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GEMINI ♊️ August 2024
(May 21 – June 20)

Due to Mercury retrograde from August 5, 2024, August 2024 can be a slow month for your career, money and relationships.Fortunately, the collaboration of Jupiter and red Warrior Mars in Gemini can provide relief.
The focus in August 2024 will be on finances, relationships, career, abroad, home and immediate living environment. Uranus in Taurus (12th House of Cosmic Consciousness) remains busy in the background to free you from fears and limiting beliefs by surrendering to loving connection, unity and spirituality.

Love and Relationships
The transit of Venus in Leo until August 5, 2024 offers great opportunities for a nice meeting on holiday, party, trip, event or a successful date!
With Jupiter in Gemini you know how to charm everyone around you. On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo (3rd House of Communication), which stimulates your curiosity and creativity. Choose your words carefully, because what you say and how you say something is essential. Due to Mercury retrograde in Leo from 16 to August 25, 2024 you may have less focus and become distracted more quickly. There may also be delays or a plan needs to be reconsidered. On August 19, 2024 there is a Full Moon in Aquarius in the ninth House of Higher Consciousness, Knowledge, Meaning, Spiritual. Beliefs and Insights, long journeys and philosophy of life. Gemini can be overstimulated by so many impressions and that is why it is good to take some distance to see the big picture.

Family and Home
Virgo represents the House of Family and Home. Mercury retrograde in Virgo from August 5 to 15, 2024 can cause problems with the home, in the family, relatives or with those you consider family. Irritations can arise when you experience a feeling of limitation. Take into account delays with travel, trips, sending of packages, breaking promises or reversing financial commitments.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a favorable period to reconnect with family members, renovate or reorganize your home by rearranging closets.
During this retrograde Mercury in Virgo, take into account minor defects in the home such as broken sockets, blown fuses and leaking pipes.
The second half of August 2024 offers time to look for an apartment or house. The transit of Venus in Virgo from August 6 to 29, 2024 is a nice period to redecorate your home or create a peaceful and stable atmosphere.

Thanks to the collaboration of Jupiter and Mars in Gemini, career progress can be made in August 2024, but you have to take into account problems with communication with business partners and colleagues. With Mercury retrograde this month, try to postpone new projects and expansions of existing projects.
Mars in Gemini brings unexpected professional opportunities in your career, but especially during Mercury retrograde you have to be careful, because an accident is likely.
Pisces represents the House of Career. Due to retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, it can feel as if your career is at a standstill. Some kind of time-out. It’s vacation time, but that doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels. It is advisable to put this time to good use by learning a new skill or foreign language.

August 2024 offers financial prosperity in the first half of the month due to unexpected sources of income. This positive financial shift leaves you wanting more, making Gemini more inclined to take financial risks and seize lucrative opportunities that arise, as well as spend money. So won, so done….
The emphasis will therefore be on managing existing resources and finding long-term financial security.
The topic of saving is becoming increasingly important.
It is of utmost importance to keep track of expenses and income to ensure financial stability.

The transit of Mars through Gemini makes you restless and you take more risks.
Sporting performance or other physical exertion or the urge to win and prove yourself takes a lot of energy and can even lead to physical injury.
Mars in Gemini also gives more energy, better health and more self-confidence.
Mars in Gemini can also make you impatient and can lead to tension and irritation when things in your environment are not moving as quickly as you would like.
To remain calm and calm, the application of essential oils such as mint and lavender is advisable.

The transformative power of retrograde Pluto in Aquarius (the 9th House of Philosophy, Wisdom and Spirituality) smoothes the path to individuality, allowing you to make the right choices and find answers about how and why things have happened in your life.
Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius gives you the primal power to let go of old conditioning and fear, making sure your promises are kept. You say so much, but you have to make it happen!

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