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Most planets are at the top of the Cancer horoscope during this period and with the influence of Jupiter in Aries (10th House of Career) the emphasis is on ambitions, achievement and worldly goals.
Gradually the strong energies of Jupiter in Aries diminish, because from May 17, 2023 with the power of Jupiter in Taurus, Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer it is about progress and building talents, skills, experience, capabilities and knowledge for further growth in life.
The clear shift to the eastern side of the Cancer horoscope shows a period of personal strength, independence and self-reliance.

Love and Relationships
Mercury retrograde in Taurus in the first half of May 2023 can cause some confusion about your friendships. An ex or boyfriend/girlfriend from the past can come back to make things right. The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 affects Self-development, Love, Friendships, Children and Creativity. An emotional event that has to do with feeling safe, the mother, children, a love, the past, pregnancy and your own inner child are emotional triggers that are overwhelming something you have carried with you for a long time. So a turning point. You now see who your true friends are and that balance needs to be restored. Venus in Cancer from May 8, 2023 is a supporting factor to (re)find that feeling and meaning in love.
Jupiter travels through Taurus, your 11th House of friendships and social engagement, from May 17, 2023. In May 2023 there are chances of parties and events to expand your social network, online dating or find a new love within your social network.
The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 brings hope, clarity and new people on your path who will help you move forward.

Family and Home
In the first three weeks of May 2023, emotions can run high every now and then due to the influence of Mars in Cancer. The influence of retrograde Mercury in Taurus has a calming effect, so that conflicts are also resolved in time. There are things that need to be talked about. There is no point in postponing things or beating things around, because these will come back with the next Mercury retrograde (end of August 2023).
In the family and relatives there are distractions due to external factors, so help comes from the outside or from outsiders. Something can be celebrated in the family and that could be related to a new addition to the family, a pregnancy or even a new pet, all possible with Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023.
Children in your family will need extra attention in May 2023.

The Solar Eclipse in Aries of April 20, 2023 fell into your 10th House of Career and that is a true game-changer for your career this year, a period of self-development, ambition and drive. This cosmic event marks a 6-month period in which social and professional progress is made or not and this influence will be felt in May 2023.
With Jupiter in Aries, your career has taken off from mid-December 2022. Jupiter will remain in Aries until May 16, 2023, so the first half of May 2023 is favorable to start a new project or apply for a job when you notice that your professional life is not taking you where you want to be. With a good strategy, a positive attitude, cooperation and negotiation skills, great business results can be achieved. Nevertheless, it is advisable to also invest in the social field.
Until May 20, 2023, Mars travels through Cancer. That drive together with the inspiring power of Jupiter in Aries brings more chances for promotion and salary increase, so go for it. With Mars in Cancer, new plans can now be set in motion for the next two years or more.
With Jupiter in Taurus from May 17, 2023, there will be more peace and stability in your professional life.
However, Mercury retrograde can cause delays with business travel and study and not bring the desired results.

The cash flow will also remain stable in May 2023 and speculation will yield a good return. Social contacts can be lucrative with the New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023, such as a crowd funding or fund raising campaign.
Be careful with substantial expenses. Due to the influence of Jupiter in Aries, there are more opportunities on the job market, a new job with a better salary, but that does not mean that you can spend unlimited money.
Travel, both private and business, can be detrimental to Cancer’s finances and do not deliver the desired result.
So be careful with your spending. Mars travels through Leo (2nd House of Finance for Cancer) from May 21, 2023 to July 10, 2023. During that transit you tend to spend extra money for your family or home. Of course there is enough to cover the expenses, but it is even better to keep money in reserve. Don’t borrow money from others, don’t lend money to others, because that’s not to your advantage.

Mars travels through Cancer until May 20, 2023 and this is a great time full of energy and enthusiasm. Mars in Cancer feels like a new beginning to you and it is.
A new chapter and that can set the tone for the next 2 years both physically and mentally. Mars in Cancer can be an emotional pressure vessel which is why it’s good to get outside as much as possible to channel all that excess Mars energy.
However, asteroid Ceres retrograde in Virgo can affect Cancer mentally until May 7, 2023, so you can feel insecure and unsupported.
It is essential to maintain your health by using a responsible diet and sufficient exercise. Mental well-being can be improved through relaxation techniques such as yoga and meditation. The transit of Saturn in Pisces until May 25, 2024 is beneficial for your health, including recovery from illness.
It is important to enjoy the good outdoors as much as possible.

Due to the temporary transit of Pluto in Aquarius, themes such as intimacy, trust, obsession, taboos and sexuality are discussed.
Do not compete with each other, but know how to (re)gain trust.
No one can resist your charms with Pluto in Aquarius in the 8th House, so now is the ideal time to step up your business. Use your charm to achieve success.
Uranus in Taurus has changed a lot in your social circle. New and unusual friends have enriched your life, people come and people go. Friendships that no longer work are broken. Changes come from outside and you have little or no influence on that. It just happens to you.

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