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AQUARIUS ♒️ June 2024
(January 19 – February 17)

June 2024 shows a versatile month for Aquarius.
By approaching June 2024 with attention and openness, Aquarius can get the best out of it and pave the way for personal and professional development.
With most planets at the bottom of the Aquarius horoscope, you are still in a period of preparation and evaluation regarding your career.
Collaboration and social skills are a prerequisite for achieving your goals during this period.
The focus in June 2024 is on love, home, family, money and health.

Love and Relationships
Gemini represents the 5th House of Love and Self-Expression!
With the sensual influence of Venus in Gemini (5th House of Love), passion returns to your relationship!
The New Moon in Gemini on June 6, 2024 in the House of Love increases the desire for an exciting romance. This New Moon in Gemini challenges you to live out your fantasies! A new romance, fun activities with friends and children, good news about a child or family addition to the family or making contact with your own inner child is possible.
With the transit of Jupiter in Gemini you want to enjoy life to the fullest. A new love can arise, love can blossom in the permanent relationship, the arrival of a child can enrich your life or your own inner child can manifest itself. Jupiter was last in Gemini from June 2012 to June 2013, so themes from that time may return.
The return of an ex-lover can have a major impact in your life and can provide Aquarius with valuable lessons and insights.

Family and Home
Taurus represents the House of Family, Home and Private Life, parents and (family) karma.
Mars will travel through Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024. An energetic period to do odd jobs around the house, a move, family activities, a party, renovation or improvement of the living situation. This month, Aquarius feels like getting started on a creative project, a hobby or learning a skill.
With the transit of Mercury in Gemini from June 4 to June 17, 2024, you will want to refresh your knowledge, learn a new skill or start a home study.
During this period, Aquarius can be assertive and defensive, children can be rebellious or leave home. Tension can arise in the family, school children, relatives or those you consider family.

June 2024 is a favorable month to change jobs, apply for jobs, evolve your work and possibly consider a new job or career growth.
June 2024 is also favorable for the study. Business travel does not deliver the desired results.
This month, creativity and artistic endeavors offer you the opportunity to calmly and critically assess your performance and actions so far.
In June 2024, the potential re-connection with someone from the past can provide valuable lessons and insights. Everything is connected.
Thanks to new connections, new opportunities open up in the field of work and study.

Pisces represents the House of Finance.
Financially speaking, Saturn in Pisces is a less good period, but a period of financial stability in which material and immaterial needs are brought into balance.
Good financial planning and avoiding unnecessary expenditure or speculation remains advisable. Finances require special attention.
The majority of the income is salary, but you can also earn money with a creative hobby.
Less income this month can affect harmony with your partner. There will be financial improvement at the end of June 2024. Due to the transit of Mars in Taurus from June 10, 2024, you have less need to spend money and you prefer to save. Being creative with money can also be fun, you can also do fun things with fewer major expenses!

Capricorn is your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go.
Due to the influence of retrograde asteroid Ceres in Capricorn, you are processing unconscious problems from the past 10 years.
Mindfulness, meditation, pampering yourself or being creative are good for supporting your mental well-being. Trust your unique perspective and let your authentic self shine.
It is important that you keep your stress under control. Sufficient exercise, yoga, meditation, relaxation, rest, vitamins and a varied diet do the rest.
Listen to your intuition if you don’t trust something and go to the doctor for reassurance.
The Full Moons in Capricorn of June 21 and July 21, 2024 both fall in the twelfth House of Cosmic Consciousness and bring you into contact with your inner self, with your soul. In seclusion you will find the wonderful fullness to heal inner pain. Find peace in retreat or a place of spiritual peace to gain the insights you need.

June 2024 is not an easy month for Aquarius.
Emotional instability in early June 2024 may cause an important decision to be postponed. Aquarius is currently on an emotional roller coaster.
Pluto retrograde in the House of Personality from May 2, 2024 can be seen as the gateway to a new you. During this retrograde, hidden aspects are brought to the surface and events take place in your personal life that cause you to experience a true transformation. Pluto retrograde challenges you to say goodbye to self-limiting beliefs to reveal who you really are. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is a period of renewal, rejuvenation and regeneration in terms of your personality, ego, appearance, how you see yourself and how others see you.
Embrace this cosmic moment of regeneration.

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