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GEMINI ♊️ June 2024
(May 21 – June 20)

Shortly after Jupiter’s entry into Gemini, there will be a New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024, signaling the start of your abundant year 2024! This New Moon in Gemini sets the tone for the next twelve months, your new personal year and personal and universal solar cycle. With the power of Jupiter in Gemini, this New Moon provides the drive and inspiration to embrace life with confidence. You have to keep your wits about you and take full advantage of all the growth opportunities that present themselves.

Love and Relationships
On May 23, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Sagittarius (House of Relationships) and with this cosmic event new commitments, both private and business, will be made or broken in the first half of June 2024. The energy of this Full Moon shows what already exists and will help to clarify unclear situations and true intentions.
So love can be quite complicated in June 2024.
On June 22, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Capricorn and also on July 21, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Capricorn (House of the Soul, Depth and Intimacy). These Full Moons fall at the same time as Ceres retrograde in Capricorn. In your social circle and business life, new connections are made or broken to pave the way to emotional and financial security, stability and strength. Prepare for something important in your life to be transformed in the coming month. A blockage can be removed to allow a stagnant personal situation to flow more freely. Your self-esteem, especially how you feel valued at work and in your relationships, are now also factors to consider.

Family and Home
June 2024 can be a complex month for family and home. It is good to pay attention to family matters.
Virgo represents the House of Family and Home. Mercury rules Virgo.
Gemini’s Ruler Mercury will travel through three different zodiac signs in June 2024, which means unrest and tension in the family and the family.
From June 4, 2024 to June 17, 2024 is the best period to organize family activities such as a party or dinner, but also to buy new things for the house.
With Mercury in Cancer from June 18, 2024, high household expenses can lead to problems.
Only at the end of June 2024 will there be peace in your home and personal life.
Time for quality time with your family.

The transit of Jupiter in Gemini guarantees a positive contribution to your career, personal freedom and creative self-expression.
The influence of Mars in Aries is invaluable for your career until June 9, 2024. Mars in Aries gives you that cosmic push you need. You can count on the cooperation of colleagues and seniors when carrying out your projects.
Don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe is right. Even if the results are always in your favor, make yourself heard.
June 2024 is a favorable month for new projects and expansion in your company,
Pisces is the House of Career for Gemini. The influence of Saturn in Pisces can be an obstacle. Real professional progress will come from the end of May 2025, when Saturn leaves the sign of Pisces.

The influence of Venus in Gemini until June 17, 2024 shows favorable financial results! Because more money comes in, you are happier and more optimistic about the future. You will start dreaming and making plans again! Don’t postpone a wish for later, because you can treat yourself to a well-deserved trip!
With Mercury and Venus in Cancer from June 18, 2024, there is a steady stream of income that allows you to afford more.
Favorable transit for financial negotiations and investments. Thanks to cooperation, it will be possible to fully realize a business plan.
The transit of Venus through the House of Finance is a favorable transit for making more money until July 11, 2024, but keep in mind that you also want to spend more money on things that bring joy and pleasure. Be careful not to fall into that well-known trap!
Be careful with shared finances as it involves details and exploring all available options first. This approach minimizes the chance of financial setbacks or unforeseen complications. Preferably keep your own financial control!

The warm universal wave of Jupiter in Gemini invites you to pamper yourself.
Find relaxation by going to the wellness, a facial or a nice haircut.
Mars travels through Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024, clarifying matters. You will understand things better and gain insights, making it easier for you to let go of old pain.
It all feels lighter and that is good for your mental and physical health.
Watch what you eat, because Jupiter (planet of expansion) in your sign can be the cause of weight gain. Quit alcohol and smoking or try to cut down!
Uranus in Taurus (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) remains busy in the background to free you from fears and limiting beliefs by surrendering to loving connection, unity and spirituality.

Gemini is communicative, but sometimes speaking is silver and silence is gold.
Before sharing information, think carefully about what the consequences might be.
Mars in Taurus from June 10, 2024 requires thoughtfulness and caution.
Don’t act rashly or throw yourself into new adventures.
So it’s about making well-considered choices. Impulsive choices come from a feeling of insecurity, but you often regret an impulsive decision.
Therefore, focus on creating achievable plans and strategies so that you can achieve them in the summer of 2024.

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