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AQUARIUS ♒️ August 2024
(January 19 – February 17)

There will be a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19, 2024, which will give your personality a great boost and show the results of how far you have come.
This Full Moon is especially significant for Aquarius born from February 14 onwards.
There is a clear planetary shift towards the top of the Aquarius chart.
On to a new cycle in which the outside world and career become important again.
The dynamic August 2024 will be a transformative and enriching month for Aquarius.
The focus is on study, research, travel, home, relationships and personal growth.

Love and Relationships
On August 4, 2024 there is a New Moon in Leo (House of Relationships) and this is the perfect time to take a new step in your relationship or start a new relationship.
The dynamic transit of red Warrior Mars in Gemini until September 4, 2024 is a great time for dating and to align with your heart.
Mercury retrograde in Virgo from August 5 to 15, 2024 gives you the opportunity to address deep-seated issues about intimacy and trust and bring passion back into your relationship. During this Mercury retrograde you may reconnect with someone from the past.
Mercury retrograde in Leo from August 16 to August 27, 2024 can be the cause of relationship problems, but this is a favorable period for relationship therapy, counseling or seeking advice from someone who can mediate to take your relationship to a higher level.

Family and Home
Taurus represents the House of Family, Home and Private Life, parents and (family) karma.
Due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus, you must always be prepared and flexible to deal with all changes at home and your residential area. August 2024 shows a mostly harmonious month for spending time at home, family and relatives.
This month is all about parties and holidays, but also family chores and household and housing problems. In addition to recreation, it is therefore important to also tackle these problems.
Paying attention to your family gives them a warm feeling of safety and security.

The transit of Mars in Gemini until September 4, 2024 is favorable for studies and for business-oriented training, an internship abroad, a business trip or networking. Unexpected and fruitful encounters are valuable for the near future.
Through the Sun in Leo until August 22, 2024, you will show more initiative, which will have a favorable influence on your career. With the support of Jupiter in Gemini, this is a great period for training or further education, an educational journey, doing an internship, learning a skill, doing research through observation and experimentation. This hunger for knowledge and broadening your horizons will contribute to your personal and spiritual growth.

Venus in Virgo from August 6, 2024 ensures that the financial situation remains stable. No major financial setbacks are expected. Venus in Virgo makes you thrifty and attentive to the little ones.
It is wise to invest in education, because sooner or later the expenditure will pay off.
Jupiter square retrograde Saturn in Pisces concerns finances and the material world.
The excitement aspect forces you to reassess how and what you spend money on and what you value most. Retrograde Saturn and Neptune in Pisces is a period of financial stability that balances material and intangible needs. So pay attention to your spending pattern and at the same time the way you value yourself. You may have invested time and energy in financial strategies that do not align with your value pattern. Money is and remains one of the greatest illusions and this is what retrograde Neptune in Pisces shows us.

Capricorn represents your 12th House of Cosmic Consciousness and Letting Go.
Due to the influence of retrograde asteroid Ceres in Capricorn, you are processing unconscious problems from the past 10 years.
This month you should pay extra attention to your health. You should not downplay complaints.
A cold can develop into bronchitis or pneumonia.
Ensure a healthy and varied diet and sufficient exercise.
Persistent stress can lead to psychosomatic diseases. This is the body’s natural response to stress. Get enough relaxation and rest.

Happiness is elusive and happens to you. Determination and fixed values ​​are good, but as the energy of the world evolves, you must find the flexibility to adapt.
Stop investing in something or someone you no longer believe in.
Be honest with yourself and others.
A housing problem needs to be addressed, such as a renovation or move.
It is important to act decisively to enter the coming autumn season with peace of mind.

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