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Astrological monthly forecast June 2024

June 2024 will be a memorable month!

At the beginning of June 2024, something special takes place.

In the early morning of June 3, 2024, a rare planetary parade of six planets will be visible in the eastern sky: Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune!
A planetary alignment of five and more planets is very rare.

In the first week of June 2024, Jupiter in Gemini forms a golden trine with retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect is exact on June 3, 2024.
This planetary expansive partnership of Jupiter and Pluto can be the catalyst for major social changes on both a collective and individual level.

In June 2024, major changes can be achieved by the power of Jupiter in Gemini and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius. With Jupiter and Pluto in the element of Air, June 2024 is a month of now-or-never, because Jupiter makes possible and retrograde Pluto doesn’t know how to give up.

With expansive Jupiter in Gemini, the Air element of diversity, life moves even faster.
Gemini is about rejuvenation, the new age, so there is no stopping progress.

Jupiter trine retrograde Pluto in Aquarius can lead to a breakthrough or developments in the field of healthcare and mental health in June 2024.
This beneficial partnership of Jupiter and Pluto is an aspect of growth, transformation, realization, fulfillment and reformation.

As it always goes in the universe, a downside must be taken into account, i.e. power struggles and arrogance. Success is only possible when these strong mental energies are used positively.
A lot can be achieved with persuasion and positive intentions!

With Jupiter in the first decanate of Gemini (the first 10 degrees of Gemini), human rights come first and this mainly concerns the equality of women and men and LGBTI emancipation.

From June 4, 2024, our furious reporter Mercury will travel through its own Air sign Gemini.
Mercury feels completely at home here, so until June 17, 2024 we will have an active period dedicated to connection, negotiation, being proactive, research, education and technological progress.

Mercury in Gemini, together with the Sun in Gemini, activates the Jupiter/Pluto trine, so there may be news about political negotiations or insight into very complex situations in the areas of media, health and higher education.
During this busy period there may be a major breakthrough.

On June 6, 2024, the day of the European Parliament election, the New Moon is in Gemini.
This planetary energy offers steadfastness and willpower, new perspective and clarity.
More about this New Moon under NEWS on this website!

Just before the New Moon and the European Parliament election, there is the magically beautiful conjunction (on June 4, 2024) the Venus Star Point (VSP), the magical conjunction of the Sun and Venus.
This wonderful conjunction increases the willingness for negotiations and cooperation.

Mars will travel through the earth sign Taurus from June 10 to July 20, 2024.
Mars is in “destruction” in Taurus, so it doesn’t feel at home there. Taurus converts the fire energy of Mars into a practical, conservative and earthy energy. With Mars in Taurus everything goes slower, but with this grounded energy concrete results can be achieved. People are determined to see something through to the end. Mars in Taurus is generally a favorable financial transit.

On June 11 and 12, 2024, Mars in Taurus will form a combative square with Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and these could be the most challenging days of June 2024.
Conflict situations over power and control can get out of hand. We want as much and preferably as much as possible at the same time, but we have to adhere to social rules.
In addition, Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces is a volatile aspect of mental unrest, upheaval, pessimistic ideas, skepticism and prejudices. Take in account geopolitical tensions, threats of war, spionage, infiltration, protests, aggressiveness, premature conclusions and unexpected developments.

The second half of June 2024 will be all about contacts, communication and travel.
We are experiencing a period of extreme weather conditions.

On June 21, 2024, the Sun, the radiant center in the sky, reaches its highest point at the Tropic of Cancer and enters Cancer.
The longest day and the shortest night.
It is Midsummer, the Summer Solstice or the Summer Equinox for the Northern Hemisphere.
For the Southern Hemisphere, this magical day marks the beginning of Winter and the Winter Equinox. From this day on, the days in the Northern Hemisphere will slowly become shorter again until the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024.

The Sun, Mercury and Venus in the Water Sign Cancer receive support from Neptune in Pisces, so the willingness to make contact and find solutions to issues is still there.
The emphasis is more on feelings and emotions and less on points of view and facts.

The Full Moon of June 22, 2024 falls at 1º07 in the Earth sign Capricorn gives us the strength to make progress through a beautiful connection with Jupiter in Pisces!
Read more about this Full Moon and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website.

Jupiter in Gemini is a renewed hunger for knowledge, imagination, trying out and processing information. Yet Jupiter in mutable Gemini can be the cause of further polarization, fragmentation and less focus on completing projects successfully.

The influence of Jupiter in Gemini can be the cause of incidents involving transportation, such as planes, buses and trains. There will also be an increase in tornadoes, hurricanes, unquenchable wildfires and extreme rainfall in the summer and fall of 2024. Due to the nature of Gemini, areas can be hit twice.
There will be a large increase in insurance claims due to weather-related property damage.

Jupiter in Gemini is about free speech, the press, uniting and the right to protest. The student protests symbolized by Gemini on college campuses (Jupiter) will continue in America and Europe.

Due to the influence of Mars and Uranus in Taurus, there is a restless energy at the end of June 2024, an inner urge for freedom. We want so much and preferably all at the same time.

On June 27, 2024, the exact Water trine of Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces is a good basis for negotiations and for making and adjusting plans.
Due to the influence of Venus in Cancer square the North Node in Aries, social revisions must be made or adjusted, but first pride, frenetic clinging to something, the urge to be seen and indulgence must be put aside.
Nevertheless, steps in the right direction can be taken in June 2024.

Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces from June 29 to November 14, 2024.
With Saturn retrograde we get a period of karmic life lessons and this especially applies to Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. During this retrograde Saturn in Pisces, outdated and outdated ways and beliefs are being abandoned or challenged. This period can be of great significance for Christianity, the Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church.

Read more about Saturn retrograde and its influence on all zodiac signs under NEWS on this website!

Jupiter in Gemini continues to grow towards a square with retrograde Saturn in Pisces, which will be exact on August 19, 2024.
From that moment on, the atmosphere changes and we will face challenges until the end of November 2024.
Pluto is then in Capricorn for the last time and then it is hard against hard when it comes to the old and the new world.
We will then be faced with disappointing economic results and negative stock market sentiment.

Jupiter in Gemini will form a second square to Saturn in Pisces on December 25, 2024.
Contradictions will then become even more apparent and this could be the prelude to an economic crisis that will have a major impact on our lives in the next five years.

Planetary giants Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Aquarius will form a trine five times in the period from July 2026 to May 2028. The influence of this free-spirited planetary handshake will bring protests and reforms from July 2025 to May 2029.
Social injustice, human rights and abuse of power are exposed.
This planetary innovative collaboration will lead to radical evolutionary reforms, social, economic and progressive changes, medical breakthroughs and technological discoveries in the years to come.

A return to what was is no longer possible.
Break the cycle.

Wishing everyone an exciting June 2024!

Marlies Goovers

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