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LEO ♌️ August 2024
(July 22 – August 21)

August 2024 is all about adventure!
On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo and that feels like a new beginning for you.
The Year of the Dragon is really starting well, especially for Leo born between August 2 and 6, 2024. Time to manifest dreams.
August 2024 is also a month to refuel. A well-deserved vacation gives you strength and renewed energy to focus on your career and other projects.
In August 2024, the focus will be on abroad, travel, money, relationships, career and your social network.

Love and Relationships
Retrograde Saturn square Jupiter this month puts issues with dedication, trust, control, money or sex to the test. Within the relationship there may be a distance or it may be difficult to be together with your partner. Retrograde Neptune encourages you to delve into what has been going wrong in the relationship with a loved one for a while. Setting boundaries is key to finding confidence and self-respect. Sometimes you have to let go of something to find something or yourself. During Saturn and Neptune retrograde you will learn the true meaning of unconditional love and any fears, inhibitions or traumas can be addressed.
The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024 in the House of Relationships shows changes in the relational field, creating space for growth and deepening in the relationship.
From the second half of August 2024 there will be joyful events and memorable meetings.
A meeting abroad or at a party can become an exciting adventure. Unforeseen events may occur, but that unpredictability is exciting.

Family and Home
August 2024 is a favorable month to tidy up the house and carry out minor repairs. It may be that Leo is a bit impatient and perhaps a bit tactless and straightforward within the family in August 2024.
For a good atmosphere, it is important to take into account what you say and how you say something. It is also important to find peace and relaxation. August 2024 is a favorable month to go on holiday with your family, preferably in nature.
Leo can count on the support of elderly relatives.
As you know, nothing beats emotional stability, peace and home harmony to be happy and successful in your career, so work on a solid foundation.

Capricorn represents the House of Work. Asteroid Ceres is still retrograde Capricorn until August 25, 2024. Ceres retrograde focuses on the fact that you should have work that you feel passionate about, that fulfills and nourishes you.
If you are not happy with the work you are doing, it will become unbearable and you will end up taking the plunge. If you love your work, you will make great strides and become successful.
You may have less motivation to work in August or you may simply be burned out. August 2024 is not a month of career growth, but of completion of projects, rest, recovery and well-deserved vacation. With Mars in Gemini, you can meet people while networking or traveling who will have a significant impact on the future. For example, you are offered a good deal or the opportunity to study or you are asked for a job. Take that offer with both hands!

Virgo represents the second House of Finance. Virgo also represents thrift, which makes Leo sensitive to waste, so you always pay close attention to your expenses.
Retrograde Mercury in Virgo from August 5 to 15, 2024 makes it possible to resolve a financial issue in your favor, draw up a financial plan and make financial decisions. A perfect time to buy electronics or invest in a business-oriented course.
With the transit of Venus in Virgo from August 6 to 29, 2024, you can pick up some great bargains. Mercury is retrograde in Virgo (House of Finance) from August 5 to 15, 2024 and with this Mercury retrograde you can expect money back. It is possible that you have lent money to a friend or that you are owed money from the tax authorities or government or have overdue wages or outstanding invoices in your company.
Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is favorable for paying off any debts, making payment arrangements or making agreements to resolve a financial matter quickly and efficiently.

The transit of Mars in Gemini may make you a bit overconfident in August 2024. Instead of slowing you down, you’re overrunning yourself. You are then more susceptible to infection and colds.
The Full Moon in Capricorn of July 21, 2024 fell in your 6th House of Health.
The first half of August 2024 is a good time to stop harmful habits, slow down, exercise more and eat healthier. Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024 can be an unpleasant time of misunderstandings and a lack of focus. Leo can be absent-minded, anxious and stressed during this Mercury retrograde in the second half of August 2024.
Stay vigilant during the transit of Mars in Gemini. A harmless cold can degenerate into flu or pneumonia due to the influence of Mars. Take safety measures and precautions while traveling as well as in daily activities, because an accident can happen in the near future.

Retrograde Ceres in Capricorn (6th House of Health) encourages Leo to establish balanced routines and healthy boundaries. As you know, body, soul and spirit are connected.
Setting boundaries is key to finding confidence and self-respect.
Sometimes you have to let go of something to find something or yourself.
Neptune retrograde in Pisces supports this inner process.
It is also important to find the right balance between work and private life and to let go of old patterns and imbalances in your daily routine in order to achieve physical and emotional balance.
Pluto retrograde in Aquarius shows you that past traumas must be released before the way can be cleared to the future.

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