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Most planets are still at the bottom of the Capricorn horoscope in May 2023.
It is a time of emotional processing and building up for the cycle ahead.
The focus in May 2023 is on processing, home, family, love, relationships and health.
The transit of Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023 brings more peace to Capricorn.
With the transit of Jupiter in Aries since the end of December 2022, Capricorn was more at odds with itself and the environment. The tension flows out. Jupiter in Taurus until the end of May 2024 is in line with your principles, logic and values and that feels good for Capricorn.
Due to the influence of Mercury in Taurus, ambitions can be realized and projects can be realized in May 2023.

Love and Relationships
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 falls into your House of Friendships, Group Participation and Social Processes. In May 2023 and over the next six months, there will be changes in Capricorn’s social network. In addition to saying goodbye, your social circle will also be expanded with surprising and valuable contacts.
Red warrior Mars in Cancer travels through the House of Relationships and Commitments until May 20, 2023.
Because this transit coincides with Mercury retrograde, conflicts during this period should be avoided as much as possible. Relationship problems require a solution, contact can also be restored with an ex or people from your past. The great Benefactor Jupiter travels from May 17, 2023 (to May 24, 2024) through Taurus, the fifth House of Love and Self-Expression. Capricorn then wants to enjoy and get everything out of life.
The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 in the 5th House of Self-expression, Love and Creativity promises exciting dates, love and romance or a creative project sees the light of day.
Mars in Leo travels through the 8th House of Intimacy from May 21, 2023 to July 10, 2023, and during this transit, Capricorn can work on strengthening physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bonds. However, a demanding attitude can also be the cause of divorce, break-up or business partnership.

Family and Home
Aries symbolizes the 4th House of Family and House for Capricorn. The Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 will also have a major impact on the home, private life, roots and place of residence, parents and children in May 2023. A large investment from mid-April 2023 can cause a major shift in your private life. Deep-rooted feelings call Capricorn to look for the origin, to your roots to release age-old patterns of family karma. With the influence of the great Benefactor Jupiter in Aries until May 16, 2023, there can be a move, a house can be bought, sold or renovated. There may be happy news such as pregnancy, the birth of a child, marriage, family reunion or the return of a relative. It is best to make changes or adjustments to your home before May 16, 2023, because Jupiter will only return to Aries after 10 years.
Capricorn is going to make an important career decision, one that will have a major impact on your family and relatives.

Red warrior Mars in Cancer travels through the 7th House of Relationships and Commitments until May 20, 2023. Capricorn can therefore take the lead in relationships until then or Capricorn is busy planning and looking for new opportunities and partnerships. In the second half of May 2023, these plans with Jupiter in Taurus and Mars in Leo can become concrete.
May 2023 is a favorable month for your career. With good teamwork, targets are easy to achieve. However, success does not come naturally to you, only with commitment and hard work will the desired results be achieved.
Before you decide to take measures in your career, it is advisable to take some distance.
Otherwise, a conflict may arise that will be difficult to resolve, so the situation will only become more complicated. Trust the cosmic waves, things happen as they are meant to.

For Capricorn, Aquarius is the 2nd House of Finance. Pluto in Aquarius is financial restructuring. Capricorn’s value judgment is going to change completely, both physically and spiritually. In May 2023, Capricorn will gain the insight that material possessions are very relative. Capricorn is going to inventory, evaluate and make cuts. What is valuable to you and what you value. With the transit of Pluto through Aquarius you get more financial control and you start seeing financial results. For the Capricorn with his own company, turnover can fluctuate. A balanced approach to spending and financial management is the key to sound financial performance.
Capricorn is frugal by nature and knows how to arrange your finances well, so this energy does not feel strange to you.

Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Virgo until May 7, 2023, so there may be some doubt.
The influence of Saturn in Pisces makes you more sensitive to what others think of you.
During this period it is good to take a time-out. Neptune in Pisces can be the cause of memory loss and feeling emotionally overwhelmed by an overload of information.
The transit of Venus in Gemini until May 7, 2023 through the 6th House of Health is beneficial for your health, but avoid excessive indulgence, such as sweets and drinks.
Your body needs rest. Capricorn may suffer from headaches and colds in May 2023.
Many physical complaints have an emotional cause, such as negative thoughts and fear.
In general, Capricorn does not need to worry, but rest, regularity and outdoor activities such as walking will continue to contribute to good physical and mental health in May 2023.

Success is generally due to your earthly objective assessment for pros and cons.
Don’t overestimate your abilities. In everything you do you need to have a well thought out plan and strategy to ensure success.
May 2023 is favorable to invest in something that can yield a lot in the future. Still, you shouldn’t make hasty financial decisions. Take your time and consider the long-term impact first.

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