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Scorpio ♏️ June 2024
(October 23 – November 21)

The planetary shift to the top of the Scorpio horoscope shows that the outside world is becoming increasingly important.
The Sun and all personal planets are in the western half of the Scorpio horoscope. Social skills and adaptability are necessary to achieve your goals.
The focus in June 2024 is on relationships, cooperation, study, work, health and finances.

Love and Relationships
June 2024 is all about deepening, trust and liberation in the relationship.
Uranus in Taurus wants to break through the stagnant, limiting energy in relationships to make room for more liberating forms of partnership!
The New Moon in Gemini of June 6, 2024 in the 8th House of Soul Processes and Trust asks you to take stock, both financially and emotionally. Topics are discussed such as an engagement, marriage or divorce, pregnancy, inheritance, real estate investments, a joint financial enterprise or merging assets.
This New Moon will restore confidence and allow you to start a new chapter.
Jupiter in Gemini travels through your 8th House of Shared Finances and possessions, both private and business. Jupiter in Gemini makes Scorpio more aware of the deeper dynamics of relationships, such as forming more meaningful relationships in the future.
Mars travels through Taurus (House of Relationships) from June 10 to July 20, 2024, which is a favorable transit for accepting new people into your life, making compromises and mediating.
Family and Home
Aquarius represents your 4th House of Family and Home. Pluto is your astrological ruler.
The shift of the profound energy from Pluto to Aquarius has a major impact on Scorpio. Old patterns disappear to make way for the new, such as a new partner or a move to another place of residence. Pluto has been retrograde in Aquarius since early May 2024, challenging you to examine and address emotional issues of power, control and toxicity in your private life.
On June 22 and July 21, 2024 there are two Full Moons in Capricorn in your 3rd House of Communication, Connection, Education, short trips, brothers and sisters, acquaintances and neighbors.
These cosmic events bring clarity and urge you to talk about things that are bothering you. Take into account your choice of words, how you say something and what you say. A secret can be revealed. There may be unexpected important information about a brother or sister, neighbors or immediate living environment. There may be a complication or a breakthrough in a legal matter, but also problems with travel, appointments and transport. After these Full Moons there will be more structure and order.

The conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus has opened the door for transformation, but the transit of Jupiter in Gemini creates space for a new daily schedule that creates more structure and time for yourself.
The influence of the Sun in Gemini is less favorable for Scorpio. In the first three weeks of June 2024, you may experience distrust and a flood of information that is difficult to navigate. Business trips do not yield the desired results, and there are also problems with studies. It is advisable to focus on one thing at a time.
June 2024 can be profitable, but much depends on your creativity and goodwill, cooperation with colleagues, management and customers. The atmosphere in the workplace can make or break.
From the Summer Equinox and the Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024, everything will become more streamlined with more professional opportunities and lucrative offers, especially for the Scorpio who is into creativity and art.

Sagittarius represents the House of Finance. On May 23, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Sagittarius and that shows the financial completion or reward of an important project or moment in your life in the first half of June 2024, something you can celebrate or regret.
You must expect less income in the first three weeks of June 2024.
Don’t spend too much. A less pleasant event shifts Scorpio’s material focus. Less money teaches you to appreciate the tangible blessings around you. It brings you back to the core, to yourself, to what you really need.
The New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024 shows new beginnings regarding shared resources, such as drafting or signing business contracts, loans or inheritances. Favorable period to seek advice from a therapist, advisor or accountant.
This New Moon will restore confidence and allow you to start a new chapter. The transit of Jupiter in Gemini is favorable for refinancing or making investments.
Make sure that you are surrounded by people who will provide you with security and with whom you feel safe and secure financially, emotionally and spiritually.

June 2024 is a month to take it easy.
You will soon be busy, so now is the time to recharge yourself energetically.
Time to relax.
The influence of Mars in Taurus from June 10, 2024 can give Scorpio a sense of pressure to perform, even when you’re trying to relax.
You may want to channel that energy by exercising a lot, but you then run a greater risk of injuries.
It is better to engage in a creative hobby such as needlework or sculpting this month.
Listen to what your body, mind and soul needs. Rely on your flawless intuition in everything.
Setting healthy boundaries is the road to self-esteem, inner strength and well-being.

The Sun in Gemini is not the best time for Scorpio. Due to the influence of Mercury in Gemini from June 4 to 17, 2024, it feels like you’re being hunted.
Hasty decisions at the beginning of June 2024 could lead to problems.
Observe, look and listen. First explore your options.
Be careful with too much, because Jupiter is limitless. Overspending will cost you dearly.
Know what you have. You can only lose what you think you have. Give and receive in proportion.
No matter what happens, everything happens for a reason.

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