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Astrological Monthly Forecast May 2023

The flowering month of May 2023 falls in the middle of the eclipse season and shows a restless and intense month, a month of beginning, turning point and end.

May 2023 opens on May 1, 2023 with the fires of Beltane, the Celtic celebration of the transition from Spring to Summer. It is the festival of the goddess Freya, the goddess of Love, Fertility and Sensuality that symbolizes the union of man and woman, which is reflected in human relationships.

From May 1, 2023, Pluto will retrograde in revolutionary Aquarius and descend into Capricorn, where it will return from June 12, 2023.
Pluto’s brief presence in Aquarius can be seen as a foretaste to reveal the renewed essence of the Age of Aquarius for years to come.
Until January 2024, Pluto is doing a major sweep in the creaking and failing system and then resumes the long interrupted journey through Aquarius from January 22, 2024.

The Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio at 14º58 of May 5, 2023 may lead to major changes and power changes.
There may be a powerful event related to something that originated approximately three months prior to this Eclipse and the impact may continue for up to three months after that.
This Lunar Eclipse in the intense Water Sign Scorpio is a powerful psychic Full Moon, with new life manifesting in a powerful way.
Pluto, who rules over Scorpio, brings up the past in Aquarius, deep-seated old collective pain that Scorpio wants to overthrow… think, for example, of cover-ups about sexual abuse, currency, banking and the economy.
Read more about this Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

Due to the influence of the Moon’s nodes on the Taurus/Scorpio axis until July 2023, May 2023 is mainly about global karmic situations involving the economy, money, real estate, power and sexuality.
Scandals related to money and sexual misconduct from the past and present come to light.
Big names fall from grace during Mercury retrograde in Taurus in May 2023.

On May 6, 2023, the coronation of King Charles III at Westminster Abbey in London takes place.
The 73 year old King Charles is also Scorpio….
So shortly after the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio and during Mercury retrograde in Taurus,
the coronation of King Charles III may be accompanied by delays or other problems.

Mercury will remain retrograde in Taurus until May 14, 2023. Mercury is Taurus is slow, conscious, grounded and pragmatic. Mercury in Taurus is about traditional thinking patterns. Including the shadow period until the end of this month, May 2023 is the month of adjustment, revision, reorganization and slowdown in the areas of money, gold, the stock market, banks, mail, courier services, insurance, currency, trading, shopping, sales, charities and real estate, but also affects our self-esteem.

On May 8, 2023, the annual Aquarids Meteor Shower will fall in the constellation Aquarius.
As many as 60 meteors can fall per hour! These “shooting stars” are dust particles that come from the ancient comet Halley.

Saturn in Pisces shows that it is time to heal and release Karma.
Big names fall from grace, spiritual leaders, but also false prophets, gurus and secret societies. Saturn in Pisces brings karmic lessons about spirituality, religion, the “New Age” movement, magic, soul mates, psychology, mental health in general, tranquility, recovery, solitude, privacy, solitude, hospitals, prisons, addictions, imagination, escapism and psychic abilities.
Secrets that have been kept hidden for the past thirty years are gradually being revealed.
So many people try to ‘escape from reality’ and live in illusions or delusions. Fear is the main culprit.
Facing the truth instead of running away is the key to breaking Karma once and for all.

Red planet Mars will remain in the water sign of Cancer until May 20, 2023. Mars in Cancer takes a less direct approach to getting what we desire.
With Mars in Cancer in the first three weeks of May 2023, we should expect intense mood swings, defensiveness and shifts in our energy levels.

The Great Benefactor Jupiter is leaving the sign of Aries and will travel through the earth sign of Taurus from May 17, 2023 to May 25, 2024. Jupiter slowly cools in Taurus and Jupiter takes on a more grounded practical energy focused on wealth and spending habits. With Jupiter in Taurus, we can expect significant improvements in agriculture. Investments in agricultural production and better harvests can offer a solution to the food crisis and scarcity on the world market in the coming year.

With Jupiter in Taurus, it feels like better times are coming. Jupiter in Taurus embodies prosperity and luxury. A favorable period is dawning for banking, real estate, culinary activities, art world, wellness, fashion and design. Jupiter in Taurus brings optimism, confidence and hope.
Read more about Jupiter in Taurus and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

On May 17, 2023, Jupiter in Taurus forms a tense square with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius, backed by war planet Mars in Cancer. Because of this volatile influence, we have to take into account upheaval and turmoil, disaster scenarios, terrorist actions and global turbulent developments with governments, so the threat of war and muscles showing.
We are also confronted worldwide with the impact of climate change, inflation and financial instability. Certainties disappear with this square. What you possess is only illusion.
Matter is illusion, we borrow from life. Let go and pass on…

The last time Jupiter formed a field of tension with Pluto was in 2017 and it will not be until 2029 that Jupiter and Pluto will cross swords again.
The square is collectively focused on wealth, success and pride with an insatiable drive and hunger for success and victory. People can have blinders on and in their drive for power, no means is shunned to achieve the goal. Everything comes with a price…

The New Moon in Taurus of May 19, 2023 brings new opportunities, but the energy of Taurus is slow. This is a New Moon of slow and steady building.
This New Moon is linked with the Solar Eclipse on the Taurus-Scorpio axis of October 28, 2023. So anything initiated with the New Moon now can be consolidated with the Solar Eclipse of October 28, 2023.
More about this New Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

On May 20, 2023, red Warrior Mars ascends the throne of Leo and remains firmly in the saddle until July 10, 2023. Mars feels completely at home in fiery Leo and that brings more pace after the somewhat slow Taurus energy of the first three weeks of May 2023.
Mars in Leo is driven to go over-the-top. Everything becomes more with Mars in Leo, there is more daring and self-confidence to pursue the biggest goals and chase desires.

The Sun travels through Gemini from May 21. This energy is busy, active, curious and social.
This airy and versatile Gemini energy is all about communication and connection. Where there is a will there is a way!
The symbol of Gemini is a bridged bipod, so there are two sides of Gemini. The passive, adaptive side of Gemini will be overshadowed by the extroverted, responsive side. People shout at each other just to be heard. Especially now it is important to integrate these two sides of Gemini by listening to each other for a better understanding.

We are still in the middle of an unprecedented cosmic transformation, a total reset of all social, economic and political systems that will continue until 2040.

The world is going through a massive energetic shift in which humanity must anticipate major changes on many levels.
Now we see how fragile we are and how fragile the global economy is.
The Earth is crying out for balance and new social balance is needed to create a valuable society.

I wish everyone have a beautiful and educational month of May!

Marlies Goovers

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