience and calmness.

On April 20, 2023, the Solar Eclipse fell in Aries in your second House of Finance. This cosmic influence will also profoundly affect Pisces’ financial situation in May 2023 and for the next six months. This 2nd House Solar Eclipse makes Pisces more aware of material attachments: the things we think we can’t live without. It will be a time to re-evaluate and examine your relationship with money. What is really yours and what belongs to the other? This cosmic event brings good financial tidings such as the approval of a loan or mortgage, new sources of income such as a raise, new job, new clients or second job. A sudden financial opportunity may arise or Pisces sees the results of financial plans and decisions. Jupiter in Aries will travel through the 2nd House of Finance until May 16, 2023, which is a favorable transit for your finances. In any case, there will be enough money through a windfall or reward, sale of a house, lotteries, in any case improvement of the financial situation through smart choices. An ideal time to make an investment, because it will increase in value.

The power of Pluto in Aquarius in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness allows Pisces to find inner strength and become stronger. Pluto in Aquarius brings out deeply hidden aspects of yourself, events from years long past that still have a powerful influence on your life. Pluto in Aquarius is a psychological and spiritual clearing process of processing trauma and guilt from your past or even past lives.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 in the 9th House of Higher Consciousness
gives insights from your higher consciousness about what truth and justice is. Trusting your own feeling and supporting this with your thoughts gives a feeling of unprecedented power.
Saturn in Pisces (The House of Personality) keeps an eye on things and helps you stay grounded. Saturn is realism and makes Pisces stronger inwardly. This restores the balance between reality and fantasy and helps you let go of illusions and get rid of all unnecessary baggage.
A healthy diet, rest, meditation, relaxation, yoga and regular exercise are advisable to maintain your mental and physical condition.

The Lunar Eclipse of May 5, 2023 can show a breakthrough or revelation in the field of travel, higher education, spirituality, media or the literary world.
In any relationship, it is important to appreciate and understand the other. To do that, it is good to find out what your desires are.
When you know how to keep emotions under control, you are able to achieve the best results and successfully complete processes after mature inner deliberation.
The first half of May 2023 is an ideal time to make an investment. Jupiter won’t be back in Aries until the end of April 2034, so take advantage of it now!

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