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PISCES ♓️ August 2024
(February 18 – March 19)

The influence of retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces can have a slowing effect, but it does put you on the right path to finding a deeper alignment with your true identity and trusting yourself.
August 2024 is primarily about interpersonal relationships and the role of those relationships in the pursuit of personal and business success.
August 2024 is a search for joy and fulfillment, for deep, emotional and meaningful connections, for nurturing and love.

Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024 offers the opportunity in the first half of August 2024 to repair a broken relationship or find a new relationship that shares your ideas and dreams for the future. Pisces is looking for tenderness, romance and nurturing.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo from August 5 to 15, 2024 can be the cause of irritations in relationships where children can play a role. Mercury retrograde is a favorable period for relationship therapy, counseling or seeking advice from someone who can mediate to take your relationship to a higher level. Try to set healthy boundaries.
Trust provides a feeling of harmony, security and a pleasant atmosphere. Trusting each other and allowing each other’s personal space is a strong construction under any relationship.

Family and Home
Gemini represents the 4th House of Family and House of Pisces.
Mars in Gemini provides more emotional flexibility and is beneficial for strengthening family relationships, a holiday, buying, selling or building a house, a renovation, moving or projects in and around the house.
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024 can cause delays in your daily routine, work and activities. It is advisable to work in an organized manner during this period. Stick to a tight schedule with to-do lists, schedules and agendas.
Jupiter in Gemini (House of Family) squares retrograde Saturn in your sign of Pisces can be the cause of frustrations regarding your image, sense of self and how others perceive you in your family. You have changed or you are going through a change. Hold on to that and don’t go back to who you were or to what you lost before.

The New Moon in Leo of August 4, 2024 falls in the 6th House of Work. This New Moon calls for a fresh start, balance and a healthy lifestyle or a job with better employment conditions. Maybe you’ve set the bar too high and feel like you can’t keep up. New opportunities may arise that feel better suited to your life and desires. Time for a new impulse!
Mercury goes retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024, so that is a good period to restart work projects or return to a former job and collaboration with former colleagues or to review and make adjustments to your workplace or daily life. Take into account delays in your daily routine, at work and in your daytime activities. Beware of stress. It is advisable to work in an organized manner during this period.

Due to the influence of Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, it is possible to save money for the future.
It is important not to make impulsive expenses.
Also be careful with gambling, speculative activities and risky ventures. Transparency and caution must prevail when other people’s money is at stake.
So, Pisces needs to be careful when it comes to financial matters in August 2024.
You really want to improve the financial situation, but that is simply not possible with impulsive actions or risky ventures. Also be cautious about taking out loans or granting loans.
Openness and honesty in financial transactions prevents possible long-term complications.
The New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024 (6th House of Health) is a great time to exercise or start a new diet or exercise plan.
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to August 27, 2024 also falls in your 6th House of Work and Health and there may be stress during that period. Then try to stick to a fixed daily schedule as much as possible.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius in the 12th House of Detachment, the Subconscious and the Hidden digs deep into your subconscious problems, motivations and desires to gain insight into the how and why. Because you gain more insight about yourself, it becomes easier to let go of the heavy burden you carry, making you stronger internally.
On August 19, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Aquarius in your House of Cosmic Consciousness and Detachment. Powerful emotions are released and it makes you extra intuitive. Time to catch up on sleep, take a retreat or short vacation to gain balance.

Pisces should be careful when it comes to financial matters in August 2024.
Impulsive spending and risky ventures can lead to losses.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces in the House of Personality is an inner reconstruction and a process of ‘growing up’ and taking responsibility for your life.
Even though everything feels stagnant due to this retrograde, know that this process continues.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces teaches that you are good just the way you are and is an opportunity to find a deeper alignment with your true identity. Allow yourself to discover who you really are on a spiritual level.
Continue to wonder and don’t let fear of judgment or failure hold you back.

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