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ARIES ♈️ August 2024
(March 21 – April 20)

As you may have noticed, the year 2024 is an ambitious year and changes in your personal life. August 2024 is all about career, relationships, your social circle and love, but also domestic happiness, family ties and strengthening of relationships.
Jupiter in Gemini is a wonderful positive energy for Aries, both for your career and for love.

Love and Relationships
On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo (House of Love) with a strong impulse of love and romance. For the single Aries, this is the time to fall in love or get attention. In your relationship, this dynamic can reignite the fire of love.
Due to the influence of Pluto retrograde in your House of Friendships and Group Processes, existing friendships can be broken, creating space for new influential friends.
Due to Mercury retrograde in Leo, an ex-lover may return to your path in the second half of August 2024. It is up to you to consider whether that relationship still matches your current desires and personal growth. The Full Moon of August 19, 2024 can be the deciding factor in this.
At the end of August 2024, a special encounter with Venus in Libra (from August 30, 2024) can unleash profound emotions in you. This meeting could bring future music!

Family and Home
Due to the influence of Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces, August 2024 is a crucial month for solving household problems, whether they relate to everyday situations such as repairs, the replacement of household appliances, other furniture, renovation or the purchase or sale of a house.
It is important to involve all family members in making decisions to avoid disputes and misunderstandings in the future. Make sure that everyone feels heard and valued in crucial decisions.
In summary, August 2024 is a favorable month for solving problems and improving your home and living environment.

The collaboration of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini is also a powerful cosmic stimulus for your career growth in August 2024. Aries can count on support from colleagues and management in achieving goals.
Asteroid Ceres (nourishment, support and resources) is retrograde in Capricorn (the House of Career) is the reason that everything is not going as quickly as you would like at work and with studies.
Business trips do not immediately yield the desired results.
To prevent conflicts in the workplace, it is advisable to adopt a neutral attitude.
Mercury in Virgo is retrograde (House of Work) from August 5 to 15, 2024, making things even slower. However, this is a good period to make adjustments, pick up an old project or return to a former employer.

The influence of Mars and Jupiter in Gemini is financially favorable for the development of innovative projects connected to foreign countries, education, spirituality, start-ups, services or platforms.
Financial results become visible. Collaborative activities could be lucrative from August 2024. Money can also come in from investments, insurance or an inheritance, but money mainly comes in through your efforts and capabilities.
Start looking for investors for your company. Before starting a new project, all options should be carefully considered.
Money will be spent in August 2024 on household appliances, holidays, moving or renovation.

Venus in Virgo from August 6 to August 29, 2024 (6th House of Health) is a great time to get started with your health, such as sporting activities and a new diet. Don’t hide on Social Media for too long. Go outside, walk, swim, whatever you want to do. This is where you build inner strength.
Retrograde Saturn period in the 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go is a great karmic cleansing of the mind and soul. This energetic cleaning takes a lot of energy, so it is good to regularly take time for yourself. Retrograde Neptune in your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Psyche also requires spiritual self-reflection. Just in your own bubble, time for rest, reflection and introspection. The spiritual path to resignation brings healing and peace in your heart.

Stay aware that everything that happens now paves the way for the transit of Saturn in Aries from February 2026. Things happen as they are meant to. Have faith.
On September 2, 2024 there is a New Moon in Virgo (House of Work), giving you the opportunity to start a new project. From this New Moon there will be no more delays.

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