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Libra ♎️ August 2024
(September 22 – October 22)

Last month’s wave of dynamic and transformative energy continues, Libra.
August 2024 is a month of increased charm, transformation, determination and productivity.
Even if you face resistance in your environment, embrace all the opportunities that present themselves now!

Love and Relationships
The Sun in Leo strengthens Libra’s natural magnetic charm until August 21, 2024!
The New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024 in the 11th House of Hope and Social Processes can be a real eye opener when it comes to your social circle. It makes you see things from a concrete point of view. Libra will only focus on contacts that really matter.
Who are your real friends, who or which group do you want to go into the future with?
August 2024 shows a harmonious month for the relationship.
The single Libra can meet a new love on holiday, either at home or abroad.
On August 19, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Aquarius (House of Love) and that can strengthen or end a new love connection or creative project. A budding romance can take shape or you can make full use of your creative talents with Pluto retrograde!

Family and Home
Capricorn represents the House of Family and Home. Retrograde asteroid Ceres in Capricorn continues to remind you that a home should also be a safe home, where you feel safe and supported.
Supported by the Full Moon of July 21, 2024, you will be busy setting boundaries in the literal and figurative sense in the first half of August 2024. A situation at home comes to an end, such as the opportunity to free yourself from a restrictive family situation or conflict with neighbors or residential area. There may be disharmony and outside influences in August 2024.
A housing issue will be addressed in mid-August 2024. Maybe your house is too small or you have to move due to circumstances. There’s no point in delaying it any further, so take action.
A real estate agent or housing association can help you on your way.
Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo from August 5, 2024, which will help you to rearrange your thoughts. Mars in Gemini until September 4, 2024 is a great time to travel!

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces shows that you have set the bar too high in recent months and puts everything into perspective to find healthy balance.
Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces in the House puts you on the spot and asks you not to ignore or deny your talents when you are not inspired or your creativity is denied or blocked. Supported by retrograde Mercury in Virgo from August 5, 2024, Saturn retrograde shows that there is still room for growth and adjustments in organizing the workplace.
More structure in your daily life and a healthy lifestyle are necessary to be able to bear all these new responsibilities. Saturn retrograde teaches you to stay healthy and fit, to be more productive and efficient with your time and to bring more structure and order into your daily life.

Due to the influence of the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024, Libra can count on more income in the first half of August 2024 through cooperation and support of business relationships. Due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus, Libra gains more and more financial and emotional freedom, allowing it to break free from an unhealthy relationship.
With your planet Venus in Virgo from August 6, 2024, you only go for the very best.
You want perfection and then you feel like going shopping. Libra knows how to get the best for a bargain price. August 2024 shows stable cash flow. There is even room to save.
Importantly, you should try to make purchases without loans or late payments.
The financial situation will improve or stabilize at the end of August 2024.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go) from August 5 to 15, 2024 has a major influence on your energy level. In the first half of August 2024 you feel exhausted and need a lot of rest to recover. Unresolved vulnerabilities that you thought you had released and avoided may surface. Mars in Gemini rushes you and that is the cause of stress. Work pressure and responsibilities can adversely affect your health and nervous system.
Retrograde Neptune in Pisces (House of Health) makes you extra sensitive to stress and medications. More structure and a healthy lifestyle are needed to cope with the workload or daily worries.
Saturn retrograde in Pisces teaches you to be more productive and efficient with your time.

August 2024 is a month of achievements and personal growth. A lot is asked of you.
Your dynamic attitude is surprising and noticed, but it can also arouse resistance and envy. Don’t worry about that. You can spend your time better, so seize your opportunities and chart your own course. Engaging in sports or physical activities channels that strong inner energy, which is also good for your health, well-being and your appearance.
Perhaps you feel the need to detach yourself from a creative or personal project or someone.
It’s about what makes you happy, your emotional well-being and spiritual connection, your self-expression.

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