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CANCER ♋️ August 2024
(June 21 – July 21)

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces can be a restless search for the truth, but retrograde Saturn in Pisces shows you the path to take.
The Year of the Dragon really started last month with the New Moon in Cancer, so everything you are starting now or have already started is the blueprint for the new year.
August 2024 is all about self-focus, personal growth, finances, career and abroad.

Love and Relationships
The second Full Moon in Capricorn on July 21, 2024 fell in the 7th House of Relationships. Due to this strong influence, an unclear situation will be clarified in the first half of August 2024. Letting go of what no longer brings you joy, but paying more attention to the person with whom you have a healthy, emotional and solid bond. Good connections can be restored, but irreparable connections are (still) broken. August 2024 invites you to travel with your loved one and experience beautiful moments. However, for the single Cancer, there is no other option than to adopt a wait-and-see attitude in August 2024.

Family and Home
August 2024 will be all about cleaning up. Revamping your wardrobe not only frees up space in your head and in your closet, but can also be financially beneficial. Offering clothes for sale that you no longer wear or looking for second chances is not only fun, but also exciting. Decorative changes and embellishments in the home or workplace are valuable investments. Everything you spend on your home or furnishings in August 2024 is not wasted money. Cancer must take tense family relationships into account in August 2024. Finances can be a source of friction, but your new ambitious attitude or outward appearance can also be confusing for your family and raise eyebrows. With tact you can avoid conflict while still prioritizing your own interests. Finding a balance between personal ambitions and harmony at home can be crucial this month.
August 2024 is the holiday month par excellence, which means you are already on holiday or less committed to your work. The study is also on the back burner or has already been completed.
You may be in the process of completing a project that will show results in two months. Business travel will not deliver the desired results in August 2024.
August 2024 is a month of reflection. If your career is not going as you had hoped, it is good to ask yourself during that quiet period and what you can do to achieve goals, such as taking a business-oriented course or training to refresh your skills or to improve.

Leo represents the House of Finance. There will be a New Moon in Leo on August 4, 2024. This New Moon inspires you to manifest your ultimate financial goals and take risks to improve your financial situation. Cancer receives information necessary to make informed financial decisions. Learning a new skill or a side hustle can help generate new income streams.
From August 14 to 28, 2024, Mercury is retrograde in Leo and this can cause procrastination, delays, confusion or frustration in the financial field, forcing you to revise business plans. Be careful when speculating and when drawing up business agreements or signing contracts.
Take a critical look at your spending habits, budget and financial decisions. Be frugal and ensure good financial management. Follow the advice of experts and consultants to ensure financial returns and stability.

The Great Benefactor Jupiter in Gemini in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Spirituality is an enchanting period to let go of fears and limiting beliefs through the path of meditation, retreat and seclusion and to surrender to loving connection, unity and spirituality.
Mars travels through Gemini until September 4, 2024 and this transit strengthens the power of Jupiter.
August 2024 is a wonderful month to spend energy and time on yourself. The best time for cosmetic surgery, but also to reconcile with the past and let go of emotional baggage.
August 2024 shows good health, but to stay fit it is good to stick to a sensible diet. A healthy diet, regular swimming or going to the spa has a positive influence on the condition of the skin and hair.

Cancer is a period of self-focus and personal growth. Pluto retrograde in Aquarius is a period of renewal, evaluation and regeneration and is the way back to individuality, authenticity and spiritual self. Follow that inner desire to start something new in your career or profession. Retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces in your 9th House of Philosophy, Study and Travel is a spiritual awakening, but also a restless search for the truth. Healthy doubt is good, as long as your optimistic view is focused on the future. Even though you find yourself in unknown territory, life is meant to learn from it.

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