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GEMINI ♊️ July 2024
(May 21 – June 20)

The summer month of July 2024 can be an unforgettable month of charm and self-confidence for Gemini! The great Benefactor Jupiter in Gemini gives you strength and inspiration to embrace life with confidence.
The focus in July 2024 is on finances, relationships, personal development, career and home.
It is up to you to seize all the opportunities that present themselves with both hands!
Uranus in Taurus (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) remains busy in the background to free you from fears and limiting beliefs by surrendering to loving connection, unity and spirituality.

Love and Relationships
On June 22, 2024 there was a Full Moon in Capricorn and also on July 21, 2024 there is another Full Moon in Capricorn (the House of the Soul, shared ability, Depth and Intimacy). Through this influence and retrograde Ceres in Capricorn, you will notice that commitments are being made or broken to pave the way to emotional and financial security, stability and strength.
The beginning of July 2024 may be a bit rough, but things will improve with the transit of Venus in Leo from July 12, 2024. There are nice encounters on holiday, during a trip or event with old and new friends. The single Gemini then has a better chance of a successful date! Jupiter in Gemini increases your self-confidence and with your charm you know how to win everyone over.
Be careful with what you say and how you say something.

Family and Home
In the first three weeks of July 2024 you are a bit lazy. You want nothing more than to relax and take it easy. This is the best time to invite family and friends to your home to make memories.
Financial problems can often be a source of annoyance in the family.
Gemini appreciates a stylish and luxurious lifestyle, such as nice clothes, nice meals out and buying nice things for your home. It gives you a feeling of peace and even relaxation.
Yet the tangible things around you do not guarantee happiness, because sometimes you only need to feel the sunlight on your face to feel happy.

Pisces is the 10th House of Career for Gemini. Due to the influence of retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, it feels as if your career is at a standstill. Some kind of time-out. It’s vacation time and it’s time to take it easy. You now have time to prepare yourself for busier times ahead. Saturn retrograde is a period of reassessment of your professional goals and Neptune retrograde has clarity. Obstacles should be seen as opportunities to take a new direction.
Rely on the support of Jupiter in Gemini, because you will get what you need.
The transit of Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024 (until September 4, 2024) also brings unexpected professional opportunities in your career. You have to be careful in the workplace or during business travel, because an accident is likely.
Real professional progress will come from the end of May 2025, when Saturn leaves the sign of Pisces.

Due to the influence of Mercury and Venus in Cancer, there is a steady stream of income at the beginning of July 2024, allowing you to afford more. You pay too much for something around July 3, 2024. The transit of Venus in Cancer until July 11, 2024 is favorable for making more money, but keep in mind that you also want to spend more money on things that bring joy and pleasure. Favorable transit for financial negotiations and investments. Thanks to cooperation, it will be possible to fully realize a business plan.
The New Moon in Cancer on July 5, 2024 falls in the 2nd House of Finance and Value.
Gemini receives information necessary to make informed financial decisions. This New Moon shows where money needs to be invested and where priorities need to be set to gain a favorable position. A New Moon to set financial goals for the future, but also a New Moon to appreciate what you already have. What really makes you happy? What do you really need? Investing in creative projects can be worthwhile.

The warm universal wave of Jupiter in Gemini invites you to pamper yourself.
Find relaxation by going to the wellness, have a facial or go to the hairdresser.
Thanks to Mercury in Leo from July 3 to 25, 2024, you will have a good feeling, a sense of euphoria and joy. Beware of stress!
Mars will travel through Taurus until July 20, 2024 and with this enlightening influence everything feels lighter, making it easier to let go of old pain.
In mid-July 2024 you may suffer from fatigue and this may be due to the fact that you want to do so much at the same time. Sporting performance or other physical efforts or the urge to show yourself and prove what you can do takes a lot of energy.
Mars in Gemini from July 21, 2024 will make you restless and take more risks, which significantly increases the risk of injury.

Make sure your promises are kept. You say so much, but you have to make it happen!
The best time to travel is in the first half of July 2024. It feels so much better to go on your top holiday when everything is sorted and tidied up! Only then can you leave everything behind with peace of mind.
Mars in Taurus until July 20, 2024 asks not to act rashly or throw yourself into new adventures. Make informed choices. Impulsive choices come from a feeling of insecurity, but you often regret an impulsive decision.

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