December 2023 is the last month of the year, but for you it feels like a personal New Year with the energy of the Sun, Mars and Mercury in Sagittarius!
The New Moon in Sagittarius of December 12, 2023 is your personal New Year, a powerful and spiritual new beginning for every facet of your life.
Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius from December 24, 2023 to January 1, 2024.
What may have gone wrong at the beginning of 2023 can be put right at the end of 2023.
Saturn in Pisces hits the brakes so every now and then, but overall there’s a whole lot of adventure in store in December 2023.
Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Gemini of November 27, 2023 fell in the House of Relationships. The first half of December 2023 will therefore show changes in the relational area, creating room for growth and deepening in the relationship. If there is insincerity and deceit in business, love or otherwise, it is now exposed.
Love blossoms halfway through the month. Great moment for a date or beautiful moments with your loved one. Your loved one wants more commitment, but Sagittarius wants to be free and untethered and that can be a breaking point when your partner wants to take the next step.
The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 in the eighth House of the Soul requires balance in give and take when it comes to shared assets and safety, security, intimacy and space in an intimate relationship. Beware of overconfidence, because at a company party it can become too fun and you may regret it later. A seductive date can turn into a stormy love affair that does not last long.
Family and Home
Saturn in Pisces has been direct again in your House of Family and Home since November 4, 2023. In December 2023, this may affect your family. Family ties are broken or fall away when they are not nourishing or when Sagittarius leaves an unsafe situation or place that no longer provides a solid foundation. December 2023 is not a favorable month for a holiday trip.
At the beginning of December 2023, due to the influence of Mercury in Capricorn, there may be problems with money and helping or assisting parents or elders in your family or those who are like family to you. Your career also demands a lot from you, which means you have to find a balance between work and private life. Through Saturn in Pisces, Sagittarius receives karmic life lessons regarding home and family.
Family problems from the past (even from previous lives) and unresolved emotional traumas are now being addressed by direct Saturn and Neptune in Pisces. This marks a time of great inner processing and themes surrounding your attachment to the past. Sometimes it manifests as a literal reorganization of your home.
The influence of the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023 may lead to a reorganization or retirement from your current job in December 2023.
Jupiter and Uranus are still retrograde in Taurus (6th House of Daily Work) and that leads to delays. There may be a conflict with colleagues and seniors in the workplace. No matter how hard you try, there won’t be much progress in December 2023.
December 2023 is not a favorable month for studies and business trips do not show immediate results. Switching to another job makes little sense. It is better to arrange and complete matters, because that is appreciated.
Slowing down also means that you can take it easy after a hectic but productive time. By taking it slower, you become more aware of yourself. More time for yourself also means more of those great ideas that you can use again when Jupiter goes direct again from December 31, 2023!
December 2023 is a month full of financial challenges and this can mainly be due to hasty transactions, deception and impulse purchases.
Due to the influence of retrograde Mercury in Capricorn from December 13 to 23, 2023, there may be unexpected costs that can cause problems for Sagittarius.
Keep your accounts in order and don’t spend money on things you can’t afford or don’t need.
The Full Moon in Cancer of December 27, 2023 falls in the eighth House of the Soul. It’s about finding balance in give and take when it comes to shared resources and safety, security and intimacy and space in an intimate relationship. It is about finding balance and awareness of financial dependence, both business and private.
Entering into financial partnerships and financial agreements are favored by the Full Moon until mid-January 2024. With this Full Moon, Sagittarius sees the financial results such as dividend payments or returns from investments, but also unexpected and hidden costs of the other person and paying off debts or financial arrangements are possible.
December 2023 is a favorable month for your health.
Taurus is the 6th House of Health for Sagittarius. Your ruling planet Jupiter is still retrograde in Taurus and this cosmic influence will require you to take it easy in December 2023.
The Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus of October 28, 2023 will also have a major impact on your health, daily routine or lifestyle in December 2023. A diet, healthy food, exercise, less stress at work and in your daily life is essential to stay mentally and physically healthy and fit.
Retrograde Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is a great time to break unhealthy habits to increase your sense of well-being.
With the power of Mars in Sagittarius it feels like there’s nothing standing in the way, but at the end of December 2023, things take a serious turn.
What is important this month is good budget management and that there is room to deal with any problems at the end of December 2023.
The influence of retrograde Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus (6th House of Work) strengthens all decisions made in the field of work or in your daily life. Whatever you decide, changes are permanent. A language course or immersing yourself in another culture can contribute to your future career.