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Most of the planets will be on the Night side of the Aquarius horoscope in May 2023 with a focus on family and domestic activities, recovery and building new strengths.
A period of preparation and evaluation for your career.
May 2023 is a month of reconsideration and adjustment due to the influence of retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. From May 17, 2023, there will be another period of delay due to Jupiter in Taurus, but you can count on the favorable influence of Venus and Mars throughout the month of May 2023, which will change challenges into opportunities.

Love and Relationships
Retrograde asteroid Ceres in Virgo (8th House of Intimacy) in the first week of May 2023 can cause you to feel a distance in the intimate relationship. You feel less involved or think that you are not getting the support and love you need. The problem is not with the other person, but with you and you then have to dig deep within yourself to get to the root of the problem.
Mars travels through Leo (7th House of Relationships) from May 21 to July 10, 2023. During that period you take the lead in a relationship or you are actively looking for new connections or new partnerships and work on improving relationships.
With Pluto in Aquarius, the single Aquarius is a true charismatic magnet and does not have to complain about loving attention in May 2023 either. Don’t forget to give your partner the same attention! From May 21, 2023, Mars travels through Leo (House of Relationships) and with this energy you take more initiative. Due to the fierceness of Mars, anger and irritation can also arise in the relationship. To keep the peace it is good to make compromises so now and then.

Family and Home
Taurus is the 4th House of Family and Home for Aquarius. Uranus is the ruling planet of Aquarius. Due to the influence of the great reformer Uranus in Taurus since March 2019, Aquarius may have moved or there are plans to move to another house, other place of residence or even another country.
Mercury is retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023, and that period is suitable for tackling domestic problems or solving financial problems with your family. It is not a good time to buy a house, sign a lease or invest in real estate. Wait until the end of May 2023 for the shadow period of Mercury retrograde to be over.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio of May 5, 2023 will show a major shift in your career or professional life in May 2023 and the coming months, which will affect your private life. The great Benefactor Jupiter travels from May 17, 2023 through Taurus, the House of Family and Home.
Until May 25, 2024, there will be room for Aquarius to renovate or expand the house, buy or sell real estate or move to a more spacious home. There may even be a family expansion or at least positive changes in the living situation. The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 in the 4th House of Family and Home brings a new beginning such as a move or renovation. This energy brings you back to basics to take your own personal space or find solid ground under your feet.

With Mercury in Taurus you have to negotiate and it is not easy to convince others of new plans. It is important to plan and prepare everything in detail.
The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of May 5, 2023 falls into your House of Career and Destiny and is the cosmic gateway to changes in your career. This cosmic event shows the possibility of progress and success, but only if you put your heart and soul into it. This Lunar Eclipse shows that projects are coming to completion or being pulled smoothly. Profound career changes such as a reorganization or change in company policy, different government regulations or management changes are possible. The Lunar Eclipse also indicates the need to restore balance between career or public life and the needs of your family and private life.
It is also possible that you will take a completely different course in the next six months.
When you’re stuck in a situation where you’re not happy or your heart isn’t full, Aquarius can experience setbacks and delays and be more emotionally sensitive.
Red warrior Mars travels through Cancer (The House of Work and Daily Activities) until May 20, 2023. This is a productive period to get many work projects done only if you are motivated about the work. Mars in Cancer (6th House of Work) is performance oriented, but not a good time for teamwork, you would rather work for yourself.

Saturn in Pisces (House of Finance) brings karmic lessons about what is really important to you and what you really value.
Financially, Saturn in Pisces is a lesser period, but this period is for the discovery of material and spiritual values.
Material possessions reflect your inner value pattern, so now it’s about what you really need.
The Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio in the House of Career of May 5, 2023 shows profound career changes over the next six months. As a result, there are financial changes that affect the needs of your family and personal life.
A hasty purchase can be a bad buy. Be careful in everything you do.
Saturn in Pisces asks you to be a little more frugal. Major expenses for the home and family can now be a concern. Proper budgeting is required to maintain stability in your personal and family life.

Through the transit of Mars in Cancer (6th House) you deliver more performance and you can make progress in the field of work, work-related projects and your physical condition, such as in the gym or following a diet. Aquarius can become overstimulated in the first three weeks of May 2023. That high energy must be channeled or it will manifest as anxiety, negative behavior, and health issues such as elevation and facial rashes. It is therefore important that you remain physically active, by working, exercising, swimming or walking in nature. Listen to what your body needs, so also relax.
Due to the transit of Mars in Cancer in the sixth House of Health, Aquarius is more aware of the quality of food and you are inclined to make healthier choices in restaurants and supermarkets. It remains important to find a balance between work and private life.

From May 17, 2023 to May 24, 2024, the transit of Jupiter in Taurus can be very enriching for your private life, such as the purchase or sale of a house and progress and growth in your family. May 2023 is a favorable month to travel or for fun trips with friends and relatives.
If you love what you do and you have done things well, then you can achieve success, progress and gain recognition.
Eclipses also bring things out of the shadows, and in light of the May 5, 2023 Lunar Eclipse, Aquarius finds the missing piece.

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