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CAPRICORN ♑️ August 2024
(December 21 – January 18)

August 2024 is all about intense connection and mutual understanding and trust where cosmic energies create a promising atmosphere for love, friendship and interpersonal relationships. Capricorn can look forward to profound changes in love life and professional progress in August 2024.
In August 2024, the focus will be on relationships, finances, work and health.

Love and Relationships
August 2024 generally shows a harmonious month for love and relationships.
This month, single Capricorn is more likely to have an exciting romantic encounter that can develop into a serious relationship. Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024 falls in your 8th House of Shared Finances and Soul Processes. This retrograde Mercury gives you the opportunity to address deep issues about intimacy and trust. This is an auspicious time to bury the hatchet, to make amends with people from the past with whom you have had problems.
The cosmic energies show open, honest communication this month, which will invariably strengthen the connection between you.
August 2024 is a great month to get married. The Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024 gives you wings, Capricorn. You can count on an unexpected meeting and more unforgettable memories.

Family and Home
Due to the influence of the Sun in Leo until August 22, 2024, Capricorn has this need to prove yourself. As a result, conflicts with family members and neighbors may arise.
Pisces represents the 3rd House of Communication. Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces gives you the opportunity to put things right with close family, neighbors, at school or at work. Focus on clear communication to avoid conflict.
Aries represents the 4th House of Family and Home.
The North Node in Aries offers you the opportunity to see all facets in your family with different eyes and to create better mutual understanding with the power of the Wounded healer Chiron in Aries.

Due to the transit of Jupiter in Gemini in the 6th House of Work and Daily Activities, there are inspiring work projects, new colleagues or clients or other working environment or daytime activities, opportunities for work and study. Great for writing projects or publications.
Red Warrior Mars travels through Gemini from September 4, 2024. During this proactive period, Capricorn is more assertive. With this powerful energy you are motivated to find new work. Important steps forward can be made at work and in your daily life. Learning and maintaining skills is essential to be successful.
There may be work pressure and conflicts with colleagues.
Due to the favorable influence of Venus in Virgo from August 6 to August 29, 2024, your determination and enthusiasm will be noticed and rewarded.
Although showing initiative and an assertive attitude can be beneficial to your career, a less forceful attitude can also get you the right results.

Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to 27, 2024 falls in your 8th House of Shared Power and Soul Processes. This retrograde Mercury gives you the opportunity to tackle deep issues about money, intimacy and trust. This is an auspicious time to bury the hatchet or settle an emotional or financial debt.
Aquarius represents the House of Finance.
On August 19, 2024 there will be a Full Moon in Aquarius in the House of Finance.
This Full Moon will bring in more money through a pay increase, another job or more turnover in your company. However, wait until the end of the summer before making new real estate investments and new projects.
The message of this Full Moon is to give new shape to your earning, saving and spending pattern by making an appointment at the bank or financial institution to arrange matters or draw up a budget plan.
Look at your time and money over the past six months. Which activities are more than worth your investment? Stay committed to your future by rewarding yourself for everything you have done so far.

With retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, you are unconsciously releasing emotional baggage to make a clean sweep. A form of therapy or alternative medicine can help you let go of fears and ingrained patterns.
The beneficent transit of Jupiter in Gemini through the 6th House of Health gives Capricorn more energy to exercise or create a lifestyle that suits you better.
Jupiter in Gemini gives you insight into toxic daily situations that undermine your health.
It is advisable to limit strenuous activities this month.
In mid-August 2024, fatigue can play tricks on you.
Mars in Gemini rushes you and may push you to go beyond your limits. It is advisable to channel that Martian force in a creative or sporting direction.

August 2024 is a harmonious mix of love, friendship and professional success.
Capricorn is also in the midst of a period of transformation aimed at nurturing and deepening strong connections in personal and professional life.
To get closer to your goal, a tactful approach is advisable.
The most important relationship you have is with yourself. You are constantly changing and growing. When you fully accept yourself, it also becomes easier to enter into relationships with others.

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