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Libra ♎️ June 2024
(22 September – 22 October)

The predominant energy of June 2024 will be characterized by mindfulness, Libra. There are changes coming, especially in your career, which means you have to pay close attention and keep your focus.
Libra is on the eve of a new phase. Self-reflection and introspection are necessary to embrace the coming changes, so take time for yourself.
In June 2024, the focus will be on career, home situation, love, relationships and finances.

Love and Relationships
Red warrior Mars travels through Taurus (8th House of Soul Processes) from June 10 to July 20, 2024 and that makes you long for a soul connection.
However, the influence of Mars can also be the cause of frequent conflicts in the permanent relationship. Venus in Gemini until June 17, 2024 strengthens attraction, so that is the best period for a date. Keep in mind that romance can be light-hearted and fleeting.
For single Libra it can be difficult to find love due to preoccupation with career and developments at work.
The end of June 2024 looks better and an argument will be settled or there will be better opportunities for a date. Distance yourself in a timely manner if something becomes too much or if you notice that attempts to approach do not lead to success.
Due to the influence of Mars in Taurus from June 10, 2024, you will become clear about feelings, which will make you see everything differently.

Family and Home
Due to the influence of Mars in Taurus, there may be a tense atmosphere at your home and family from June 10, 2024 due to intrigues from jealous people and outside interference. It is then good not to listen to gossip, but to listen to your heart.
Capricorn represents your 4th House of Family, Home, Karma and Family.
Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Capricorn and then there is an emotional Moon in Capricorn twice in a row, on June 22 and on July 21, 2024. It is about setting boundaries in a literal and figurative sense, a reunion with family or with the country of origin .
The Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22, 2024 shows concrete plans to move or there is an actual move, renovation or there are changes in and around the house to create your own place to be yourself. A situation at home comes to an end, such as the opportunity to free yourself from a restrictive family situation or conflict with neighbors or living environment. This Full Moon is about clearing out the old to make way for the new, in short, a breath of fresh air through your home with a chance for stability. Let go of that perfectionism. You simply cannot do everything perfectly, no one can or expects that of you. Don’t hide behind work at home, focus now on solving urgent emotional problems.

The transit of Mars in Aries promotes teamwork and sports performance, negotiations, study or organizing corporate events until June 9, 2024.
Mars in Aries shows more challenges and business competition, so you need to make sure you stand out professionally. Collaboration can be the solution. You must approach problems with business partners soberly, seek practical solutions and maintain open lines of communication.
Venus in Gemini until June 17, 2024 increases the chance of an internship abroad, turnover from abroad or a job abroad. Jupiter in Gemini shows possibilities for starting a business, studying or an adventure abroad, publishing or financing a book, traveling, study project, teaching or receiving a scholarship.
All this is extra stimulated by the New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024. Great moment for a study, a trip or an innovative foreign project.
Stay alert, make sure you have the right information with Mercury in Gemini until June 17, 2024 and play it safe.

At the beginning of June 2024, with Mercury in Taurus there may be news about income through your partner, an inheritance, a new job, an allowance, an insurance payment or a refund from the tax authorities.
The best period for new projects, making investments or expansion is from the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, 2024. This Full Moon forms a sextile with Scorpio and a trine with Taurus, both of which have a favorable influence on your finances. Libra can then count on the support of business relationships. Teamwork means more profit opportunities and better results.
The influence of Uranus in Taurus gives Libra more financial and emotional freedom, allowing it to free itself from unhealthy commitments.

Pisces represents your 6th House of Health and Well-being.
The influence of Saturn in Pisces can be the cause of constant pressure to perform, at work, but also in daily activities.
The transit of Mars in Aries until June 9, 2024 is pushing you. Mars in Aries makes you want to perform and be the best, and that can be at the expense of your health.
Take into account an increased risk of injuries, so it is advisable to avoid unnecessary risks.
Take care of your health, Libra. Rest regularly.
Nutritional supplements and walking in nature are necessary to prevent stress and stay healthy and fit. Saturn in the 6th House also requires structure. More structure and order make you better organized and that is also better for your health.

On May 23, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Sagittarius in the third House of Communication, Interactions and Connection, making the first half of June 2024 favorable to ask for help and get feedback on a creative project, business or romantic advice.
In summary, June 2024 is a month of growth and self-discovery. June 2024 presents both challenges and opportunities for Libra.
When you travel, you must be careful that you have the correct documents.
You are looking for help, advice and support, but despite external advice you have to take into account headwinds. Careful consideration remains necessary.
From the Cosmos you receive exactly what you need to understand your inner motives and those of others.

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