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LEO ♌️ July 2024
(July 22 – August 21)

July 2024 will be an exciting and enriching month for Leo! A month dedicated to travel and social contacts, burning your horizons, resolving old disagreements and realizing the value of friendships.
This month you will be traveling a lot for work and fruitful contacts will be made along the way. With all planets still at the top of the Leo horoscope, the focus in July 2024 will be on career, social network, relationships and health.

Love and Relationships
The first half of July 2024 brings the best chances of a successful date for single Leo. Venus in Cancer until July 11, 2024 makes you more willing to make compromises.
July 2024 is a great month to meet up with old friends. July 2024 is also the ideal month to go on holiday with your loved one. There will be a lot of talking this month and a lot will come out. Retrograde Saturn in Pisces (8th House of Soul Processes) makes everything more concrete and realistic, allowing karma to be redeemed and old issues, emotional baggage and traumas to be resolved. Setting boundaries is key to finding confidence and self-respect. Sometimes you have to let go of something to find something or yourself. Neptune retrograde in Pisces supports this inner process.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius shows you that past traumas must be released before the way can be cleared to the future.
At the end of July 2024 you can look back on an enlightening month that once again shows how good it is to have friends.

Family and Home
Due to the transit of red warrior Mars through Taurus until July 20, 2024, you will be able to find the balance between work and private life. Leo then has more energy for the family, relatives and friends, such as going on trips or holidays with your family or friends.
July 2024 is a month to strengthen ties and resolve old disagreements and conflicts once and for all.
Due to the transit of Mercury in Leo from July 3 to 25, 2024, Leo may want to have the last word and put pressure on others. You achieve so much more when you roar less and use your strength in the right way. Nothing beats emotional stability, peace and domestic harmony at home to be happy and successful in your career.

Asteroid Ceres is retrograde in Capricorn (House of Work) and the Full Moon in Capricorn of June 22 and July 21, 2024 clearly shows how important it is to have work that is meaningful, work that nourishes and inspires you. This also emphasizes the need to find work-life balance and let go of old patterns and imbalances in your daily routine to achieve physical and emotional balance.
If you are not happy with the work you are doing, it will become unbearable and you will have to make a decision. If you love your work, you will make great strides and become successful. Taurus represents the 10th House of Career and Destiny. Red Warrior Mars will travel through Taurus until July 20, 2024. This energy makes Leo very ambitious You may feel like you’re on the right track after all these years of hard work.
With Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024, you can meet people while networking who will have a significant impact on the future. For example, you are offered a good deal or the opportunity to study or you are asked for a job. Take that offer with both hands!

July 2024 is a positive month for your finances. It makes progress in your career and that translates into profit.
Financial well-being gives more freedom and confidence. You don’t have to worry about unplanned expenses. This month you can make a purchase that you have been dreaming of for a long time. You worked hard enough for it!
Creative and innovative ideas are intertwined and provide opportunities for financial growth and stability.
Continue to focus on long-term financial planning to ensure financial security.
Virgo represents the House of Finance. The transit of Mercury in Virgo from July 26, 2024 provides an ideal opportunity to draw up a financial plan and make financial decisions. You want to know everything in detail! A smart time to buy electronics or invest in a business-oriented course.
Be careful about signing business deals, though, as Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo next month.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is favorable for paying off any debts, making payment arrangements or agreements to resolve a financial matter quickly and efficiently.

On July 5, 2024 there will be a New Moon in Cancer in the House of Cosmic Consciousness. This New Moon makes Leo sensitive to moods and trends in the world around him and is the cosmic pointer to go into the depths in search of himself. A wonderful opportunity to give yourself to a selfless cause or charity project, to assist someone else or to live a dream. Embrace transformation and purification, withdraw from the world in silent surrender to care for your inner well-being.
The Full Moon in Capricorn of July 21, 2024 falls in your 6th House of Health and that is a good time to stop harmful habits, slow down, exercise more, eat healthier. Leo wants to perfect itself! Great moment to treat yourself with a new outfit or a new look at the hairdresser!
Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024 can make you a bit overconfident. Instead of slowing down, you’re overrunning yourself. You are then more susceptible to infection and colds.

Retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (6th House of Health) encourages Leo to establish balanced routines and healthy boundaries. As you know, body, soul and spirit are connected.
It is of utmost importance to find work-life balance and let go of old patterns and imbalances in your daily routine to achieve balance.
Setting boundaries is key to finding confidence and self-respect. Sometimes you have to let go of something to find something or yourself. Neptune retrograde in Pisces supports this inner process.

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