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CAPRICORN ♑️ June 2024
(December 21 – January 18)

June 2024 is all about the past tense.
In June 2024, this will involve tackling incomplete projects, paying off old debts and drawing up reports, overviews and summaries.
In order to make progress, a clean sweep must first be made.
Forming new business relationships and learning new techniques and skills contribute to future professional growth.
The focus is on work, health, love, home and emotional well-being.

Love and Relationships
Taurus represents the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression.
Red Warrior Mars travels through Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024. The influence of Mars makes you desire love and sex more. Mars inspires and makes Capricorn more outgoing and combative, so this is a good time to start dating with that self-confidence. Also beneficial for creative pursuits and new projects that focus on children and their activities. This is the best period to achieve intended goals, so put your doubts aside and go for it.
In a permanent relationship, Mars in Taurus can be somewhat difficult due to incorrect communication with your partner. Capricorn has seen many surprises and sudden developments in love over the past six years due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus. A commitment may have suddenly turned your life upside down or it may still happen. Uranus will remain in Taurus until April 2026, so continue to amaze.
The Full Moon in Capricorn on June 22, 2024 can throw off all the brakes. The best opportunities in love and cooperation await the single Capricorn!

Family and Home
Aries represents the 4th House of Family and Home.
The total Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8, 2024 still has a major influence on your living situation, home, family and relatives. There may be a renovation or move or other shifts in your family in June 2024.
The first ten days of June 2024 with Mars in Aries are the most favorable for doing odd jobs or organizing activities at your home and your family. June 2024 is a favorable month to travel with your family.
With the Moon’s Nodes on the Aries-Libra polarity, Capricorn is busy building and strengthening the home base and making moral decisions. The North Node in Aries offers you the opportunity to see all facets in your family with different eyes and to create better mutual understanding with the power of the Wounded healer Chiron in Aries. From karma, Capricorn has to deal with breaking ties with the family, opposition and friction at home. Partly due to the influence of the Solar Eclipse in Aries, you say goodbye to a place that causes you heartache or you distance yourself from an unhealthy family dynamic. Focus on creating a safe base for yourself, on creating a place where you feel at home.

Due to the powerful influence of the total Lunar Eclipse in Libra on March 25, 2024 in your 10th House of Career, you will see profound changes in your career and opportunities for progress and success. June 2024 is a favorable month for business travel.
With the New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024 in the House of Work, you will make adjustments to make your workplace more efficient, productive, safer and healthier.
Due to the transit of Jupiter in Gemini in the 6th House of Work and Daily Activities, there will be inspiring work projects, new colleagues or clients or other working environment or daytime activities, work and study opportunities.
Mercury in Gemini from July 4 to 17, 2024 is a fertile period for meetings, job applications and negotiations.
New opportunities may arise that feel better suited to your life and desires, but first a clean sweep must be made.

Aquarius is the second House of Finance and Value Judgment for Capricorn.
Pluto in Aquarius is financial restructuring. Money and possessions are no longer about having, but about what you can do with it. Pluto retrograde puts the focus on financial matters and sources of income. Retrograde Pluto is a period of reflection on how you generate cash flow and whether or not your approach is truly in line with your values. Take less income into account.
Due to the influence of Mars in Aries until June 9, 2024, you as an entrepreneur will suffer from competition and
By not keeping agreements you can miss out on a large part of your profit.
The practical approach to money can save you a considerable amount of money. It is advisable to invest in sustainable advanced technology such as a new smartphone, laptop or payment system. The transit of Mars in Taurus from June 18, 2024 shows a period of finishing things that have been put off. A good start is half the work. Map everything out, make an overview and complete everything meticulously.

The beneficent transit of Jupiter in Gemini through the 6th House of Health gives Capricorn more energy to exercise or create a lifestyle that suits you better. Being satisfied with selfless and generous acts, so by lending a helping hand, gives you so much satisfaction. Jupiter in Gemini gives you insight into toxic daily situations that undermine your health. The New Moon in Gemini of June 6, 2024 in the 6th House of Health underlines this beautiful Jupiter energy and is a great time for a medical check-up. This New Moon requires a fresh start, balance and a healthy lifestyle, a better daily routine, better working conditions.
With Saturn in Pisces you are unconsciously busy letting go of emotional baggage and cleaning up your house. A form of therapy or alternative medicine can help you let go of fears and ingrained patterns.
Taking time for yourself and taking care of yourself is the most valuable thing you can give to yourself.

Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Capricorn.
During retrograde Ceres you may feel insecure and less supported.
Capricorn can have a feeling of inadequacy and that comes from unresolved vulnerabilities that you would rather forget, but still come back to be healed.
Two consecutive Full Moons in Capricorn during retrograde Ceres on June 21 and July 21, 2024 can bring up insecurities and old emotional pain, which is detrimental to your self-confidence.
Ceres will remain your sign until December 7, 2024 in Capricorn, so until then, be kind to yourself, take time for yourself to heal and process.
It is important in June 2024 that you write down everything. Drawing up an action plan and sticking to it is necessary to overcome professional challenges.

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